Monster Hunter

This is a Monster Hunter thread.
I repeat, this is a Monster Hunter thread.
Share news, host or post rooms to play, ask for help in a quest.
Post best monster, post best weapon, post best style and hunter art ITT.

Enjoy the thread.

Other urls found in this thread:

>no health bars
>no lock on
>recolors everywhere
>sluggish combat

Why do you faggots keep playing this grindy nip shit? Go play a real mmo like ops post felt too positive for a monster hunter thread.

This is now a Naviru thread!

Would you let him sniff your eggs if given the chance?

Frenzied Pink Rathian is not OK. She runs straight at you before exploding/swinging her poisonous tail everywhere, there's no way you can dodge that.

Is there any plans to make a monhun game on something other than a handheld or underpowered shitbox yet? 4u and tri were fun and all but I'm getting sick of low res rehashing for real.

Hammer best weapon, urragan best monster

well they made a MHFZ but who knows if this will come to the west. But I hope they release more for consoles

Shit, you just triggered him

Rathian has always been bullshit. Never trust a monster that can still poison people with a severed tail.

I really hate Rathalos when it flies high, I just can't find a way to dodge its poisonous claws

His tell is him spazzing out mid-air. A good dodge or Superman dive should be enough to help you. I remember being able to dodge that move by standing under him, though that's more risky.

Offtopic Playing gen again after 2 months break. I don't know why it feels almost impossible to stun monsters now. It seemed so easy before.
Anyway, are randoms in gen shit as usual? I remember people kicking prowlers because they attracted the worst kind of players, spanish players were the new frenchies. Did anything change?

Whats the best way to get a weathered sword? I want the Teostra's SnS


charm farms

Im planning to hunt Amatsu, any advice?

Hit it until it dies.

When it curls up and sucks you, you can stop it by attacking it. Keep on mind you need to make it flinch or pray RNG gods or you might die.

I just restarted 4 Ultimate. Is the online activity still good?

Your heart must feel coal first

You might still be able to find some decent players. Formed a decent party with randoms about a week ago.

Yep, I'm doing my HR just recently. It's a lot more fun than Gen even if it takes longer to fill a room.

I am very depressed and can't enjoy games anymore.
I am going to purchase my first MH game tomorrow.
If this doesn't reignite my interest for vidya then I fucking give up on this "hobby"

I assume I go with Generations, correct?

>post best weapon, post best style


I'm still in the game.
Spanish players got a little better over time. I played with a bunch and they know how to move and hit, they lack knowledge in EVERYTHING else.
Like pinging REPEATEDLY to place a trap on Teostra. Or shock trap on Gypceros.

Randoms are pretty shit in that after the quest is posted once or twice, the room breaks.
Prowlers are fine.

I think a lot of the REAL shitters left the game already.
But there are still people that come in with their pieces of gear with no active skills and their Bishop talisman posting their quest immediately.

I'm convinced it's just trolls at this point to see how fast people will kick them.

so how do they pull you out?

Is that just instadeath or can you wriggle out like any other pin?

im sincerely scared of having to play MH4U again and find nobody ti play with to help me out ranking up. Idk maybe the idea of being the only one playing a game nobody plays anymore is kinda scary and sad

>tfw White Fatty is the only elder dragon I've never been able to solo

On another note, I really wish Generations had the monster intros from 4 Ultimate.

3U or 4U user

Started with 3U on WiiU and it was a glorious beginning.

No, go with 4U. It has an actual story. Gen is a spinoff, but doesn't do a good job of introducing people to the mechanics and Universe.

I'm very depressed too, but MH helped a lot. You'll get challenged a lot and forced to analyze and learn. in order to overcome Be sure to do the weapon trainings and expect to not feel like you know much in the first 10 hours of gameplay. It rewards you a lot, and you'll get hundreds of hours of gameplay out of it.

Not just soloing everything.

Wat r u, Casul?

Instadeath, your health doesn't even go down but you just die. Also its normal electric attacks can cause stun that leads to death unless someone else resuscitate you.

i just like to have fun

You'll find people, G-rank players in 4U are very kind and patient.

You're just rusty user. What I like to do to shake it off is go on a semi difficult quest to get back into the groove. I went about 3 months not playing 4U and took on a Kushala Dora, and after getting my shit together I was able to solo it in about 10 minutes or less.

I feel you user. That feeling gets worse as you get older and see it happen a lot.


...I can't even remember the last time I had fun.

