

And it means nothing.

>Trump elected
>PS4 winning BIGLY
>Nintendo going to shit

This is the best timeline.

>dropped by Sony since 2014
>still alive
It's much worse than the Wii U OP. At least Nintendo is releasing a Zelda for it next year. The Vita only got Uncharted. Not even a new God of War, not even an exclusive Metal Gear, NOTHING.

>switch will sell like dog shit
>nintendo sticks to handhelds
>ps4 and xbox start merging multiplayer

Make gaming great again

>It's much worse than the Wii U OP

Nothing is worse than Wii U this gen, and that includes their fanbase

Dude the vita is still getting a fucking truckload of games as opposed to the wii u's one game coming out.
Sure you could argue it's weeb shit but it's still getting games and special edition consoles

Way more games outta all the consoles this gen.

>inb4 game list filled with multiplats and unreleased titles

So like the WiiU then?

>Wii U

>and special edition consoles
I want to buy those SaGa special edition, buy I don't like the 2000 model.

>Mario Maker

And that's just first party

vita was literally so fucking bad that it caused sony to drop out of the handheld market

Handhelds are a meme that needs to go.

Wii u may have the most exclusives, but that shit obviously didn't help when most of its exclusive games are garbage as fuck.
Its got about 3 or 4 worthwhile exclusives
bayonetta 2, xenoblade, smash bros, and splatoon.


It's big league you dumbfuck
Bigly isn't a fucking word

not even a troll what is a vita?

As an ex-Nintendo fan I can say Wii U has shit exclusives, even compared to Wii and Game Cube

>PS4 outlives the Switch.

I don't know what you're talking about. I can't remember the last time I saw a Vita, let alone a game for it, on a major retailer's shelf.

Vita never was there to begin with

>he doesn't want to game on the go

>sold better than the wiiu
>has new games announced for it pretty much every week
>most likely to outlive the 3ds and the consoles this gen like psp did

It truly puts your brain to work

>not even a troll what is a Wii U?
fixed that for you ;-)

Sony got so BTFO they'll won't create another handheld ever again.

Actually Trump alternates between bigly and big league to create a controversy and keep him in the limelight.

You got stumped. BIGLY LEAGUELY

That's true, but it has good exclusives compared to PS4 or Xbox One

>Vita quickly becoming the most underrated handheld of all time
Not going to lie I'm enjoying it more than my DS

And Nintendo got BTFO by a "dead" handheld so I guess they should drop the whole videogame business altogether then

BB on PS4 gave me more playtime than all my WiiU games together.

and nintendo got BTFO so hard they'll never create a home console again
enjoy your tablet and smartphone games

Entirely Nintendo's fault. Or perhaps Iwata's, for being a retard and announcing a codename for hardware that was still like three years away.

From that moment on literally every Wii U release was met with the "I'll wait for the NX version" response.

Yeah, 60+ million is so awful, isn't it?
Bait aside, it could be important for the casual market and China. We'll see.

Wii U has several games better than Bloodborne in my opinion

He consistently says big league and your libcuck ears just can't process two fucking syllables properly

>b-b-but the 3DS
Nintendo should just focus on (what's left) of the handheld market then since that's the only thing they do half-right nowadays
>Bait aside, it could be important for the casual market and China. We'll see.
Yeah because...that worked so well with the WiiU right?

It kinda does, yeah. Unlike Sony or Microsoft, Nintendo is adapting to the current market. The fact is a lot of people just want to play games, be it mobile or handheld. Free to play games and cellphones have changed the market forever.

>everyone is gonna love Mario runner you'll see!

Ok I look forward to see it fail like pretty much every other game or app Ninty has put on mobiles so far

Yeah, Pokemon Go was such a failure, uh huh. Wah wah

>FOTM that died in a month
>Nintendo barely did any money out of it
>not a failure
>Wah wah
Yeah I know it hurts to support an irrelevant company but you dont need to cry

Not true at all. Why lie, user?

>When you always were a handheld fan, but wanted to try a console
>But you're afraid of the inevitable happening

>Get to have a Wii U because some games looked legitimately fun

>Not only Nintendo, but Sony and whoever follows making a thousand models/systems every goddamn time

It was a bit more excusable with handhelds since those are cheaper, but jesus if it isn't soul crushing to just want to have a console that doesn't become irrelevant in a matter of time with some brand new model that barely changes shit

at least the Switch won't keep me locked inside the damn house, I feel like the idea of keeping a console has already stagnated as times change and you have more things to do besides sitting in your ass at home all day and you just want a game on the go

>Praising mobile shit

Stop sucking Nintendo's cock. Do you line up to buy their shitty, happy meal toys too?

>barely anyone plays it except hardcore pokebronies
>Niantic fucked it up not only for hackers but for everyone in general
>game got monotonous after a while
>i-it still popular believe me!

It was fun BTFO you but I have better things to do with my time, kisses

I don't play cellphone games, but it is an important market nonetheless.
Whatever you say, user. Go have fun in your sandbox.

>barely anyone plays it except hardcore pokebronies
First point and you already fucked it up

One job

BOTW is a smartphone game?

JoJo reference?