>Dishonored 2 port is the worst in a long time
>Bethesda says the fix is using lower settings
>Sup Forums will just shitpost about it because it's on PC
Why has this happened to Sup Forums? Why is it so inexcusably anti-PC? Are Sony/Microsoft literally paying anons to defend consoles now, because that's literally the only excuse
Dishonored 2 port is the worst in a long time
Other urls found in this thread:
I just enjoy pcuck tears
why is Corvo's voice such shit?
he should have just stayed mute.
Do you also enjoy companies ruining gaming with shady and dishonest practices just because it's not in your platform?
What's your problem, user?
>pcucks pirate and contribute the least to game sales
>publishers respond appropriately by treating PC as the least important platform with the worst version
>pcucks cry about being treated like the scum they are
If you fags didn't steal maybe publishers would give a shit about you.
>tfw you bought a PS4 Pro and can enjoy Dishonored at 4K for the low price of 399 while PCuckshave their 2000+ dollar rigs and cant even run it at medium
>implying AAA games are piratable nowadays
Console shitposters enjoy enjoy companies ruining gaming with shady and dishonest practices even when it is their platform.
It's PC owners baiting fragile Reddit exiles.
This board and this site in general, is a hive of contrarian shitposting.
Don't take it too seriously, we're here for a laugh, this isn't Reddit.
Up scaled 1440p on low settings running at 20fps.
PC runs it better even with the fucked up port, mate.