Import berserk musou

>import berserk musou
>see Slan during the Eclipse
>get to her boss fight later

What race is she supposed to be, white, asian, or a light skinned black girl? Her eyes and face shape look asian, but her skin color and nose looks white and her lips look black.

Troll intestine.

Her race is semen demon.

That isn't a race.

She's a fictional character in a fantasy setting, does it matter?

It does if you're trying to bait a race war thread

Fictional characters in fantasy still have racial features. Look at LOTR, the elves and dwarves look like white people.

So I ask again. What. Race. Is. Slan?

You're the same faggot who made the thread about elves in TeS games aren't you.
Once again, kill yourself.

She's the miscigenated outcome of ten generations of casual babymaking sex between international frat buddies.

So she's mixed?

Didn't you make this thread earlier? Why the fuck is it so important to you?

He also made a thread about demons and people still fall for the weak bait.

she has dreadlocks, and big lips
that means she's black

She's anime.

Fuck off.
You spam the same shitty thread every day.
It's not even vidya, you just want to force your "Slan is black" bullshit.
Kill yourself you inbred faggot.

those are troll intestines, at that point in the manga she uses a pile of organs and flesh to create a body

I need to know what race a character is before I find them attractive. It's my right to ask.

I voted Trump btw


But during the Eclipse she has dreads too, and isn't using organs and flesh to form herself.

Why would it bother you so much if Slan were Black? Don't you think Black women are pretty?

Well thanks for letting me know you're shitposting at least, I can now safely report and hide

Ancient Midlandian

Were they white or black?

They look more like tentacles than dreads desu.

No fuck that what race is this green hair witch that's going to hell?

Predators have tentacles too, but people call them dreads. Predators are pretty close to Black people as a race.

Even if what you say is true, what about her lips? They look full, like a black girl.

>nose looks white and her lips look black.

You are fucking stupid.

She looks like a 7 year old white girl with green hair.

Her nose is narrow like a white girl and she has big full lips, which is a black feature. Quit playing dumb.

She has a human skintone in the eclispe scene from the movie she's white. It's alright I'm a negro and I'm saying she's white

But she has dark skin in the manga, and a curvy body, which is a black girl thing

I'm a nigger and I'm saying she's white. Also it doesn't matter anyway if you're trying to dick one of this disgust monsters in the god hand I hope you lose your life. I bet she sleeps with fucking Conrad that man has a mouth that looks like a pussy and he's basically retarded, at least Ubik can talk

Pretty much as white as you can get, her hair even barely looks like dreadlocks.

>only black girls can be curvy or have big lips

This thread is fucking stupid, a shit attempt for (you)s and barely fucking vidya.

she's pale white, tentacles for hair and white women can have natraly big lips.

Im annoyed at myself for even bothering to post

oh baby am i looking forward to playing this on pc

are the characters who aren't guts fun to play as? i'm most looking forward to playing as wyald and the other apostle whos name escapes me

No she doesn't post one image from the manga where she has dark skin my man I'll wait. Also she's not curvy because Miura can't draw a curvy body she's very European

Slan only has 2 skintone variants which are ash pale and white and two hair color variants which are aqua blue and blonde. Also you made this thread here because you were terrified of Sup Forums

Everyone is pretty fun to play as save for Schierke because she has a weird playstyle

>predators are now attractive

do you have to stand still for long to cast or something that would be cool like DD mages

>It's alright I'm a negro

>I'm a nigger

Who says this unironically?

Yeah she's still for very long during cast times. She does have some mobility in one of her combo though where she cast a tornado and rides around in it.
It's just words who cares

You're a kike

she dyed her hair green with magic

She was born green

>white women can have natraly big lips.

Bullshit, white women have thin lips

And her hair isnt tentacles it's dreads, tentacles have suckers on them and her hair doesn't, also tentacles are slimy and her hair isn't dripping slime.

dude please stop, I've already had a crappy day and you're just making me sad

>Look at LOTR, the elves and dwarves look like white people.

no they look like dwarves and elves numpnuts

>announcing reports

If reporting did anything this off-topic thread you made would be dead long ago. Fuck you.

Semen Demon

She's a pile of guts.

But does she look white, black, or asian? She speaks japanese, but has a white nose, asian eyes, and black lips and hair and body.

Her race is Semen Demon, a fictional race.

>a fictional race.

>Predators are pretty close to Black people as a race.

what the fuck am i reading

where did this new epic meme come from

darker skinned
proud warrior race with tribal roots

Fuck this shit is Yoruichi black or not?


From the makers of is this JoJo reference

i got to ask. dose this game got free mode? like, can i fight zood as kid guts or caska? or fight phantom as berserk armor guts?

she's a fucking demon

Then why does she have asian eyes, a white nose, and black everything else?


she decided she wanted to look that way during whatever eclipse she became a demon in

What race is she then?


Demons have to have features from one of the human races, so which is it?

She's a beautiful, strong, fem-demon who has the ability to make her own mind about her race and ethnicity. You wish you were so lucky, white boi

so she's black?

>Demons have to have features from one of the human races
Says who?

Says every fantasy artist and setting ever? If it has a humanoidish face, it's gonna have human racial features.

the bait is getting weaker buddy

Asians like to pretend they don't look like black people and give their chars white people noses, color same thing goes, the lips are not black those look asian enough hair looks like dreadlocks maybe thats what's throwing you off.

Nah bro. It just looks demonic.

Within the Demon species of the Berserk universe, she is a God Hand - One of the Five strongest and most unique races within said species. Question answered.

oh come on that's a copout you can't tell wtf ethnicity they are, one of them is a skeleton dude with a giant brain for god sakes

Speaking of Very Angry Man manga, I have a very simple and easy question for you guys.


>you can't tell wtf ethnicity they are
>one of them is a skeleton dude with a giant brain
You just did, Question answered.

Guts and Griffith is all you need
Void is a chink, look at his eyes

>Guts and Griffith is all you need




So this is berserks threads on Sup Forums. WEW LADS

>dwarves look like white people

>it's another anime characters are yuorpoeans thread
Makes more sense here since Berserk is based on a western fantasy. Still a retarded topic though.

As a black person I say you white people can claim Slan in the racial draft. Let's just move on

Fuck you Sup Forums this one is the worst one to date.

No don't let white people take Slan

they can have void and rape horse

Just like Dark Souls and Dragons Dogma, right?

There are elves that look like black people, too. The Uruk-hai

What? Yes those two are based on western fantasies. Miyazaki even talked in great detail about it.

Everyone is Berserk is Japanese now, even Casca.

Casca is fucking BLACK or INDIAN in the TV series, but ever since the new movies she's whitewashed into a light-skinned asian woman.

Expect the Uruk-hai was a crossbred between men and orcs or goblins and half-orcs. That's why they are never simply described as orcs in the books. Orcs themselves on the other hand, they were once elves deformed through corruption and torture.


If we can get Casca I'll let thrm tske anything