About to play an FPS online for the first time, what should I expect?

About to play an FPS online for the first time (BF1). What should I expect? Always done single player only since Halo CE. Will my skills carry over to multiplayer?

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No, most multiplayer gameplay revolves around mathematical-based roleplaying


You'll get raped till you learn the meta if it's anything like cod.
which it is

die a lot, but you'll get better and better soon

play conquest first

Maybe if you're a fuckin pleb

Playing this on console and HOLY FUCK why is vertical sensitivity so fucking... sensitive? There's no way to change it from Horizontal either.

You shouting"fuck this I'm done several times" shouting what the fuck I shot him first" getting frustrated at any thing if you take the game serious which you probably shouldn't

Using what?

You'll get annihilated. Even the worst muppet of a player is way smarter than any single player enemy AI.

I've played shooters competitively for years and the best piece of advice I can give you is to treat it like you're actually in danger. Don't just wander around the map carelessly. Decide what your 10 second plan is and do what you have to to hit them before they hit you.

play either medic or support because they have decent guns for a pvp noob and you can at least heal yourself or give yourself more ammo/grenades and it helps your allies as well while you learn the ropes

Hurry up, it'll be dead in a month.

>only 41
That's nothing to brag about
You're still fucking terrible


This holy fuck, spotting is great and no one does it, even scouts.

Don't drop ammo and medkits or anything
dumbass teammates don't deserve shit, fuck them
Just keep all your meds/ammo to yourself and don't spot anybody either

you complete double donut, you could have saved your 60$ and tried Rainbow Six Siege or Squad this weekend for free instead

>What should I expect?

>Rainbow Six Siege

>What should I expect?

Your team:
A quarter of them will be snipers who go 3-0 the entire round
Your medics will never revive, ever
On the flip side, your teammates will immediately hold space bar on death so you cannot revive them
No one plays support (their guns are weak you see) so don't spend those limited grenades!
Pilots who'll take up the plane slots just to use them to parachute onto points - alone and immediately die to take up the next plane slot
Tankers who sit as far away from the fight as possible and plink away at the enemy who'll never push up

Enemy team:
1 or 2 snipers who can headshot your faggot ass as you peek out of cover or rush a point
Medics gleefully leaping from body to body administering morphine and medkits to all their teammates and ruining your killstreaks
Supports delivering frontline ammunition while using mortars to kill your pussy ass hiding behind a building
Ace pilots who have long since locked down the sky and are now doing bombing runs on your ground forces
Tankers who can always escape any attempt to destroy them as they effortlessly clear multiple squads at once and lock down points

Good luck!

>mfw a noob is about to get totally raped in his first fps

I virtually only play support.

you should have bought titan fall 2

This is so true. I am torn between playing assault and winning 1v3 while getting our team some control points or playing medic and reviving team members. Can't do both because team medics either do not exist or won't revive and team assault are too stupid to organize and push together.