There are people who STILL don't think this has the most masterful, timeless story in the medium

>There are people who STILL don't think this has the most masterful, timeless story in the medium

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Silly Kojima shit


Revengeance had a better story.

This thread isn't about MGS1, 3, 4, PW, or V. This thread is about 2.

>there are people who genuinely believe there is a singl video game with a good story

its all walking dead tier derivitive genre shit at absolute best. also,

>giving a fuck about story

They all have a really fucking stupid story



They're probably busy thinking about things that matter

Of course it is. Best Metal Gear released, it's hard to believe it was written in the year 2000, released in 2001 and it's still visionary about the future of Internet and such.

Also, victory of Trump just make me think The Patriots are really needed in this world.

And then we have MGSV that is shit.

fucking kino, too bad about the forced bomb freezing mini game that eats up like 30% of the game