ITT: We post widely hated games and other anons have to say something nice about it

ITT: We post widely hated games and other anons have to say something nice about it.

It made a lot of people realize Fusion wasn't all that bad

It's a good game if you pretend it isn't a metroid game

Fusion, Prime, Prime 3, and Zero Mission were the only good ones

Even if I ignore it's supposed to be metroid I cant get over how bland and boring it is.

The graphics were fairly good for a Wii game.



it had a good story and character developement.

Nigger are you saying Prime 2 was bad?

Cool music

You forgot super, zero mission, AM2R and prime 2 you nigger.
>inb4 but they aren't good


Give me your best, Sup Forums.

Nightmare difficulty: no referencing the expansion.

The finishing animations were cool

Curie was GOAT.

Leah was pretty cute, I guess.

I love prime 2 but I see why someone wouldnt like it
not him btw

the first 50 hours or so were great


It has the best Ridley theme.

I had fun with it

Power Armor felt really powerful
but why the fuck can I not use my Power fist in it?
You even have mods to increase unarmed damage.