/lit/ has goodreads

>/lit/ has goodreads
>Sup Forums has last.fm and rateyourmusic
>Sup Forums has letterboxd
>Sup Forums has ???
Why is there still no site where you can rate vidya, write reviews and look what other people play and write?
To be exact, there were some attempts, but they all failed.

Other urls found in this thread:



That's just one platform, which doesn't even include any games that aren't on Steam.

Cos this place is not neutral anymore and instead filled with literal physical manifestations of cancer in every thread, mainly xbots and annoying man children nintenfaggots

This subject has nothing to do with Sup Forums, though.

Get on it OP. Be the first to succeed.

i think there is this one site where you can post your backlog, completed games and reviews.
gimme a sec

>why does't Sup Forums have a last.fm for vidya?
>because Sup Forums's opinions are too biased
>this has nothing to do with Sup Forums

I'm talking about a website that Sup Forums could use, not a website made by Sup Forums and for Sup Forums exclusively.

shit nvm, it was letterboxd

Rateyourmusic will hopefully be launching Glitchwave soon, which is exactly what you're describing. There's gamefaqs in the meantime

If I knew how to webdev, I'd probably get on this.

>t. Sonnigger

I use this desu howlongtobeat.com/

GameFAQs has an amazing video game collection tool.



I know loads of them in real life, but I rarely see any on this board.

No the problem is console war loving faggots such as you.

Sup Forums actually has a wiki which has pretty much all good games on it. Don't know when it was last updated but it's alright.

That wiki has been overrun by normalfags and outsiders, it doesn't really have anything to do with Sup Forums anymore. It's "recommended" games are now full of garbage, too

I thought they were gonna make a RYM for games? I remembering hearing about it years ago but never happened.

There was the "Sup Forums Recommendations Wiki" but it was hijacked by drones shilling mediocre or even shitty games (eg. The Conduit for Wii)

Did you mean

