All white characters are crazy caricatures

>all white characters are crazy caricatures
>the only reasonable and likeable character is black

lamar is the definition of caricature


He literally has no personality and only exists as a player surrogate/plot device. It takes some Cirque du Soliel-tier mental gymnastics to turn that into MUH PROGRESSIVE AGENDA.

Or you could phrase it this way
>interesting flawed characters are white
>boring character is black

I haven't actually played this game


nigga was boring as fuck

Even though I don't agree with you, I like playing as Franklin the most since he makes the driving bearable

This, I love the GTA games but I can't drive IRL so I am terrible at driving.

I also love slo-mo driving because I love being able to identify and kill people on the passenger seat.

>he doesn't like how jaded and tired Michael is of absolutely everything

what? this game has the best driving controls i've ever used. how bad can you be?

Michael was the most three dimensional character in the game and the only one who had an actual, well written arc to him.

Franklins story arc ended midway through when he moved out of the ghetto into a Vinewood mansion. From that point onward the game only kept him around because it needed him again for the the ending.

Trevor only really matters in relation to Michael. Michael is the single driving force that persuades him to leave his little town in the middle of nowhere.

I liked both Trevor and Michael way more by the simple fact that they are funnier

Nothing wrong with that, GTA was never supposed to be a "realistic" game to begin with , it always had a clear cartoony vibe

>Trevor isn't likeable
>Franklin, the Cunt, leaving his Homeboys alone, dissing them all the time, crying over a girl
Good one, OP

>the three characters were the id, ego, and superego that made up "the player"

>three boring characters trudge through a boring story together
>nothing fun
>nothing memorable
>you can play Mario golf though I guess
I can't understand anyone who likes Rockstar games

>calling a character 3d
absolutely haram

And he can easily kill a humanoid man being.

>using the absolutely haram meme without providing the relevant pic

Michael > Franklin >>>>>>>>>>>shit >>>>>>> Trevor
Prove me wrong, you literally can't.

It's cause jews control the media

heres your proof


expect he wasn't that likable because he was boring and literal nigger stealing cars

How the fuck is Franklin likeable, he's a boring whiny faggot. I'd rather play Lamar.

>fun to explore the environment and do wacky shit
>rockstar writing always good for a few laughs
>character powers added some nice spice to the usual gameplay

Had a good time with it, just wish the city felt more alive. The real estate options could have been way more fleshed out, and they should have throttled the players progress exploring the map. I felt like the game opened up way faster than it should have. Pretty much every other console GTA did this well, and you felt rewarded for doing the missions. In 5... not so much.

Just like irl then

Fuck Trump and fuck white ""people""

I found driving perfectly without the crutch of Franklin's power was more satisfying. It's definitely fun to use, but when cool shit happened you knew it was because you were able to fine-tune everything with the slow-mo and godlike steering.


Trevor >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a rock >>>>>>> mcdonalds>>>>>>>>>>>>> boring normies

>token black once again
typical from Zogstar

niggers should be hanged high

Franklin is sort of the "self insert". He's new to the world of heists, and he's between Michael and Trevor and their grudge and he's also in the center in most posters. He's also the one who gets the choice at the end and who lives no matter what.
That's why he's the most bland/normal, but other black characters are crazy caricatures like his relatives and his friends

are you fucking kidding? franklin was the most bland written character in any rockstar game

Rockstar took critism to heart (thank youcasuals and bandwagon faggots) iv and felt like theyhad to dumb down GTA V

They even dumbed 100% completion

just like the election

>Trevor and Michael have all their stats max out
>Franklin has only driving at 75% B/C i don't like to play as him
It's same for all my friend,no one likes Franklin desu

I liked Franklin

Except Franklin was the only reasonable character. All the other blacks in the game were as caricatured as the whites.

This. Franklin is there just to point out the flaws in logic in the game which is supposed to make it funny but in tue end he just ends up coming off as a whiny little bitch.