>pirate game
>"if you like this game, buy it"
Pirate game
And people wonder why denuvos getting used more
>Hundreds of games owned physically and on Steam
>Dubious acquaintance pilfers a AAA game on his sinbox, and I receive the warning
>Pirate game, like it
>Buy it later to look at
>Pirate tv show/movie, like it
>end up buying it later to look at
>demo versions no longer come out
>people are wondering why people are pirating stuff
Sup Forums became reddit, Sup Forums used to be pro-pirate few years back
the only reason I buy games is because I would miss on online stuff
That's about what 1% of pirates do
i've never pirated a game that i knew i was going to like. i hope you guys are like that too.
>go to piratebay
>look up game
>get rootkit
>enjoy game
Not that guy but I have a grand total of 10 physical games, but all of them were pirated and finished long before I bought them.
Witcher series, Souls series, Dragon Dogma and DMC3+4 and WC3.
Lack of demos leading you to pirate a game is the most retarded argument you can make. It's like saying you should be allowed to rape a woman cuz she never flashed you her tits. If you have no access to a demo don't buy the game and wait for the price to drop or rent it.
>piracy is rape
You had me until TV show. Funimation shutting down fansubbers was actually a smart idea on their part, because nobody was going to buy a $30 collection of five year old episodes otherwise.
>pirate game
>it is fun
>it has no DRM
>actually buy it later
>pirate game
>it is fun
>it has DRM
>don't buy it later
I made a difference in the world!
>making absurd comparisons
not an argument
That's not why you should be allowed to rape women, you should be allowed to rape women because women aren't people.
He's not saying that it's rape, just that it doesn't make sense to excuse a crime with "but I never got a chance to see the result".
Watch a gameplay video or something.
>I am owed this game. I should have access to it because I want access to it. If I am not granted access to it in the most one sided way imaginable I will take it by force.
Thank God for Denuvo.
>You have to delete this rom within 24 hours
>pirate skyrim
>put 800 hours into it
>never buy it
I used to pirate games but I realized that 99% of the time if I wasn't willing to put money on buying it, it probably wasn't worth playing in the first place.
Besides gen 5 games and older, they're impossible to find legitimately in an un-altered state, so piracy is the only option, which is a fucking shame cause I would actually pay money for earthbound without the VC alterations.
This is what I've done with Layton Ace Attorney Zero Escape (except 999 since I discovered the series with it and ZTD, well I'm glad for not buying it) Kyle Hyde and many others
I wonder how I would have known of these series without piracy, hmm ?
>I wonder how I would have known of these series without piracy, hmm ?
By not being a complete retard?
dude pirating lmao
ad hominem at its finest
Piracy is the best form of QA.
yeah right literally noone buys movies and tv shows
Not even the most rabid anti-piracy retard on Sup Forums
>no more trials
>have to resort on piracy to see if the final product isn't complete utter shit
Welp I know its a hard concept to grasp, but some people actually care about their money.
in b4 hurrr durr poorfag
bad goyim
Steam has 2 hour refund policy retard.
>Funimation shutting down fansubbers was actually a smart idea on their part
Fuck off crunchyroll devs
Just pirated GTA3 for my JB ps3. Feels good man
I pay for streaming services and have bought shows before.
I also pirate videogames when it suits me.
>game is good for 2 hours
>it turns to shit after
>there are people who think that supporting the culture industry makes you more ethical
I do that.
Loooool okay...
I'd fucking buy my anime if they were only $30
Your original argument for piracy was the lack of "trials." Now you've flipped flopped again. 2 hours is longer than most demos ever were.
Nearly Every AAA Game That Uses Denuvo Runs Like Shit.
Anybody who uses adblock has no right to bitch about piracy.
Why The Autist Caps?
Demos don't exclusively keep you in the beginning of the game, retard.
Takes more than two hours in most games to optimize,, watch cutscenes and finish early game
>He's not saying that it's rape
No, he's saying that women are products mean to be commercially bought and sold.
Even car dealers let you take the car out for a drive faggot.
>pirate game
>thanks for buying the game
He's not arguing morality you fucking idiot. He is arguing causation. A virgin who is constantly blue balled and rejected is probably more likely to rape than a guy who gets laid daily.
It's nothing to do with morales it's just reality. Not giving anyone a trial version may not justify piracy in your eyes, and no company has an obligation to release one. But it is gonna make people do it, whether you like it or not. Piracy isn't going away just because people don't like it.
What is a drive faggot?
>buy game
>the game is so shit that you wish you had pirated it instead
Rootkit link?
You see sillybones people who don't live in the third world can afford that
>pirate game
>it's so offensively bad you wish you had bought it and then refunded it to give the developers a message about how bad it is
>you feel bad for seeding it and letting other people experience the abomination
Drm games make me feel bad pirating them. It's like the Devs/publisher trusts me. And i am betraying that trust. So i end up buying everything on GoG. But shit that uses hardcore obtrusive drm is saying they are crippling my experience causw they don't trust me. So fuck them.
