Yfw TotalAsscancer gets killed by Trump

>yfw TotalAsscancer gets killed by Trump

Okay. Just like I have every right to call you a brainwashed assfaggot who's literally about to die from massive butthurt.

Day 1 and Trump's already making a difference for the better

How exactly does Trump being president directly pose a threat to his life?
Is he fucking retarded?

i love how he called out his wife for not voting despite the fact that she was with his cancerous ass (both literally and figuratively) through thick and thin.

TB just lost a subscriber >:(

Something about cancer threatments

He's not even in the office he's cleansing america from day -1

An intelligent person would never fall into the MSM's trap of -ist rhetoric so easily. Just proves how stupid TotalBreadcrumbs is

Stop posting e-celeb threads. Playing vidya doesn't make you vidya.