What made it so good and what went so horribly wrong?

What made it so good and what went so horribly wrong?

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Egg me
Egg me
Egg me
Egg me
Egg me

>people actually played the game
>game wasn't filled with noob casuals, but with nerds who wanted to actually get better at the game
>social media really wasn't really a thing so chatting in-game to random people was normal
>it took time do stuff, so accomplishments were actually impressive
Just a different time I guess, games like this one have already peaked. It's hard but you just got to move on.


>People actually played the game
>Implying people weren't afking the same fucking skills back then

>it took time do stuff, so accomplishments were actually impressive

It still takes time to do "stuff"

Is there any other MMO with interesting quests and satisfying rewards like runescape?

I used to check Runescape time from time to keep up with updates out of habit. Lately though they only post "updates" which contain nothing but a ~10 mins video of what I could had read in 1 minute if they just fucking posted it as text like they used to. Also Soloman store. 2/3 of the updates are Soloman crap. The game is so fucking dead it now have a spinning wheel, membership, a cash shop to keep it running and now a pay to win option by selling bonds for ingame gold. Note this is a game where you can literally buy yourself a few 99's such as prayer, herb, summoning (somewhat) and many others. Even with like five different ways to throw money at them they are still dying. A few months back I believe they even increase the sub price.

It taught people that if someone promises you a full adamant set if you follow you into the woods they probably are just going to shank you for your 2K and uncooked chickens

are you retarded? you think all the 12 years olds playing this years ago had 3 monitors, an ipad, and a phone? No you dipshit we were all focusing on the game and nothing else.

Loot/Item system

Every other MMO out there I know of has that shitty loot system where the weapons have RNG modifiers on drops. With "tiers" that go up to something like legendary. Not runescape, every steel sword has the same exact stats, every rune plate body offers the same protection. Why other games have these modifiers, I don't know. All it does is extend the grind for drops since a specific modifier is usually the best.

Even as a kid I knew how to minimize the screen and operate a second window.

It wasn't that good. You were just young and not jaded.

To everyone in this thread: oldschool RuneScape exists. It's pretty great. T. Lvl 120 main

fishing lvl?





I stopped playing after RS3 came out. Then I jumped back into OSRS. Combat level 90.

I've been fishing for the past 2 months trying to get a Heron, but 50k+ lobbies later and it still hasn't happened yet. Had some guy say he went from 76-99 and no heron popped for him.

If i don't get one, oh well. I'll stop fishing around the 120k mark and just chalk it up to bad luck and move on to Slayer.

There literally was no client available aeons ago but if you were so dumb that you didn't know how to open a new tab or launch a second browser (the resolution of the game was small as shit) then that was on you. But I fucking guarantee you that pretty much nobody was constantly staring at the fishing or woodcutting spots or while cooking or fletching or whatever else skills that were easily multitaskable.

>50k+ lobbies
>120k mark

>good: runaway economy
>bad: runaway economy

I did.

I stared 2+ hours at the edgeville yew trees everyday after school.

>92 is only halfway to 99

50,000+ lobsters
120,000 lobsters is where I'll probably give up.


Browser based, ran on anything and didn't have an initial pay wall meant that it had a huge community
the pre-membership was a full game, membership was an expansion pack, not like modern """free to play""" games which soft cap your progression
the world was small, and dense, not huge and empty. On a full server, everywhere you went was bound to have a couple people, and the crowded areas were fucking crowded
There weren't wikis or anything because the internet was still fresh. I remember actually having to ask someone where to go to do a quest.

It was designed with a different mentality for children with Windows 95 and didn't do so well in trying to modernize.

>tfw i didn't experience runescape

Wow. You sure as hell convinced me.

I mean, there probably were 3rd party clients and shit but I never used them so I don't know about them. If that's what you're referring to anyhow.

I'm having hard time picturing you going 40-99 fishing solely with lobsters when there are several better fishies to be caught for money (which I'm assuming as your reason since they're shit exp)

There were plenty of fansites with lots of information. By 2005 or so tip.it had pretty much everything covered.

>there weren't wikis

Uh, not if you didn't look for them. Not exactly a wiki but full guides to everything were everywhere.

I'm not catching them for money, I'm catching them for the chance to get the pet Heron. 2007.runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Heron

Although I already have like 6mil saved in lobsters which is nice. And I didn't start doing this at 40, I've been fishing on and off for awhile. It's only been recently that I started doing solely lobsters because they're easily the fastest fishes to catch.