Retards like OP that take pride in not paying for games the later rave about made me be anti pirate
>pirate game
>the guy who made the crack: "youre welcome you unthankful fucktard"
>pirate game
just kidding it's DENOVO ® protected
Most demos in the past were literally just the first level of the game available as a download you uninformed moron
>people who don't slam their dicks with the toilet seat are so fucking annoying
>I proudly slam my dick with toilet seat because of that
Who is moving goal posts now? :)
i pirated the shit out of stellaris and endless legend cause I knew they were going to be shit, incomplete games day 1.
They were, and as part of the company's regular strategy, dlc was released 10 bucks a pop that slowly made the games complete.
I don't like that type of nickel and diming strategy. I know companies are always trying to get as much money from you as possible, but the amount of money needed for Endless Legend and Stellaris is crazy sometimes. I don't know when it became okay to sell an unfinished game at full price.
In retrospect, Endless Legend was alright enough at launch so I bought it later. Stellaris was shit and continues to be shit.
You can't pirate PS4 games yet. Just wait. Soon as PS4 gets hacked sony ponys will be propiracy and shitposting about how pcgamers have to pay for Denuvo games.
Do people make money from cracking games and uploading torrents?
>buy game
>then pirate same game
>be able to play game without the CD on the drive
Read reviews and watch gameplay footage. Stop trying to justify your theft asshole.
I pirate all DLC unless it qualifies as a full expansion pack.
What fucking year did you just come from?
>Pirate game
>Never buy any game
This is the only way to proceed.
>own old game
>don't want to search for CD
>pirate it
> on the drive
Oh, so that's how you do it, it doesn't go in.
not until their well hidden rootkit works and steal all your credit card info ;-)
Just read very clearly biased reviews of people who don't have the same tastes as you!
I have a top-loader?
>read reviews
Ermmm have you evwr actually looked at the modern fucking gaming press?
I trust Sup Forums more than those retards. Imagine all the shitty games I'd buy amd great games I'd miss out on.
>gameplay footage
It's another /reddit/ posters unironically watch people play games for fun episode.
Do you test drive a car bwfore buying it? Or do you just watch people drive it on YouTube to see how it handles?
>he doesn't have his game collection on steam™ and GOG™
>old game isn't available digitally
>pirate it.
Sure my boy it's exactly the same thing, now go back to the cage pls
>game doesn't have crossbuy
l hate how games aren't cross platform. lt's insane that you have to buy the same game twice if you wanna play it in a different platform.
That's one of the main reasons why l think consoles really are shit. Once we all move to PC everything will be ok.
>Games that have an install limit
but you can get almost every old show on Funimation's Youtube channel for free
why is this kot so perfect????
>"If you enjoy the game, please buy it to support the developers!"
>enjoy the game
>still don't buy it
moralfags get fucked
>have an issue with an game
>maybe you shouldn't have pirated it :^)
I pirate because I want to.
IT's the cmetaha.
Don't let anti-cmetahafags tell you otherwise.
Cmetaha has no known side effects and is used in traditional eastern medicine for many ailments.
They do it because they don't trust you retard. If a game has no drm you can speak of trust.
That's what i fucking said.
Drm free insinuates trust. I don't want to break the trust so i buy it.
Obtrusive DRm just assumes im a criminal and cripples the experience accordingly
>tfw this is actually true
They're probably the same shitters that think racism on Sup Forums is just one big joke and get all scandalized when they realize they're not in their reddit hugbox anymore.
>Oh, no the poor defenseless video game companies
Next time you attack piracy, just think abkut who you're defending, tou fucking idiots.
Sup Forums screams about piracy and says it's bad but at the same time is bitching about broken games, preorder bullshit and microtransactions infesting games. It's understandable but you're the ones paying for that shit and then expecting it to not happen again.
Piracy to me is a great big unified shitfilter, I play whatever the fuck I want and after all you sweet little goyim have paid ~$20-40 for a video game I just come in when the prices are 5 times lower and buy whatever I enjoyed. Eat shit salty fags.
I cam smell your newness from here.
>Actually pirate the game
>have no issues with it
dumb esl tard
>pirate the drm-free gog verison
>runs like shit
Women are only good for flashing their tits though.
You actually typo'd in your original post, dumbass, and confused that other user.
"Drm games make me feel bad pirating them".
You meant "DRM-free games", right?
What was XCOM Enemy Within?
Only game I pirated besides Sexy Beach 3 + and Battle Raper 2 and Rapelay.
Theft and piracy are literally and legally two different things.
This meme must die.
Yes my bad.
We are both fucking retards it appears.
Me for the typo. You for the lack of reading comprehension to figure it out regardless.
Always needs to jab back on Sup Forums instead of just admitting to the flaw.
? I admitted it.