Honestly this game looks really cool, and sounds like it will be really cool, but there is literally nothing coming out about it and it's been a while since there was any kind of teaser.
I really don't know what kind of game it is going to be, other than an RPG in the future.
But is it like all scifi, or is it like scary scifi idk.
The teaser is a little bit weird with the robot girl slaughtering everybody, but the atmosphere def looks cool.
idk, but here's the trailer (not much of a trailer, still cool tho)
Cyberpunk 2077. Ever Coming out?
Other urls found in this thread:
>newfag's first post
lurk more before posting
just fuck off, boi
>Ever Coming out?
Well it looks like it's canceled, I also read that the devs are selling out lemme get that sauce real quick
>As for the rumor, it emerged after the Board suggested introducing a voting cap during the upcoming shareholder meeting. However, the proposal is not a reaction to any current events affecting CD PROJEKT. Rather, it is meant as insurance against future hypothetical scenarios which may never materialize.
We wish to safeguard the interests of minority shareholders in a hypothetical case where a major shareholder emerges professing a business and strategic vision which conflicts with ours.
Polish Gov has said they would declare it an Asset of the State if they ever had a hostile takeover scenario. They are like a quarter of Polands GDP.
Japan did that with nintendo.
CDPR/witcher the only major export of poland so it makes sense.
wtf a hostile takeover... So we have to worry about the game getting canceled because of hostile takeover???
I'm very confused
> game getting canceled
If you bought 51% of a companys shares you could just dictate who the ceo is and whatever.
They would still try to make money, but their view of whats best way to make money might conflict with current studio leadership.
>So we have to worry about the game getting canceled because of hostile takeover?
>getting canceled
more like 'necessary changes' will be made
instead of OP you will get this
If for example EA bought 51% of their shares they could dictate the budget of their games and the release date. So you could get very rushed out game with less than half the things in it the old team envisioned. They also could tell them what to add and remove from the game so you could have another spore in your hands
>this game looks really cool, and sounds like it will be really coo
What game? We literally don't know a single thing about it, besides the fact that it's going to be an RPG in a Cyberpunk setting.
They're actively hiring for Cyberpunk 2077 right now. Check their job listings.
Done. Fuck this thread. Let's shit up the next one.
is this a bad thing? It means they have the money to do so right?
Theyre not rockstar or ubisoft with abudance of talent. Missing talent late in the dev cycle isnt optimal.
2077 wasn't some arbitrary number.
That was the estimated release date.
>wtf a hostile takeover
ea can buy 4.99% without any one knowing.
then they make above the market price offer to amplico,aviva,
suddenly they have have 15% - more then the other guys
then they simply buy as much as they need on the market
Imagine how low that figure would be if the game was origin exclisuve
would be around 8 mil probably since consoles carry the statistics
Aren't they getting bought by my.com?