Different times, that's all really. Kids back then couldn't wait to get home from school to get ingame chat with their friends and grind some levels. Kids these days all have smartphones, all friends at the tip of your finger, always online and are acustomed to get everything on demand - games, media, whatever the fuck you want.

I remember using runehq for guides.

You do realise that you can catch Heron ANYWHERE, right? It's the same chance anywhere, regardless of spot. You're wasting exp / money by fishing lobsters.

> that I started doing solely lobsters because they're easily the fastest fishes to catch.
50k lobsters is like 200 hours of fishing dude. If it were the fastest it would be the best exp/h but it isn't, barbarian fishing and regular salmon/trout is far faster, especially when powerfished.

>You're wasting exp / money by fishing lobsters.

If I cared about that, I wouldn't be doing this would I? I'd be doing Monks or some shit.

And powerfishing isn't something I'm into either since it's not really afkable.

>Different times, that's all really. Kids back then couldn't wait to get home from school to get ingame chat with their friends and grind some levels
> That moment you realized you could play runescape in IT

>If I cared about that, I wouldn't be doing this would I? I'd be doing Monks or some shit.
But like I said, you can get Heron anywhere with the same odds as at lobsters so monkfish is infinitely better choice

Jesus lol is this true?

Yeah, it is

If you looked at the link I shared, there are different base chances for each kind of fish to get a Heron.

Sure for Sharks it's a better chance to get it, but they're slower than Lobsters which is the whole point.

The Grand Exchange ruined Runescape. No more banks full of random sales, no more world 2 fally. Sure it made things easier (the only reason I even did Recipe for Disaster) but it took the fun, exploring and work out of the game. When you can just go to the GE and find the most obscure item that you need for a quest instead of having to go out and look/make it yourself.

And 90 is 1/3.

Just play ironman if that bothers you. Honestly I fucking love the GE. Saves you so much time having to deal with people's bullshit.

Free browser game with a solid economy and loot system

It was “fun”

>What made it so good
1. Open-ended gameplay that let you play in any style you wanted - no classes, equipment restrictions, etc.
You could spend hundreds of hours on building a character that never entered combat, or just have a character that partook in nothing but combat.
2. A good PvP system based on risk vs reward, which allowed anyone to take part, even lowly level 3's
3. Open, player driven economy. Players set the prices with supply vs demand. Players could loot everything another player had from their corpse. Or bet anything and everything on a fight.

>What went so horribly wrong?
First they alienated much of their player base by removing pvp and free trade (2007? not sure when that was exactly). By the time they tried to unfuck everything that player base was long gone and not coming back. This took a huge toll on the game as it was heavily community driven.

After that they started stream-lining the game and going against its previous open-eneded principals, slowly destroying the last of what made the game good.

I still can't imagine how they thought implementing the GE was a good idea.
The p2p trading added a whole new aspect to the game imo. A market where people could have their own stalls would've been great.

the soundtrack was amazing


yea it removed a huge social aspect. But starting to play earlier this year I don't think I would want to have to deal with that shit. Kid me had fun haggling and talking and watching people sell rares behind the bank. But now all the kids that played are cynical autistic dick heads in their 20s and I would probably quit if I had to interact with people the same way today.

>People who still insist GE being bad

One of the managers of RS recently bought a vidya (for the Shita, no less) from me off ebay, I have his work address lol

It's in Cambridge, UK if you don't believe me. If someone gets quads, I'll dox him.

>GE apologists

Yeah, sorry. I haven't been too involved with all these drop rate posts they make on twitter so I was still under the impression it was all same shit.

Good luck on your masochist journey I guess. I'd never train a skill just for the sake of a pet with those odds though.

I-i can't scam people so it's bad!!

I like Runescape but I wish that we didn't always have the exact same threads.

At least do something different in the OP for pete's sake

Daily reminder Sup Forums has their own private server. Check the vscape general on /vg/

>Good luck on your masochist journey I guess. I'd never train a skill just for the sake of a pet with those odds though.

It's meh. I think the heron looks cool so I thought I'd give it a try and get it. It also keeps me playing the game too, since I also play other stuff.

>Can actually sell everything rather than just drop stuff because selling it wouldn't be worthwhile
>Can actually do something else while items are selling instead of obsessively trying to compete with people using chat macros (everyone on OSRS got the luxury of Jagex giving it to everyone)
>Makes questing tolerable

Yes, it's so bad!

Funnily enough scamming is going strong in the form of doubling and donations and crap like that.

