
Sell me on this game, Sup Forums. Why should I bother to check it out over similar games? And which part of the game should I check out/read/glance over to see if the game is for me?

5 gig download pirated gog version.

This is how shitty the gaming industry is. The #1 selling point for a game is the size of the download rather than the content of the game.

Please return to leddit.

I swear to god if this thread turns into SJW-anti-SJW autismfest like the previous one, I will kick a homeless dog.

It's SJW shit. You can't even have sex with lolis in it.

I preordered it and it's perfectly fine, I haven't played yet though, you should buy it

Ah come on man. Sure women are the only ones to own property, you have some pretty bad writing and a huge number of female chars, openly gay and married characters in a medieval setting where most people especially women would be busy attaching themselves to some guy for survival as it's a day to day struggle etc. But it's not really SJW tier bullshit.

It's mostly Obsidian trying to recreate modern USA society in a fantasy setting.

Yeh, but why can't we fuck lolis? Because it triggers feminists.

He's pointing out that the user can just pirate it and see if he likes it. he doesn't need to start another thread. The blatant shilling of this game is leaving a bad taste in peoples mouth lately.

People knee jerk like always, why not spin it other way and ask why it's so unfair that only men can be captains and own boats?

I can't figure out the rune in the Lethien's Crossing spire, halp pls

>Sure women are the only ones to own property, you have some pretty bad writing and a huge number of female chars, openly gay and married characters in a medieval setting where most people especially women would be busy attaching themselves to some guy for survival as it's a day to day struggle etc.
>But it's not really SJW tier bullshit.
Nice doublethink, CTR shill

the game is actually 12gig you mongrel

pirate and see if you like it, if you do, then buy it.




>in a medieval setting

It's more closer to bronze/iron age, then you also have magic and giant stone men and beastmen and all sorts of FANTASY elements.

>lmao hurr game is so EVIL!11
>no rape

choose one obsidian

they dun goofed this time.

You can easily tell that is an actual shill from Obsidian because he has no fucking ideas what "lolis" are considering he completely ignored that part. And there are mods who will tell there are "NO PAID SHILLS".


what kind of underage niggers are browsing today


You play a magical super-commissar enforcing the will of magic-Stalin. It's fun.

great argument
>obsidian thread
of course

i dont care about this game, just reading threads. You do realize there are people on Sup Forums, Sup Forums and the internet in general that post religiously every single day? They don't get paid to be faggots


It's made by swedes. That's all you need to know.


also this

>Hiring deviant art writers for your story
>2/3 of the stronk characters are womyn, genuinely shocked both archons weren't female
>"Give a man one million marauders and he'll worry about his neibour's one thousand. That's why wimmin are da best and men stink."
>furry self insert that rips off dicks
>tin man who "comically" shits and pisses himself
>purple prose in every single conversation which takes up more space than the actual dialogue

It's like they took the worst parts of PoE, added more SJW dumb shit and somehow managed to make the combat worse.

>people sprout evil without having played the game
>you are basically the sheriff of a conquered land that is in rebellion
>the law must be followed rebels must be put down examples must be made

All preferred over chaos and anarchy.


I don't need an argument illiterate dumbfuck gig doesn't exist as a measure, it's GB.

whats wrong with gig? I see old people say that all the time too.

like i give a fuck about english grammar on anime imageboard

Are you autistic? I'm genuinely concerned and not being mean.

OP here. I just wanted information on the game, not a lesson on SJWs vs Shills vs Alt-Righters. I'm sorry, guys.

From what I can gather (when it isn't a political debate), it seems kinda.. Average. Like it doesn't seem to do anything new.


No, but you are a low IQ mongrel if you can't getright something as easy as a Bytes unit of measurement.

Whats the combat in the game like? Turn based or like Bolder's Gay?

