Who is the best Belmont, and why is it Richter?
Who is the best Belmont, and why is it Richter?
You mean Julius.
Anyway Trevor is my personal favorite.
>cucked by Alucard as he ran off with Maria
Maria isn't Richter's girlfriend, that would be her sister, Annette.
Shanoa beats any Belmont
But best is trevor
You aren't allowed to make sense on this board.
Annette and Maria are not sisters canonically, the Dracula X version of Rondo of Blood just made that the case.
Power level wise it's Julius because pretty much every later one seems to be better than the last one
But Trevor is the best overall by far
Reon Berumondo is the best CastleManiac
Simon is the best Belmont, he slaughters multiple fortresses full of draculas minions and then sticks stake up dracula's ass. pussy Richter got mind controlled by some sideshow, how does that make him best at anything?
Both Soma and Dio share the same VA, both are Vampires and both get time stop abilities
Simon fucked up and got himself cursed though.
Cursed to run through one of the worst games in the series.
How does that make him best?
not belmont
Whoops, forgot this was a Belmont thread
>Simon's Quest
your opinion is invalid
That still makes the usage of cuckold incorrect.
Why did they choose a whip of all things to be their weapon?
indiana jones is cool
>not thinking Simon's Quest is the worst
Humor me, then. Which one's the worst?
Can't afford to be bitten by a vampire so you're going to have to use a ranged weapon to fight
Is this a JoJo reference?
because knives are fucking garbage
It's Julius.
Probably because whips hurt like hell and Rinaldo wanted the most painful revenge possible. And they're cool.
Best Belmont will never get a game.
Symbol of punishment. Necessary for the banishment of evil
Who wouldn't want to whip dem succubus bitches and fuck dem from behind? I would give a soul or two anytime.