Just built my first ever gaming pc

Just built my first ever gaming pc,

Completely serious question PC bros, what can I do now that my PS4 couldn't do?

Graphics are a bit prettier, pirating before buying is nice, and mouse control for shooters is obviously better, but I'm having a hard time justifying spending almost $1k on this

Try Dishonored 2.

You won't have to upgrade for the next 20 years.

I bought a PC telling myself I won't have to upgrade in a while like you do with new console generations, but when you're used to running everything at ultra settings it's hard to turn stuff down for new games (even if it still looks better than consoles) without getting the urge to spend $300+ on the new generation of graphics cards

Just kidding senpai.
Download some emulators, try games that you would never buy.
Also, pick a game with great mods and try it, consoles will never achieve the customization that PC have.
Sorry, I can't give you names because I only play on consoles.

Mods(nexusmods/moddb)for game series like like Elder Scrolls,Fallout,Total War,Mount&Blade

Strategy genre(Total War,Homeworld, Crusader kings 2,Europa Universalis 4,Hearts Of iron 4,Civilization,Company of Heroes 2,Wargame Red Dragon)

Play old games with GOG

Add ENB/Sweetfx to games

Post speccy

Honestly, there's not much more you can do than consoles aside from mod and play rts frankly. PCs and consoles are basically Netflix machines nowadays either way.

Make games

I only have a 1080p/60hz monitor right now