Why do normies act like they were Zelda/Mario/Pokemon fans and claim to love the games but they literally dont know any game from these franchises past the N64 gen?
Why do normies act like they were Zelda/Mario/Pokemon fans and claim to love the games but they literally dont know any...
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Because they're dumb. This was a head-scratcher for you?
Because that's when they last played games from those series.
You must be a fucking idiot if you can't come to this conclusion yourself.
because Bingo Bango Theorm happend
Are you excited for the prequel
They thing surface level nerd shit looks cool, but they're not interested enough to delve deeper.
It's partly why capeshit movies are so popular yet comic books themselves aren't nearly as hip.
Except I had Pokemon yellow on Gbc. And I had Zelda 1 and 2 before I sold all my old consoles. Never gave two fucks about Mario though.
Because they were fans when they were kids, are you implying those games aren't normie shit?
Those kinds of people aren't actually fans of Mario/Zelda/Pokemon
Not even fans of the games they claim to love so much.
They're fans of their childhood and everything involved with it.
Because they played them as kids but unlike you they grew out of Nintendo games
>Talk to literally any gamer-girl about vidya
>Ask what her favorite game is
Every fucking time.
Also a huge red flag for fake nurrd XDD gamergirl shit
>how do you like Skyward Sword? People seem to dislike it a lot, what side do you stand on?
>uh, what? Is this a new Zelda game?
Nsmb wii sold like 30 million units. Both Galaxy games sold over 10 million.
Twilight Princess is the 2nd best selling Zelda.
Pokemon always does gangbusters.
You are retarded.
This is what feminazis mean when they make their maymays about gamerbros questioning them. No joke.
It's either Zelda, LoL, or CoD. Pick your poison.
I hope you just made that up and didn't sperg out like that.
>person claims to love Zelda
>favorite game is a 3D entry
it's a petty thing to care about but all of the people in my year were hyped for d3 like they had ever played diablo before. then when the game came out none of them got past lv 30.
>asking a perfectly normal question and trying to engage in a conversation
>sperging out
I once asked a gamer girl what she played and she said call of duty, couldn't even say which one but claimed she was the best, and said the console she played it on was Xbox live.
Because they are the fucking target audience you elitist.
Most "gamers" only play the ultra-mainstream like CoD, FIFA or shit like that. They play very little.
Feel free to continue trying to hit on women by talking about videogames.
Because they liked the games as kids as they like to relive those memories.
I hope this isnt true. I really do.
>talking is flirting
Women detected.
I understand your point but it is pivotally important to be more descriptive when talking to folk about games and you don't know exactly how much about them they know. You could hit a conversational brick wall if you don't know how to backpedal.
Just started uni and meeting a ton of dudes who are more or less just this. "My favourite anime is Naruto and [flavour of the month]". Ain't a bad thing, we're just in too deep.
At least most girls I've talked to who like Zelda have some idea what they're talking about. My sister loves them but only really ever watched me play them. Got her Ocarina of Time on 3DS and I still don't think she's finished it.
It's a low investment, high return response. Everyone knows what Zelda is, and what's more is that you can give the most generic answers and reasoning and they'll be valid with almost any of the games. You can't argue against it without looking like a major autist.
Why else would you talk with women about your hobbys?
>all conversations men have with women all have the end goal of sex and a relationship in mind
>t. cuck that talked to only two girls in his life
>I'm such a nerd xD! I watch every Marvel movie without fail, and I collect the figures! GF when???
Normies were a mistake.
>but they literally dont know any game from these franchises past the N64 gen?
They loved them when they were actual children. They didn't keep liking them while remaining manchilden.
Oh, even better, they pretend to like it for social points in their adulthood.
Get fucked.
>making a website with HTML, I'm such a coding nerd!
>I love Pokémon Go, haha so geeky!
>I do yoga and crossfit, I'm such a fitness buff! XD GAINS!
how come that works for some things though?
>i sucked dick once, i'm so gay
>my wife cheated on me once, i'm such a cuck
It doesn't work for shit. It's just brainless normies jumping on bandwagons.
>Oh pedophilia is being normalized? I can see that, I've known people with urges. #NotAllPedos
>so, what are your hobbies user?
>i have quite a lot of them, skiing, drawing, physics, movies, music and videogames
>what games do you like?
>you knoww, the classics!
>what do you mean by "classics"?
>Skyrim, Pokemon, Zelda!
It's more about women pretending to have male-dominated hobbies not because they enjoy that hobby, but because they see an opportunity to get undivided attention from men. Women crave attention/support in the exact same way that men crave sex.
smells like autism in here
because they think the new games are irrelevant to pokemon as a whole, they think it's the same as being a star wars fan who hasn't seen the prequels. Pokemon Go only solidified this belief for them.
this is bullshit, the only people I've ever heard saying that they "love pokemon but only the original 150" are men
I crave attention too and I'm a man.
