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Here's the proof so you don't question your existence: gamerant.com
who the fuck cares
once Trump is in office , he'll have them electrocuted straight just like the rest of the diseased degenerates.
this . now get out OP
Step aside, DETAILED and WELL-RESEARCHED opinions coming through.
Genji - It'll never be specified
McCree - Will fuck anything with a warm hole
Pharah - It'll never be confirmed but they'll tease Pharmercy endlessly
Reaper - Straight
Soldier: 76 - Straight
Sombra - Straight
Tracer - Bisexual, with a major focus put on it since she's the face of the game and it'll get them massive brownie points
Bastion - Robot
Hanzo - Bisexual, top
Junkrat - It'll never be brought up
Mei - Straight, they're already on thin ice with China over her design and Lijiang Tower
Torbjörn - You better believe he's gonna be gay, and a powerbottom at that
Widowmaker - Had a husband, probably straight
D.Va - Gay
Reinhardt - Has a wife, probably straight
Roadhog - It'll never get brought up
Winston - Monkey
Zarya - Gay, with a hamfisted message about tolerance in Russia
Ana - Straight
Lúcio - Bisexual, bottom
Mercy - It'll never be confirmed but they'll tease Pharmercy endlessly
Symmetra - Straight, they'd be too afraid people would get offended about it since she's autistic
Zenyatta - Robot
Try to prove me wrong.
I sure hope so. With the conservative court we'll be allowed to use this again.
Trump loves fags though
Didn't he go back on that? Also, Pence doesn't like them and neither do republicans. They'll probably allow some of his shit in return for victories against fags.
its mei or symmetra.
He's gone back on nearly everything he's said, at some point or another. He has no firm policies besides tax cuts for the rich, gutting the EPA, and (so far) proliferating nukes to other countries
oh boy, more arbitrary forced progressive bullshit that ultimately accomplishes nothing