>adds overpowered new hero to encourage people to spend money on it
>nerfs hero in next patch
Why is this allowed?
>adds overpowered new hero to encourage people to spend money on it
>nerfs hero in next patch
Why is this allowed?
because the game is in """"""beta'"""""""
This is classical hirez tactics. Don't you remember when they did the same thing with Tribes (peace be upon it)?
But why is it allowed?
Wasn't Mal'damba bad
Idk seems kinda moba-ish doesn't it? They release a really strong character. Make a shitload on it , the nerf it to make everyone happy while they sit on piles of cash.
I mean, I guess. I think it would be a bigger issue if gold wasn't so hilariously easy to come by
Sha Lin's Q is fucking op. he's ult kinda sucks though. he doesn't have much health so he can die easily from flanks and tanks
>Pips healing got buffed
>Damage got nerfed
Mal'damba wasn't quite good enough for ladder play. He was fun as a versatile healer, though.
Fuck you and fuck every Pip hopping nooblet who never healed with Pip.
They nerfed healers because they didn't intend for healers to carry whole teams and get top eliminations. I can understand that. But it came at the expense of the fucktons of bitching of morons who vastly outnumber good players.
Now the whole meta is team deathmatch.
He's not, and he didn't get nerfed this patch. I'm guessing OP thinks Sha lin is overpowered.
Pip isn't a proper healer, you moron. His healing ability isn't strong enough.
You're meant to be linking a picture of League of Legends. OP 6300 IP champ. People who are short of IP will drop $$ to get. Nerfed next week. Cycle continues.
But I don't play DOTA clones because I'm not a 3rd worlder or a small child
>Healing Potion
>Increased healing from 1000 to 1200.
Stronger than Grover's healing and he got nerfed this patch.
You're forgetting that Grover has a passive healing aura and his ultimate heals too. Pip has one potion to lob at his fellas
The old "League of Legends" switcharoo.
Still the best character in the game by leaps and bounds
I never really though about character DLC in this light
>tfw you realize all companies do this
>dat new emote
>dat new summary pose
The healing potion isn't that strong and takes fucking forever to cooldown. Even if you use it *constantly*, it's really tough to make much of an impact.
And you inevitably morons whining in chat about you not healing them enough even when you're doing it constantly, especially as you'll get focused on by the opposition as a healing class and no-one ever helps protect you from a flanking player. Guess what? I'm going to heal myself if I need to survive, and I can't heal shit if I'm dead and waiting to respawn.
nah man the shotgun guy kills the sky girl
At least they nerfed the fuck out of the "time is ticking" bullshit.
she´s on the bottom of every tierlist and never used in tournaments tho
>I've got one heal
>and its just for me
Fuck Pip and fuck you.
>Why aren't you healing me, Pip? I'm constantly dying when I flank because you're not following me on a suicide mission
>Why aren't you healing me Ying?
>I have illusions that I can't tell who to heal
tbqfh I'm pretty sure the devs are a bit retarded at designing healing classes. TF2 medic it fucking ain't.
Pip is crowd control. His burst heals are good in teamfights but he shouldn't be losing out on a lot of crowd damage to focus on heals.
I'd use the bottom of her tierlist in tournaments.
If you know what I mean.
Are you being retarded on purpose? Supports are obviously designed to accompany other teammates as escorts. Instead you have retards like trying to flank by himself all the time. Follow your team in and SUPPORT them with your SUPPORT powers.
Holy shit its so hard in this game for people to understand.
Pip crowd control doesn't work when its Pip vs 3 or Pip playing Flank while everyone else is hiding for health regen.
They should seriously stop calling Pip a support. It just confuses people and makes them think his role is to heal people.
They should get rid of "classes" as a whole, it's an outdated concept
Same with the post-match screen, it's stupid that it's divided by class not achievement. I had an Androxus getting best Flank today with 1 Flank kill, while I saw our Cassie was constantly flanking and killing them
Just list who did the most damage, most heals, longest killstreak and most objective time and be fucking done with it
Pip can actually be a good flanker with the right build. He beats most characters in a 1v1 unless they have cauterize.
mal'damba was underpowered from the start and can't do shit against other supports in damage or healing.
They make the classes as general-purposes as they can then do various shit to discourage you from playing like that and force you in a fixed role. It's kind of crazy
>“We like Pip utilizing his mobility and strong crowd control effects to stand out in the Support role. While we like how aggressive he can be, we want to make sure he is primarily a Support pick, so we’ve taken down his burst potential after Explosive Flask and increased his healing with Healing Potion.”
They want him to be a support, he's only going to get healing buffs.
It is kinda funny how close their kits are.
Skye has a smoke bomb instead of a teleport device
Sombra drops a big EMP instead of a nuke
I honestly think this bullshit might hurt the game as people get tired of unbalanced bs and poorly designed heroes. If you want that, you could just play TF2
The number one thing that people have to get on Hi-Rez's case about are the hitboxes.
Paladins is still in Beta and if enough people bitch about being able to shoot the air around an enemy and it still being registered as a hit enough, they will likely fix it. However, if people remain silent, then it's going to be this way forever.
If they fixed the hitboxes then people would notice the servers were garbage and then Hi-Rez might have to spend $$$ to fix that shit
>Play 3 games
>2 with retarded Sha's
>They get the play of the game
>They're just spamming arrows
Also is POTG really fucking unskippable now? I tired to skip it but it wouldn't work. If they changed it that's one of their dumbest decisions yet
I haven't tried skipping, but It'd be a mighty stupid thing to do if it isn't
Well I checked, you can't skip it
Good thing there will be an Overwatch free weekend soon, I'll finally be able to see it for myself before dropping a lot of my shitty third world money on it.
Paladins is good for a free game, but I don't really like the direction they're taking. Soon frontliners and supports won't even be used anymore.