Dead Space

Did you guys realize hammond shits himself while he's being murdered by the super brute?

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not seeing it, zoom and enhance

Not in the picture, you tube his death scene and watch his ass

I ain't seeing anything man.

Why didn't you post the youtube link?

Op here, sorry about that, watch hammonds as the 3rd pound as he lifts up his corpse

..How the fuck did I not see that on my third playthrough?

Op here, also on my third, just finished on hard, I have a 4k tv now, playing on my 360 sitting 4 feet away. I wanted to stand and clap. Been a while since I replayed a game I love and found something new

I hate how that guy got such a painful, slow death while that evil cunt was killed fast and painlessly by the final boss.


Man why does a man shitting himself disturb me more than his leg getting ripped off?

Is there any game that would be worse with Smell-O-Vision?

Booger man

All of them. Imagine smelling the burned flesh of all the people and monsters you've killed. It would be a fucking nightmare.


Slapped her into a paste but couldn't fuck wit me niga

Its actually heroic how long he took to shit himself, I would have released everything long before.

What a bad way to go.

To be fair he's likely not even "shitting himself" but rather his insides are getting pounded out of him causing some seepage.

You'd probably smell lots of gunpowder

I don't see it. the model doesn't change or anything

Its not exactly easy to show females dying in brutal ways without getting people buttblasted.

I remember kratos killing that female fury on ascension, and there a lot of people saying how "wrong" it was for him to kill someone who tortured him for years in such a brutal way.

Until dawn got some people bitching about female deaths.

I am actually surprised that Alien isolation got away with so much death alien rape and almost no bitching came of it.

Isolation got away with it because you don't actually see what's happening to the lady you control. I'm surprised the Tomb Raider remakes didn't get a shitstorm with their brutal deaths.

>I am actually surprised that Alien isolation got away with so much death alien rape and almost no bitching came of it.

It's because nobody played it

I would do it without showing it.
>The monster catches the evil bitch
>Something blocks your vision
>Even when you can't see it you hear the screams, the bones breaking and the tearing
>limbs and torsos fall near you.

Or when his brain gets detached his muscles all relax leading to instant bowel voiding. This will happen to you when you die and there is nothing you can do to stop it. All of us will shit ourselves after death.

At least one of the death scenes has Ripley looking down at the Xeno tail piercing straight through her torso before her face gets gored (and the screen blacks out) by the Xeno's claws.
Of course, you wouldn't see every gory detail because it's a first person game.

better vid

Now you can see the liquid shooting out but it is also shooting out the top of his head. I feel like it's supposed to be puke and shit? I don't know

It's blood. 100% sure it's blood, and it splashes out from his torso.

Or its a graphical glitch but thanks for the 10th grade biology lesson

That is pretty normal when you die.

Not if you shit before you die.
Can't empty your bowels after death if they are already empty.

There is a brown and yellow spray coming from between his buttcheaks

There definitely isn't, and it wouldn't pierce through his suit anyway given the fact that those suits are meant to be worn in zero-G as well as atmosphere.

Brutes third pound, you're not watching

nigger its obviously a visual glitch or blood flying out from his leg getting ripped off, he can't shit like that in his suit. Not to mention how fucking fast it goes flying.

I can practically count the logs

I see the blood. Yes there is plenty of blood too, but there is also a shit spray as he's being lifted up to go through the window

It's blood you idiots, jesus christ you guys are fucking spergs sometimes.

its just blood and guts spray you fucking autist.
enjoy my (You)

literally how is he shitting at 10mph out of a sealed suit.

I have IBS and drink enough caffeine to kill a lesser man, I know my projectile shits dude.

If its discoloured, game probably just got the 'pure blood' sprite confused with the 'foul necromorph fluid' sprite

Don't you think getting your leg ripped off by a 1 ton space monster would make a slight rip in your "sealed" suit?

Flys out the complete opposite direction of where the rip is.

Hammond gets a free pass to shit himself while he's being ripped apart and crushed by an alien monster, I don't think any less of him for that. In fact, if the brute crushes his chest or stomach at any point, that might be his intestines being squeezed out of his asshole, still filled with shit.

>about to face leviathan
>this thread shows up

I honestly think OP has a bit of a fetish and WANTS him to shit himself.

The yellow-ish liquid start coming out the moment he got pierce in the stomach.

OP please give it a rest

I'm saying it's not shit though.

It shit

It's bile and intestinal fluid.

Nope. But keep ignoring everyone telling you you're wrong op.

You mean the giant spray of drool that came out of the Brute's mouth when it was screaming as it was beating him into a pulp?

user, did you skip biology again?

Clearly came out from his body.

>canned necromorph mouth spray effect you see 5,000 times, coming from the Brute clips through Hammmond's model

This discussion has been going on for three fucking hours.

but either way thats really nice attention to detail

The origin of the spray is locked into hammonds model, you can see when he's picked up

Why didn't Isaac ever tell him to stop using his rifle? That is tantamount to letting him die

one might say the shitting makes it more visceral