There is something inheriting wrong about 60 fps. I always feel nauseated when I play with this many fps

There is something inheriting wrong about 60 fps. I always feel nauseated when I play with this many fps.

Other urls found in this thread: is something inheriting wrong about 60 fps/type/op/

Cool blog

probably a mental disease. kids used to play nes mario at 60 fps no probs.

Moe-inflicted nausea,if you didnt have such big eyes this wouldnt be happening to you.

>anime image

>Hating anime on the anime imageboard
After you

Disregard that, I suck cocks.

I feel you; I need at least 90. is something inheriting wrong about 60 fps/type/op/ is something inheriting wrong about 60 fps/type/op/

Pasta thread do not respond.

>all those butt triggered weeaboos who get personally insulted when you don't worship and masturbate on their waifus