>Sup Forums suddenly hates pc
What the literal fuck?
Sup Forums suddenly hates pc
>Sup Forums is one person
And honestly, people who "hate PC" either hate it ironically, are being a retard for replies (which are stupid reasons,) or hate the "PCMR" cancer. (which is a reasonable thing, cause those fags who only care about graphics and frame rate without caring about the games at all are pure fucking garbage that need to either die or get a life)
That said, it's mostly the first 2.
And zero fucks were given.
Our platform is superior in nearly all ways.
Haters gonna hate.
>PCfags are like "You won't miss that"
Reminder that Windows Store apps are not actually "video games".
some of them actually are
PCfags took the ironic "master race" thing seriously and it went the way of Jojo.
Don't care about PC that much but it's fanbase is annoying.
Consolefags are old enough to post these days
while 2/3 of Sup Forumss posts consists of 3 consoles fanboys shitting on each other (waah waah nintendrone, sonygger and whatever xbone users are called)