Is it fun combat? Variety? Or always the same

I think you legitimately have some form of autism. I'm not saying this to be mean or insulting, but you should get this checked. Autism is an epidemic and there are ways to get help.

kill yourself pedo

It's PoE 1.5 Beta Edition.

Pirate it and see if you like it or not, it's much better than reading up whatever some bumble fucks opinion is, just make your own opinion from your own experience.


You seem to lash out at slightest error and disregard common slangs and social norms, you might be on the spectrum.

Enjoy your ban, SJW. Trump won.

The writing is actually really fun if you like cheesey high fantasy. We haven't gotten any WRPGs in that style for a long, long time. The gameplay is not exceptional but as an actual roleplaying game where you roleplay it might be the best RPG since Mask of the Betrayer.

I enjoy seeing other people's opinions on matters, even if it does devolve into mongoloids yelling at each other over gay people.

Fair enough.


Here's a review quote related to this:
>It’s tempting to say that the emphasis when compared with Pillars is on the combat, but I think that’s not quite accurate. Pillars was rammed with combat – it was, in fact, the game’s biggest weakness, where tiresome skirmishes popped up incessantly and required far too much micro-management for their lack of import to what you were playing. Tyranny is just the same, just without as much other cool stuff going on in between the fights.

And here is another:
>It’s such a shame, then, that fights are largely boring, especially when compared to Pillars of Eternity. The system itself is fantastic, perhaps the best descendent of Infinity Engine-style combat, but the actual encounters are bizarrely conservative, with most enemies being simple soldiers and the occasional magic user, who generally just stay in one place and wait for you to engage them before moving. Patrols are rare. When Tyranny does introduce an enemy that’s not just a plain dude with some weapons and the same abilities you’ve seen a hundred times already, they’re quickly forgotten, and it’s back to fighting more soldiers.

>On the normal difficulty, you can pretty much sleepwalk through most uninspired brawls. Harder difficulties do pose more of a challenge, but certainly don’t make the scraps any more interesting. And then act three kicks off and Tyranny suddenly changes tack. The very brief final act is essentially a series of boss battles in a game that, up until that point, didn’t really have boss battles. Sure, you’ll meet slightly tougher enemies who are important to the story in the earlier acts, but those fights are the same as the rest. I found myself entirely unprepared for the difficulty spike, and I really struggled to manage the waves of enemies and the new abilities they had. It’s just so strange that they’re all crammed into the last couple of hours.

its a good game, and worth the price point on a 15-20% sale. I've been having fun. It at least gives you the good vibes of a choose your own adventure story.

the character creation is the best part


desu the society they live in, for all its inclusivity, is incredibly bleak. I blame the collapse of the nuclear family.

Modern USA doesn't look like that tho

How does it feel Hillary got grabbed by her hairy cunt? Faggot.

couldn't care less since i didn't vote for her dipshit

>waves of enemies

And into the trash it goes.

Obshitian autist triggered much?

Kill yourself.

theres like 5 white male avatars, 10 black ones and 10+ female ones

game keeps pandering to STONK WOMEN WARRIORS and weak and stupid white males.

i refunded i'm not playing this nu-obsidian game, fuck the whole video game industry fucking lefty cucks infiltrated it and fucked everything up.

I'm only gonna play games that don't have political agendas that don't push retarded narratives.

Are you sold yet?

that art looks neat

The most important characters, i.e. the three archons leading Kyros' army, are all male.

Yes there's also Archon (little girl) (waifu) but she isn't nearly as relevant.

Wat are you even talking about?

In their minds it does, that's the thing. They basically take their vision of modern society in the USA/West and 1:1 transplant it into a fantasy/sci-fi setting. It's less about peddling and agenda and more a glimpse into how they perceive the world.

>They basically take their vision of modern society in the USA/West
You mean California. How much I wish it would finally sink into the ocean, the world would be a better place.

I'm not shilling. I don't even like the game or the writing. The problem is it's less SJW trying to sell you their stuff and propagandize games. This is how they see the world. This right here gives you a glimpse into how they perceive modern society in the West/US and how they feel.

