>Best sword in the game is the Katana
>In a setting where any other type of sword exist
>Best sword in the game is the Katana
>In a setting where any other type of sword exist
What the fuck
>only sword in the game is the Katana
>your oponents are unarmed peasants
le question mark (?)
>shitposting so hard you literally evaporate
csi cyber is fucking hilarious. highly recommend it to anyone
what the fuck?
Why is she pressing ? and shift?
Is there any game where japanese swords are common but the best in the game is a western sword?
is there a youtube link to this scene?
Did they just stop giving a fuck about how accurate any of the shit they pull is and go full on ham after nerds nitpicked all the other crime shows with any HACKER shit in them?
I've been using question marks in mp games aginst bads and ragers and people who say gg.
Wtf is happening? Don't steal my personal meme assholes.
It's actually a thin enter key, i hate keyboards that have it cause i always end up deleting stuff instead
Post more Kino
>How many legs on a bicycle?
>How many bicycles on a leg?
What did they mean by this?
>mfw TV shows do anything involving computers or video games
I-is that a terminator?
what the fuck this is like the most common bm in dota and has been for YEARS
literally millions of people do this, you're not a special snowflake you autist
>mfw you haven't seen Mr. Robot
>Big Ones V.S. Young Ones
Who would win?
Can someone give me some context for this one? I don't watch tv or movies, so I don't have a clue what this is from.
Big Guys of course
Lurk moar faggot
It's a mac keyboard
It's shift.
This looks pretty old, but even recently, the sheer stupidity when it comes to computers and video games in television shows is mesmerizing.
>that fucking episode of Bones where they find a computer virus hidden inside of a skeleton that made their server room catch on fire when they scanned it
Its from CSI:Cyber which started last year.
>looks pretty old
it's literally from this year
They leveled up
Didn't it end last year as well?
Started out last year, ended this year on its second season
i mean in one of the first episodes they say there's a secret accelerometer that's hidden inside every burner phone, which is secretly seperated from the rest of the phone so it's still covered in "cyber dust", which they then use to read the vibrations of someone typing on a keyboard to determine what the bad guy was writing.
Wow, that makes it a hundred times worse.
It seriously looks like some shit you would have seen in the early 90s, before the majority of the American public gained regular computer access.
I want to fuck her (male)
>lurk more on a video game board to find out about a tv show
Yeah, sure. That'll totally work, dude.
Dear lord.
Anyone remember the episode of one of those crime mystery shows where they have to beat a Prince of Persia game to solve a murder or some shit?
People sure have computers now, but you don't have to know how they work to use them. Most people's closest interaction to the inner workings of them is googling "how to jailbreak iphone 7"
Lurk 500 years before posting
Literally lurk moar
Let me tell you something stranger. I don't trust a man that doesn't have something strange going on about him, cause that means he's hiding it from you. If a man's wearing his pants on his head or if he says his words backwards from time to time, you know it's all laid out there for you. But if he's friendly to strangers and keeps his home spick-and-span, more often than not he's done something even his own ma couldn't forgive.
>the old "mashing random keys furiously = l33t comp skillz" meme
They're still doing that shit?
Poplar you're so cute!
I love you!
Oh for fuck sake.
..for you?
Her not pressing enter at all triggers me
>not holding the high scores on every MMORPG
>not having a 16 cores 10 meg pipe pc
why even live?
Why do they do this? There is no way its not on purpose
I'd fuck that terminator
they just know shit that's why
captcha pittyman cafe
I've heard that they go out of their way to be as dumb as possible while still being somewhat plausible to people who know nothing about he subject matter.
> Shilling gurl pro gaymer meme hard
Cringing hard. Can popular media just end
what the fuck
Stay away from my daughterfu