>game wasn't filled with noob casuals, but with nerds who wanted to actually get better at the game
You've got it completely backwards. Nowadays is when the game is completely filled with nerds and noobs are much less common

It's not the same. If I went back now kids would be going "lol ur too old to play runescape", which is what I got when I was 18.

not sure what you are talking about

Dailies were a mistake and micro transactions were a mistake.
Shitty content can be excused (like the last two skills, or even godawful stuff like the combat rework) but all the dailies means the sense of explorations and the gameplay is absolutely gutted. WoW dailies worked. It doesn't work for RS. Hmm, seems like any other time they copied WoW it turned out like shit too. And micro transactions I hope I don't have to get into. Assuming you've got a half decent job, it's better to just buy keys. That's ridiculous.
It went downhill when Gower sold his stake to the shareholders. Can't blame the guy, but that's the root cause.
I played hardcore during RS golden years and then a month or so every year the last 6-7 years. I don't think I'm playing it again, it's finally reached the tipping point. Even 07 is getting weaker, and I don't want to repeat content I've already done.

>mfw I still play to this day
>mfw just got 120 dg and almost at 120 invention
>mfw only 120m off a white phat

Even though gaygex made very poor decisions the game is alright still.

The game was never not filled with noob casuals


It still has some irritating stuff but overall it's really good.

The dailies of WoW and RS are different. Most RS3 dailies are literally stuff you can do if you want rather than YOU MUST like in WoW.

Honestly, the only real "must" daily is vis wax, takes 30 seconds and is 400k+ daily profit.

> Assuming you've got a half decent job, it's better to just buy keys.
Like hell it is. Keys are insanely costly exp and only ""worth"" during the best promos used consecutively (prismania and meteor storm)

>It went downhill when Gower sold his stake to the shareholders. Can't blame the guy, but that's the root cause.
There's three Gower brothers, one of whom still work on RS.

>And micro transactions I hope I don't have to get into.
Yeah, awful cosmetics ;'(

What are you, 12?

Private servers are cancer

Why would I want to play a game with people from Sup Forums?

It's no less cancer than this website, trust me.

I'd be lying if I said there werent shitty people, but you obviously use the website.
plus the server has some nice features

Not only are all your points wrong, but it shows basic lack of reading comprehension and the fact that you didn't play RuneScape before 2010.
Why the fuck you defend it's current state you underage, inbred moron?

>What are you, 12?

q p

>What made it so good
good quests, good simple but fairly deep combat systems, being 12 and beginning to learn the core concepts of mmo's in general.

>and what went so horribly wrong?
jews took over jagex, andrew gower peaced out once they had majority share control.

>Not only are all your points wrong

How? Saying I'm wrong doesn't mean I'm wrong.

>but it shows basic lack of reading comprehension

> the fact that you didn't play RuneScape before 2010.
What makes you say that? Because I'm not a circlejerking dumbass who cries about EoC being "bad" to this day?

>Why the fuck you defend it's current state you underage, inbred moron?

Is that your argument - insults?

It's a different community. MMOs are defined by their community. Runescape's older community came from a different era so as a result it cannot be replicated.

nobody ever played runescape. It was all skill botters in 2007. You only think it was good because you were a kid.

Obviously the playerbase isn't the same as Runescape 2007. A good percentage of the players did play back in the day though.

Still not sure what your original point is

That first post was me fumbling on my words like a retard. I was referencing the original servers.
Sup Forumsscape is too memey to be runescape, not to mention the players change over the years.

>make autism simulator
>change the interface, frequently

Fair, but Sup Forumsscape is only just over 2 years old, and there's easily a much higher percentage of recognizable and consistent players.
Basically 'players changing over the years' is seemingly worse for any other game.

vscape is very memey though, also very racist. But it's Sup Forums.

This is modern Runescape

I miss the times where you had to wait before you could enter world 1 since it was so crowded.

What is even memey about it besides yell? It's not like Runescape is condensed in that shitty chat.

>tfw osrs is slowly becoming rs3 customscape
>tfw vscape is full of homoerotic erping tards
>tfw rs will never be the same

>What made it so good
no money, shit PC, free game to play with friends and waste my afternoon with
>and what went so horribly wrong?
got money, got hardware, realised runescape is a shitty timesink

>>social media really wasn't really a thing so chatting in-game to random people was normal
I fucking hate how it is now. You have faggots who type like forumfags and then they always end shit wiht like "Oh, I only add my irl friends."

The same people who always keep chat on private and shit. What's the fucking point? Back in the day talking to others was fucking fun as hell, now it's literally filled with redditors and forumfags.