There is no satisfactory explanation of CHIM
There is no satisfactory explanation of CHIM
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What do you mean? Are you slow?
You realize the world is a dream but you exist in the dream therefore the dream is a reality but due to the nature of dreams it can be manipulated.
I respect your opinion, but I disagree.
There's no satisfactory explanation of magic in Tolkien books or Force in original Star Wars. That's what makes them good.
CHIM is having the console/creation kit open.
CHIM is Vivecs lore armor.
Nothing more nothing less.
>or Force in original Star Wars.
>original Star Wars
Go away George.
Fuck you that's what he planned all along. I always had midi-chlorians in mind ever since the script was called Luke Starkiller
So where does the line get drawn?
How do people come to realise the world is a "dream"? Who's dream is it?
How come they can manipulate shit once they realise it? Is it just due to the fact they realise it and believe it's possible? Couldn't they theoretically just convince a bunch of others?
He also planned for Han to be a noseless alien, and? There's a good reason none of that shit is in original movies, people who oversaw the project didn't greenlight any of it. What if is not what was, midi-chlorians aren't a part of original trilogy.
so far i have morrowind code patch, morrowind comes alive, and morrowind rebirth installed
any other worthwhile mods?
It's basically the matrix but with magic and if you didn't study Descartes then you zero-sum and erase yourself from existence.
dude c0da lmao
fuck you kirkbride
fuck you faggot the original creator knows better than all. If he said that midi-chlorians were always real, than they were always real. Deal with it faggot
>CHIM is cheat codes xD
at least read vivec's sermons you faggots
>original creator knows better than all
Lets do this shit.
>reading the maddened scrawls of a time manipulating cheating meme god
Ask Vivec for proof he is a god.
Hands me a book he wrote about how he is a god.
Is there anything in game that supports Vs divinity that he didn't write?
he is pretty powerful if you try to fight him
I fought him when I was level 20 or so.
It wasn't a difficult fight just long.
you did the right thing by killing that pos
What about this?
He is godlike (ie incredibly powerful) and a few hundered years old.
Daily reminder than false Tribunal are traitors and Ashlanders were right all along.
Imagine that you dreamed of an entire world with hundreds of thousands of people in it. Now, imagine if one of those people in your dream suddenly realized that the existence he lives in is your dream. Rather than disappearing on the spot due to realizing he is not real, his willpower allows him to exert control of the dream instead. He has become a "co-dreamer" with you, so to say.
That's CHIM.
I almost forgot chim threads were a thing
Few thousand*
Almalexia and Sotha Sil?
cant remember much lore shit but i remember those 2 being pretty important alongside vivec
Could individuals who have achieved CHIM keep the dream going if the original dreamer woke up?
I know all three tapped the power of Lorkhans heart to augment their power.
I have just seen nothing to corroborate the claim of divinity.
>implying dexter jettster the 1950s space diner owner isn't the HOTTEST SHIT
>implying he died
He's just sleeping, b-baka!!
go to bed michael
I would assume not. Although that would make for an interesting quest line. The world is ending because the godhead is waking up, so you have to try and keep it asleep.
Isn't that the concept of the Amaranth?
cringe fanfiction
>red mountain erupts and morrowind gets fucked because of their shitty religion
>dunmers travel all the way to a country ruled by white men and settles in
>white men accepts them and even gives them land
>dunmers turn out to be completely useless
What can you expect from a people who have no concept of manual labor, having delegated that to slaves for generations?
I would have been happier with this if he was just an incompetent asshole instead of a sith.
or if he was an actually competent asshole but with different but effective methods
and that the friendly fire scene was due to some fucked intel
he wasn't a sith
he went nuts and maybe dark jedi when he saw the future and found out the jedi get 66'd
So it works a lot like Buddhist shit.
You accept you're part of the dream and one of two things happens you either A) just pop out of existence or B) get CHIM. But it's not like just being told you're in the dream will make you pop out of reality. You have to believe with every fiber of your being and soul or whatever that you are just part of the dream.
If you can manage that and have a super huge ego you can then go "I may be part of a dream but I'm also me fuck you universe" and you get CHIM. By understanding everything in reality is both fake and real they can, within some limits, shape it how they please.
The ultimate step is to then dream your own dream and become your own dreamverse.
It works a lot like lucid dreaming
If you realize it's a dream, you can act freely and control it, to an extent
>The guy who charges at him with his gun
There is no satisfactory explanation for this trainwreck of a game
In Riften they're productive members of society.
CHIM is the worst and dumbest part about TES lore and 90% of it is fanfiction shit
can you buy me a game on steam george ?