Dead space is very good video game god damn

Dead space is very good video game god damn

yes it is

I agree

but will it be EA's shining survival horror?

its too spooky

it will be their shining opus

their anus opus, if you will

I really enjoyed 1 but the second one really disappointed me in that Isaac kept talking and the horror elements seemed to be hamfisted.

I hated how there were no good bossfights

Dead Space 1 genuinely surprised me with how good it was.

I remember an article in Game Informer where the interviewee mentioned they bought every sci-fi and horror movie they could think of and marathoned that shit to get in the correct mindset when designing the game.

This, it was my first horror game and my friend said to "make sure to play it at like 2 am in the dark with nobody around".

Nope, could not do it, never did finish it.