Why do people hate this game so fucking much?
Why do people hate this game so fucking much?
Why do you care what people think? Little sheepish bitchboi
People fear what they don't understand
this tbqh
Quite the contrary my man, I understand it's story and it probably has the best in all the series. It's the gameplay and level design that suck ASS, even MGS1 plays better imo. It's like an antithesis to V.
Gameplay is the best in the entire series aside from V, level design shits on 2 and 3 and 4 and V. Stop
You're no longer my man
because i want to play as snake and not some fairy faggot
Raiden's a cuck
Because Kojima was right.
>It's the gameplay and level design that suck ASS
MGS2 has pretty much the definitive canonical stealth in the series, more puzzle oriented like the predecessors. Euro Extreme is one hell of a ride and will always keep you on your toes especially if you don't cheese it with tranq.
Either 3 was their first or they felt tricked because they didn't get to play Snake for most of the game.
Raiden as the playable character was kept hidden until release, it's borderline bait and switch.
> Top 10 PS2 sales
> Over 90 metacritic
> Dozens of game of the year awards
> Publicly agreed to be one of the best video game narratives with Silent Hill 2
How is MGS2 hated?
> Top 10 PS2 sales
> Over 90 metacritic
> Dozens of game of the year awards
mgs4 fits this criteria as well and yet that game gets criticized more
Every time this game gets posted about on this site people go fucking crazy and talk about how much better 1 and 3 are in comparison
Because FUCK Raiden
Fucking faggy ass wig-wearing nigga
I don't know and I don't care. It's my favorite Metal Gear game and my 2nd favorite game of all time.
dog shit story, trying hard to be something else and falling on its face
Because it's batshit BONKERS
Same reason people hate Dragonball GT; follow up the best thing ever with convoluted shit with a new, gay protagonist
because they are plebs
It's literally because of Raiden. Fanboys are so pathetically whiny faggots that Raiden triggered them that much because they wanted to play as muh GOAT cool stealth guy Snake.
I love it actually.
you ever been so caught up in MGS that you forgot to do the objective?
Look at all that good taste. What a refined gentlemen.
It has an insane clusterfuck of a story, it has some smart ideas, but it's badly put together. Also I didn't find it very fun to play, the whole Big Shell was pretty boring and the mechanics didn't quite work as well as they do in MGS3 and onwards yet.
is not THAT bad
Only good games there.
It's a bit boring actually
Because the entire game is actually a big set-up that is supposed to demonstrate how stupid the player is. Most players, by the end of the game, realize something is wrong but they are too stupid to realize what it is
Reminder that Substance is the most content-rich Metal Gear to date.
-Most difficulty settings
-500 standalone missions
-5 plot based Snake Tales Missions
-Skateboarding Mode
-Boss Rush Mode
-Collect Dog Tags on every difficulty to unlock gameplay items
-Casting Theater - Cast different silly characters for cutscenes
Poor dialogue, writing and voice acting in some places though I love it due to how experimental it was in execution even if the core gameplay was slightly derivative
MGS3 had a better narrative with stronger characters and less surreal shit but MGS2 will proudly wear the crown of "First postmodern video game"
The implementation of "The Patriots" in this story was the first time I've ever been blown away by any conspiracy or political medium. Following MGS1, to me it was the perfect overarching plot element. It was always active in the background of that other game I played as a kid. So it brought more meaning to all the hours spent in that first game.
it's a trainwreck of a game that the diehard fanbase strawmans with statements like
>even if the core gameplay was slightly derivative
the core gameplay was marred by the shit design of Big Shell
>even if the core gameplay was slightly derivative
derivative of what?
>derivative of what?
derivative of gameplay found in good games
After playing MGS3 and Peace Walker, I just could not get into this fucking game. I tried to like it. I tried so hard.
> Still haven't finished it
>I just could not get into this fucking game
I don't blame you. You went from 2 good games to a bad game
Go back and play MGS1 and then go into 2
The controls for aming were so goddamn bad
I did and it was amazing, I loved it. I still can't get passed the part after the first Vamp cut scene it makes me not want to play, I cant explain it.
Only idiots, plebs and morons jumping on the "Kojima was always a hack" bandwagon do.
In other words, they should be disregarded.
Or the game is just bad / only get good after a certain point. It's definitely not engaging like every other MGS game, at least not for me.
Because they were pleb faggots.