Why do normies act like they were Zelda/Mario/Pokemon fans and claim to love the games but they literally dont know any game from these franchises past the N64 gen?
Why do normies act like they were Zelda/Mario/Pokemon fans and claim to love the games but they literally dont know any...
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Because they're dumb. This was a head-scratcher for you?
Because that's when they last played games from those series.
You must be a fucking idiot if you can't come to this conclusion yourself.
because Bingo Bango Theorm happend
Are you excited for the prequel
They thing surface level nerd shit looks cool, but they're not interested enough to delve deeper.
It's partly why capeshit movies are so popular yet comic books themselves aren't nearly as hip.
Except I had Pokemon yellow on Gbc. And I had Zelda 1 and 2 before I sold all my old consoles. Never gave two fucks about Mario though.
Because they were fans when they were kids, are you implying those games aren't normie shit?
Those kinds of people aren't actually fans of Mario/Zelda/Pokemon
Not even fans of the games they claim to love so much.
They're fans of their childhood and everything involved with it.