It's not mind to indoctrinate you as much as it's meant to emulate modern society except in a fantasy/more medieval time because that's pretty much the extent of their writing capabilities.

This game is literal SJW propaganda. Every man is a spineless idiot while every women is a heroic Godess who can lead and fight 10x better than any man.

Sad that this is what "equality" writing gives us.

>This is how they see the world. This right here gives you a glimpse into how they perceive modern society in the West/US and how they feel.
And how is that not bad or pushing an agenda? You're literally admitting that they made a game setting based around their warped, biased perceptions of western culture.

>Every man is a spineless idiot

But... the leader of both major factions are men. Graven Ashe and Voices of Nerat are both men. There are only two male companions but they'll probably be in everyone's party seeing as you get them early and they're both likeable unlike Verse (the first female companion you meet) who is an edgelord who admits to torturing small animals. The second female companion you meet gets destroyed by you in combat and then begs for her life.

So yes there is a bit of SJW garbage in the game but it's not nearly as bad as people are make it out to be.

The game is pretty good but if you people want to hate on it then go ahead.

It's a FACT that Obsidian is trying to viral market this shit, that's just been their strategy for this game, plain and simple.

That means they ARE shilling this on Sup Forums, these two posts being the most suspect Don't waste your money on this shit.

I was looking into this game, here's what I can say about it; The gameplay looks like shit, the characters are annoying as fuck, and the story is simplistic shit for retards that doesn't even let you do evil acts besides "lol, aren't I le edgy xD" shit for no reason (In truth, what this game considers "evil" most of the time is simply not being a cuck that is eager to please 100% of the time.)

I found out about Age of Decadence while researching this shit, it's way, WAY better story-wise in all aspects. It has shit gameplay and graphics, but at least you won't be treated to a story for morons with annoying as fuck characters written by dye-haired cunts and nu-males.

Not to mention how embarrassing it would be for someone to seriously let these lie-peddlers shill you on it.

>the leader of both major factions are men
And you either kill them both, or have them become your bitch.

Do you all not see the irony of complain about wimpy white males while being a wimpy white male crying about video games as though you are some victim of tyranny?

Fucking white males, i swear.

the drawings reminded me of Bruce Timm but the game is nothing compared to what they represent. I was hoping for some Thanagarian shit but so far it isn't exactly like that.

If Alpha Protocol was made by current Obsidian, the first thing Mina would tell you is brag about how good she is in combat and how she formed an awesome sisterhood on the battlefield with other strong grrrllls wrecking everyone around. You would never be able to kill Sis, in fact in scripted cutscene she will always defeat you and Albatross would be a female lesbian. Alan Parker would be an open gay constantly reminding you about this in every dialogue. You would never be able to make any even slightly amoral decision as well.

I think he's saying the "pushing" isn't deliberate. They think they're writing the truth after lifetimes of patriarchy lies, but to most people it just looks strange and pandering because we're not californian software engineers/deviantart artists.

So what magic type is the best? Lighting or ice for offense?

They aren't even trying to hide it anymore.

I know Sup Forums can be tough, but you're being paid to be here.

Even though you'd prefer tumblr, understand that you're doing a JOB right now and maintain some professional courtesy. Save the talk about the patriarchy and rape culture for when you're not on the clock.

I could not find the third etching at all but I managed to figure it out with just the two

>wimp white male


I'm pretty shit at these types of games for whatever reason, I never know what ability is best to use but am I supposed to be having so much trouble with the first sidequest?

I got a quest once I got to the camp to go to this northern place and there are about 5 enemies there. I've tried multiple times to fight them but they absolutely destroy me with verse and barik.

I know I'm shit but is this part doable at this point in the game or do I need to get stronger?