But I would never try to gain it in such a dull and uninteresting way. Attention is satisfying only when you get it by "being yourself", not pretending to be "normal".
>l o l, I love Zelda soooooo muchhh xD!
Wtf is that image from?
Because of the fake nerd culture OP - it gives vapid, 2 dimensional people some fake depth to make them seem like they have interests (they're usually the same sort of people who'll describe themselves as 'quirky').
Mind you, I know a lot of spergs who are only into Pokemon and are legitimate 2 dimensional people as well. All in all people who aren't very interesting clutch at straws to make it seem like they are.
I'd have figured they know nothing but the latest release, odd. Well, if you are gonna fake it you might as well fake the more prestigious position(in this case, ironically enough, the neckbeard).
Post more pokemon porn parody. Whyd they make fuckechu so terrifying
Because those things have social stigma associated with it. People always look for reasons to shit on others. When you try to use this as self-promotion, well it looks shallow and self-serving.
>People always look for reasons to shit on others.
Actually, this is the crux. You could literally do anything, including child rape, and if the normies nod their head, you're squeaky clean.
>and if the normies nod their head
I think it's much simpler than that. You can just tell when someone's putting it on, especially when it's just a blatant attempt to look like they have a hobby or something interesting about them. If you present yourself normally, most people won't give a shit.
For example, I knew a guy in the military who used to bring his gameboy out field sometimes. A a new guy tried saying something implying he was a nerd. He just kind of shrugged and obviously couldn't give less of a fuck. Doesn't matter if it's video games, tabletop wargaming, fucking LARPing, if you're not an autist about it and just do it because you enjoy it that will come across to other people.
because they grew up into responsible adults and don't have any time for vidya
not everyone is a kissless neet
No, it literally has nothing to do with people 'putting on'. Normies literally can't enjoy anything. They simply regurgitate whatever the current trend is. They don't think for themselves, they just lap up whatever the fuck Seth Rogan wants to shit in their mouth.
But you are ;)
Shame, Mario is pretty damn comfy
Yeah, they are pretty comfy. Recently tried out 3D Land, it's pretty good.
no i make more in a month than you ever will in your entire life
What counts as a normie for you though? The sort of person you're describing is someone I'd just classify as a retard.
And I'm a born millionaire. Go fuck yourself.
And that's what a normie is. Do you even socialize? The last time I did, I was overwhelmed by the retardation.
Yeah - I'm in my mid-20s, most of my friends are either wrapping up uni or starting their careers, so at least most people I interact with aren't like that. I definitely know people like that - but like I said, they're a retarded minority as far as I know.
user most "gamers" don't actually play videogames. And Nintendo basically coasts on hipsters and nostalgia fags.
And you've never noticed them wanting to watch absolute shit-tier movies, that make you want to puke? Congrats, you have very rare and good friends.
>forgetting Final Fantasy
>forgetting Kingdom Hearts
>forgetting Fallout
>forgetting The Elder Scrolls
>Video games are a burden to my life, since I play them way to much and I'm probably addicted.
>But I never played Zelda or Pokemon, and I cant say I like Platformers.
"Gee user you dont get that Zelda reference!"
"If you were a gamer like me, you'd understand why I play Pokemon GO all the time."
I'm just happy no one knows my power level and I dont have to hear this shit about my favourite games.
> 'uni'
found the asian
I'd go gay for Tyler. He's the best male pornstar.
Fags not welcome. Please leave.
This. Even among people who might actually play video games, most of them just play pleb-tier games. Actual hardcore "gamers" who delve deeper into the medium, play lesser known or even obscure games, practice their craft, and aim to git gud are actually a minority. There's pretty few of us, all things considered. It's pretty fucked.
And you're a retarded fucking nigger. How you thought you would take our site as a thing, but fuck you. You are a garabage person and I will personally beat you to death.
>Hardcore gamers
Why the fuck would you be proud of a hobby that fucks you up? I treat playing vidya more as an addiction then a hobby.
Thats why I cant stand this whole geek culture shit. These people dont realise the depth of the rabbit hole.
Literally wat
Video games are a form of entertainment like any other and the only reason why the medium and the people indulged in it get so much shit is because it's still relatively new.
>forgetting Final Fantasy
>forgetting Kingdom Hearts
Gamur Gurls don't play weebshit.
I've actually met several "gamurr girls :)" who actually were KH and/or FF fans. It's fairly common.
A lot of them eat that shit up, actually. But if you ask them about a bunch of games lesser known than KH or FF, of course their response will be, "What
It's not hard to understand. Being a normie means giving up time consuming hobbies in favor of having a typical life of work and family. They don't have time for involved video games so they only know up to the point where their youth ended.
I fucked that post up. My bad.