Open world dungeon crawlers actually sounds pretty good.
>Go into dungeon, see some pretty sick shit >Get some pretty sick gear >travel the land and find some villages >talk about said crazy shit, maybe some people are interested >people that are interested want to join you.
Maybe make the game tough as fuck with some solid souls esque combat and it could be GOTY
Eli Rivera
>open world dungeon crawler >with lolis Fatlus pls
open shmup sounds interesting if it plays like Hotline Miami
just run and gun, across the landscape
Luis Parker
>what is wizardry and m&m
Zachary James
open world visual novel
Cooper Murphy
Minecraft came first and has topped 100 million sales last I knew.
Jack Lee
>games with RPG elements that don't need them
Wow, you leveled up! Give your gun more power or ammo!
Wow, look at all this pointless fucking loot system shit that has no reason to exist! It's that same armor you're wearing, PLUS ONE POINT IN DEFENSE. WOW GOLLY GEE THIS GAME IS AMAZING 10/10 GOTY.
Owen Nguyen
Open world is an easy way to bait casuals into buying your game, they love the sense of freedom and adventure they get from it, even tho 99% of the time it's shallow and fucking pointless.
Cooper Cox
You just described Skyrim.
Juan Flores
>open world racing games the absolute worst thing to happen to racing games.
Charles Howard
>tfw every genre is going open world I like Open World. The more games we get, the higher amount of good open world games we'll get.
90% of games in any genre will be bad. Making a game open world doesn't make it bad. The same game could still be bad without the open world. It has more to do with production time and the group making the game.
William Gray
>open world rhythm games soon
I wish.
Carter King
>open world h-games
Literal meet and fuck
Brayden White
that was real shitty but at least some of its quests were mildly amusing.
Grayson White
Hudson Ortiz
What the kek
Lincoln Brooks
>>open world dungeon crawlers soon >Open world dungeon crawlers actually sounds pretty good. Never played Wizardry VII? You're 24 years late.
Luke Robinson
>there's a rape mechanic
Angel Ross
>The more games we get, the higher amount of good open world games we'll get.
what the fuck does this even mean
>90% of games in any genre will be bad.
what the fuck does this even mean
Adrian Reyes
open world is easier to develop anyone can make a grayscale heightmap to throw in a terrain generator there's dozens of middleware solutions for placing foliage without having to touch anything you don't need to think about "level design" or encounters because giving the players random things "keeps everyone's experience fresh and different" and casuals eat that kind of stuff up
it was inevitable
Ryder Young
Ayy lmao
Caleb Perez
>open world puzzle games Name one.
Kevin Morgan
The Witness, you fucking dolt
Juan Brooks
If you had an IQ above 70, you'd be able to figure it out.
If 300 Open World games get made, Sturgeon's Law points out only about 30 of them will be good. If only 30 Open World games get made, then only about 3 will be good.
More open world games getting made means more good open world games. Even though the vast majority of them suck. This also works for any genre.
Isaac Perez
Mechanics already rape you with those prices of theirs
Colton Perry
I don't think anyone in this thread (or on Sup Forums) knows what open world even is. Hint: Just because a game has a large world that doesn't make it open world. For example, Zelda: Twilight Princess or Final Fantasy XIII aren't open world. They're zone based.
Charles Cruz
Open world is the endgame of the videogames. Well, not for all the genres. We just need to wait until most of them are actually good and not the ghosttowns with nothing to do like the fucking Far Cry series.
Luis Perry
Why the fuck would I want to put up with 270 shit open world games to play 30 good ones, assuming the genre is still even fresh at that point
>More open world games getting made means more good open world games
by your nigger logic, it means more bad open world games
Jeremiah Lewis
Your mom is zoned based.
Aaron Price
>>open world dungeon crawlers soon What is Wizardry VII, M&M World of Xeen, D&D Gold Box series, Ultima Underworld?
Julian Nguyen
>Zelda: Twilight Princess or Final Fantasy XIII aren't open world
yeah, they're not. no one is saying they are
Jason Moore
I unironically look forward to more open world games.
Isaac Harris
I think you just have a problem with Ubisoft games OP. There are provably good Open World games in the majority of those genres. It's just Ubisoft cocked their leg all over them to make it seem like Open World anything is fucking terrible.
Aaron Carter
>tough, solid combat >Skyrim Kek
Logan Peterson
Reducto ad absurdum.
Nathan Edwards
>tfw latest Pokémon went opposite of this trend and became a hallway simulator instead
Gavin Sanders
>Mfw this
Dominic Williams
Open world rhytm game sounds actually kinda fun
Imagine a GH game where you are your own manager and can plan tours around world
Jonathan Peterson
I haven't been paying attention to that game. Didn't even know what kind of game it was, honestly.
Anyway, this open world meme really does need to die.
Easton Taylor
>Sup Forums complain about games being too linear >Devs start making open world games >Sup Forums complains about open world games
I know Sup Forums is not one person but around 4 years ago that all Sup Forums would complain about, "oh this game is shit because its too linear, you can't explore and do want you want!"
Now its "Oh man I hate open world games, why can't devs just put a nice organized game thats in a straight line instead of this dull open world."
Granted I am getting bored of all the copy paste open world games as much as everyone else, I just think its funny that Sup Forums got its wish and now hates it.
>Why the fuck would I want to put up with 270 shit open world games to play 30 good ones
You don't "put up with them" if you don't play them.
Austin Howard
>Why the fuck would I want to put up with 270 shit open world games to play 30 good ones, assuming the genre is still even fresh at that point
You only play the good ones. Are you seriously implying you play every single game from every genre? There are literally tens of thousands of RPGs out there. You don't have to play every one to find the hundred or so good ones.
Camden Rodriguez
>yeah, they're not. no one is saying they are Plenty of people claim Twilight Princess is an open world game. Also, I meant to say FFXII. Not XIII. Another zone based games that tons of people claim is open world.
Kayden Butler
>open world fighting game Isn't that just a beat-em-up? and fuck you if you won't like it.
Henry Ward
But user nfs most wanted was great
Hudson Cox
>open world dungeon crawlers soon It's coming guys, just be patient
Jaxon Gonzalez
I don't think "Open World" and "zone based" are mutually exclusive.
Austin Edwards
They kind of are. An open world means a game where the player as the freedom to go where they want. A zone based game limits you to specific areas of the game.
Leo Long
>Old dungeons >Winding mazes with traps and puzzles everywhere >Modern "dungeons" >Are literally only one or two rooms, or a completely straightforward featureless tunnel.
Jackson Bailey
>Open world RPG >a new thing
Agreed. The first 3 NFS games were god tier, but the series is fucked forever.