Is this game worth getting into?
I've been looking for something to sink hundreds of hours in on my toaster.
Dwarf Fortress
nah, rimworld is better
I would class it essential video game kino core.
Many epic for the win adventures to be had like the bodacious and epicly lolsome "boatmurdered" series, pray good sir, have some enrapturing ventures 'pon the forts of the bearded ones!
Yes, there's a reason it's as big as it is.
Is it really a toaster game?
Though I suppose you don't have to go full embark location with hundreds of dorfs.
Rimworld has a nicer interface and very similar gameplay, but is not free and is ultimately much simpler.
DF has more options and detail, but worse graphics and a greater tendancy to bug out.
Pick your poison.
It's not going to run very well if you have a toaster. Dorf Fort is actually extremely CPU intensive once you stop dying immediately and are able to get a colony going.
Does anyone else on Sup Forums follow "The Littlest Cheesemaker" series on the DF forums?
I thought rimworld had aliens, robots, guns and shit. Also thought that you could add graphics to DF.
True, and true. That said... comparing the variety of aliens and robots to the encyclopedic fauna of DF is laughable. There are two types of robots, and maybe three types of aliens (seven or so, I suppose, if you want to include genetically-enhanced space animals with base-Earth DNA traits.) Rimworld has its own modest bestiary and weapon arsenals, but they ultimately don't hold a candle to DF's variety.
And you *can* mod DF to give your set a tileset of your choosing, I just never bothered because I can't imagine anyone ever completed modified tiles for every possible tile in DF, and getting several graphics mods to cover all your bases seems like a fast way to crash your game from an unresolved overlap.
If you're running on a toaster, make sure to select a small world and short history at the embark screen, and also expect high frame rates once your fortress is properly populated.
The game sucks up a lot of processing power to generate all the stuff that makes it so awesome - hundreds of years of history, thousands of individuals, persistent injuries to body parts, all constantly updating as the game goes on.
I run it on a toaster myself, and I actually went into the settings and adjusted the population caps so that I didn't get such a brutal frame drop in the late game.
Get the Lazy Newb Pack, and unless you're attached to ASCII for some reason, use a graphical tileset.
Rimworld is not on the same level - I love both games, but DF is beyond compare in terms of depth and emergent lulz.
I'd recommend DasTactic's Youtube tutorials if you want to get a hang of the game before you play it.
>also expect high frame rates once your fortress is properly populated
Meant low frame rates here
I tried it but I couldn't figure out how to get my dorfs to do anything. Might start it up again and do adventure mode.
There was some autolabor tool from something which dramatically cuts back on the autism required to micro your dwarfs at the cost of everyone doing mostly everything so you don't get masters as easily.
Yeah, I always use Dwarf Therapist to enable all labors (except mining, hunting, and fishing) on all dwarves, and then manually set one or two dedicated miners.
>tfw Dwarf Therapist still hasn't been updated for the new multi-threaded version
does history and world size really affect fps?
>I can't imagine anyone ever completed modified tiles for every possible tile in DF
Prepare to be surprised.
It's not gonna run on a toaster.
That said, yes: If you manage to get to the point where you can build a self-sustaining fort without having to look anything up, it's gonna start being fun. Anything further than that you can just look up as you play or experiment.
Look up the Lazy Newb pack. It has the game, a selection of graphic mods (which you can change with the tool that comes bundled with it), as well as some other tools to make playing the game a bit easier, and a pre-bundled "embark" loadout which has everything you generally need to get started with your fortress.
There's a huge difference yes.
Small world that exist for 5 years usually run smooth due to the few events happening at the same time as your game.
Huge world that exist for 1050 years runs really slowly as the large amount of population (including animals and others, so it's heavy even if every humanoid race is extinct) and due to the fact that certain events have to check previous events.
It's an amazing game that has spawned a great deal of knock-off clones of dubious quality.
Some people can't get into how complex the mechanics are and how it only has ASCII graphics though.
I really want to get into but i'm honestly too lazy/autistic to even try. I did enjoy watch joel vids of it tho.
For the love of god yes.
If you have time to spare and don't mind an astronomical learning curve then for the good of yourself please play the game.
It's an incredible gem.
I have over 2k hours in this fucking game and I still can't figure out how royals work.
>I still can't figure out how royals work.
What do you mean? How a king is chosen?
>2k hours
>can't figure out how to get royalty
ye fookin wot m8
It's not even hard or anything
l-leave me alone
I just want to play adventure mode..
how do i get into adventure mode?
i've put tonnes into fortress so i know the basics
It gets old after a while. You'll see lots of posts of the detailed combat and descriptions of monsters and such. But the wackiness loses its luster. You don't actually read the detailed combat, you just skip through it. You don't read the descriptions of every single dwarf and tile.
theres a tileset that gives dwarves different sprites based on their job
Adventure mode is a whole different animal.
For one thing, you need to be really invested, and I mean really.
Fortress mode is simple. Your objective is just to survive and once you're in a state where that's easy to make some giant project that's either apocalyptic or gaudy or both.
In Adventure mode, in order to get anything done, you need to ask people what to do, ask them where to find things, find these things (which can sometimes be days of travel away), come back, then brag about shit until everybody hears of it.
Adventure Mode is the most fun for fighting, though. Dwarf Fortress's in depth combat system really shines when you're in a life or death fight against an equally skilled opponent, where you have to plan each move carefully because a single wound can slow your speed, knock you out, or knock you over. Fights are often decided between equals by a single blow causing enough pain to be able to do a follow up hit.
It's also very tense when you're fighting shit that doesn't feel pain like Night Creatures and Zombies.
Also unarmed combat is very satisfying.
-Get dfhack
-Bind a key for advfort
-Get a pick/axe and get mining
Advfort is the best thing
can I make a female elf that goes around castrating males?
I was able to run DF on pic related. Running it well is another matter, would you want to wait ~5 seconds to make a step in a relatively un-populated area in Adventure mode?
You can
Gelding blows are a bit weird though, you have to hit the lower body just right without just cutting their guts out.
Although that's fun too. There's nothing quite like spilling some shithead's guts, cutting off their guts, then beating them with their entrails until they die of exsanguination,
How have the faggots that keep making clones of DF not figured out that the fun in DF isn't in its barebones and easy to exploit town managing mechanics, but the interaction with the really detailed world simulation and generating stories by doing so
I see people recommend Gnomoria or Rimworld or whatever as an alternative to playing DF when in reality the actual experience is nothing alike. The clones really are town management games, while DF only uses those mechanics as an interface (one of two possible interfaces, in fact) to the actual game.
DF is a toy
Rimworld is a game
If you want to play a video game that challenges you and has a goal, play Rimworld
If you want to mess around with a simulated world play Dwarf Fortress
Best part of dwarf fortress is the story telling and using your imagination to understand what is going on
i get bored as soon as the fortress is self sufficient. adhd is fucking shit.
It's a tool, motherfucker.
I'd take DF other Rimworld anyday, anytime. The Rimworld dev is also always bitching about everything on Sup Forums. Can't stand him.
a tool is something you work with
a toy is something you play with
>having fun playing video games
Fucking casual, no wonder you like rimworld.
I don't