Yup it is white males just complaining about not being the target audience again. Not piss poor writing and character development that lacks any logic behind it. It's literal deviant art fan fiction writing that you would find in a high schoolers novel

Send Barik in first so they attack him. Make sure you give him health potions because he'll need them if you don't have Lantry. With Verse, you can switch to her Bow so she has less chance of dying.

To get Lantry (the healer), you need to visit the Scarlet Chorus camp and he'll be tied to a post. You speak to the leader there and he lets you talk to the prisoners.

When that reviewer says it's the best descendant of Infinity Engine combat, he's being very kind to it.

I mean it's true to an extent, but it's a lineage that needs to die. I really hate seeing an impending fight, because I know it's just going to be another frustrating mess. The best build is just one that bursts everything down, partly just to end fights quicker.

They really need to address that shit.

Alright, I'll try that out. Thanks, user.

There's like 3 games in the last 20 years that don't have piss poor writing. It's only now that you hear non stop crying about how white males are portrayed, even though it's becoming more and more true. Cause yall are the biggest faggots on earth at the moment.

Once you have a team of 4, the game kind of plays itself because the companions are so good.

You should try to get Lantry if you can because
1. he's the healer
2. he has an amazing armor buff that you should be casting before every fight

Also make sure to pump Barik's Vitality because that's the only stat he needs as a tank.

Can you fuck the werewolf thing
Can you at least flirt with it

Don't bother. You need a tumblr account just to play it.

Yeah, I'm gonna go pick up the healer for sure.
I normally don't know the best stat to pick but luckily I have been putting points into Vit for Barik.

Why couldn't SJW write a more realistic fascist society, it seems like its straight up there ally.

Pillars of Eternity was an excellent game by modern standards and I have to say that Tyranny is disappointing a lot in comparison. The concept is cool but it just hasn't grabbed me so far. I've met Barik, Verse, Graven Ashe, Voices of Nerat and I've just been unable to relate to any of them. The writing feels weak.

The UI is pretty intuitive. Just hover over something and it highlights relevant stats, not to mention tells you exactly what it does.

How does one address that exactly? I'm trying to design my own rpg system as a hobby. Some pointers would be nice.


PoE was nigh unreadable past the 10 hour mark, even more so than Tyranny.

You feminist cunts sure like projecting your insecurities onto men.

Nah, Pillars was great. This is not delivering on the writing from that level. Presumably because it has no Sawyer, Avellone, Ziets or Fenstermaker.

>Tyranny worse than PoE

PoE, more like PoS.

Turns out trying to write an engaging story from the viewpoint of evil is pretty hard

This is exactly the kind of bullshit I was hoping the devs would avoid.

Glad I pirated.

What the actual fuck are you smoking, you realize Avellone quit Obsidian in a literal fit of autistic rage because the writing in Pillars was that bad right?

no its not

the writing is just completely shit because they are restricted to not offend any thin skinned fagget and also to be marketable to a wide audience.

you wanted them to avoid having you make decisions instead of being a little bitch boi sliding down the middle with everything?

bet you've never got your dick sucked to with that lack of a spine

First of all, Avellone is one of many writers that used to be at Obsidian. Secondly, he didn't leave at all because of Pillars of Eternity and that's a narrative entirely created by you.

Nah, the writing is just weak in general. Pillars of Eternity had stuff that could be considered SJW in it and it was still pretty great. This game has that stuff and is just overall poorly written. At least so far.

>Prince of Thorns
>The Lies of Locke Lamora
>The Blade Itself

Damn. Grow a spine, Lord Binder. You can't be a fence sitting faggot forever.

Admittedly, I want to support the Chorus because of their Archon but the damn motherfucker hates me for asking too many questions so Disfavored rep just kept growing and growing.

>The quest right after that where one of the Chorus commanders gives you a petty order and you have no choice but to go along with it.
This game isn't even worth it

The writing IS pretty shit. The only characters I found even mildly interesting are the Fatebinder Rheu-something and Bleden Mark. And mainly because I like this missive gimmick.