Official list of objectively unfun monsters:
Shiggy Diggy Magala
Any form of Gravios
Brute Tigrex
Gold Rathian

Do you know if randoms still drop bombs on sleeping monsters on capture quests?
I used to see that shit a lot. A LOT.

I mean I get that he's not for everyone, but he can be fun SOMETIMES, right?

No. His only saving grace is how little health he has.

Hyper Najarala is the bullshiest monster

Brachydios and all Tigrex are fun.

Where is Kehzu, Blangonga and Bulldrome?

Plesioth is most unfun if you're blademaster, you can only hit its legs, is ridiculously tall

Deviant Bulldrome when?
Farcaster Velocidrome when?

I haven't done a capture quest in awhile but nobody even brings bombs now when someone is intentionally sleep bombing.

I never saw anyone do that on capture quests though.

would be a neat concept to make tamagotchi of monster hunter, it would be like digimon though except they don't evolve

What makes me more of a shitter? Aerial DB or Adept DB?

Quick, Sup Forums, create a new subspecies/deviant for your favorite monster

Hard mode: Write lore

I'll start
>Deviant Deviljho
>Having survived many encounters with other beasts, this Deviljho has a heightened ability to track prey. Once it spots a target, it relentlessly follows them until it has defeated them.
>unaffected by dung bombs
>needs smoke bombs to avoid being spotted in the first place
>spawns in other high level unstable deviant quests

Deviant Deviljho


Surely you can do better

>You will never have your personal Jho pet

>shaggy maggy
these are objectively wrong

>Quest is hunting a Deviljho
>It has a DANGER icon
>Is probably some other non-threatening monster, you're already hunting Jho
>Quest starts
>You encounter Deviljho
>Suddenly Demonjho appears

Khezu with three heads.


does defense matter? does anyone playing online care if every piece isn't rare 7?

It kind of matters but not a lot.
It's best you have a minimum baseline to NOT get one shotted by hypers or deviants. Hyper silver rath comes to mind with gunners.

It's also possible to get wombo-comboed with low defense.
If you are great with adept then this doesn't matter much.

But no one cares about 'all rare-7'. A lot of people use mixed sets anyway.

>does defense matter
Only if you get hit, so don't
>does anyone playing online care if every piece isn't rare 7?
As long as you aren't that guy who's wearing mismatched gear of 3 different rarities with no active skills I don't give a damn what you wear. Don't be the guy who's made it to end-game and still doesn't know how skills or charms work.

just block bro don't you have a shield :^)

Been running a very successful, round robin, Low Rank, Non key quest hub for the past few hours.


We just happen to be cats. All players welcome to join.

>9 Electric roomba balls.
>One head roars and the other two shoot electricity. Then the middle head roars and the other two shoot electricity. followed by the final head with the other two shooting electricity.
>Stretchy head electric slam.
>Stretchy roof tornado bite.
>Able to pin 3 hunters.
>Other two head flail wildly when it does it's Blanka electricity.

>Duramboros is back!
>But it's stuck in Monster Hunter Generations

> tfw gunlance is shit
will XX finally fix it?

Deviant Jho
He's shoots his dragon breath out his tail and the gaps in his skin.

>gobul will never come back
Brave style gunlance looks pretty baller
While it is my favorite weapon, I'm just shit at the game in general so using it has the added bonus of being an excuse for sucking.

>Any form of Gravios

The rest are dead wrong, but this is so right you come out even.

4U has a lot of gameplay, Gen has better gameplay but very little playability after Hypers get unlocked.

To clarify the obvious I basically just want him to be a shameless Shin Godzilla rip off. Splitting snake like mouth and everything.

> drops all four shells one after another after an upwards poke

Blaze Zinogre (Blazinogre)

Body was burnt by the excessive amount of electricity it consumed after a fight with Amatsu. The grudge it held against the elder dragon made its body to remain alive with it's only intention to kill Amatsu. It creates steam around it when it makes contact with water so constantly attacking with water element may cause the area be surrounded my smoke due to steam same will happen if you make it walk where there is water. In rage mode, everywhere it walks it leaves a track of fire for a few seconds, its howl can cause explosion and you'll suffer blastblight if you're close when it howls.

Barrel bombs are useless unless is asleep.
Weak to dragon and water
Ailments are fire and blast

May appear with monster that uses electricity since it believes Amatsu must be there.

What do you think?

>trusting capcom to ever get anything right

it was the worst weapon in 4U and they NERFED IT while buffing every other weapon. I would not be surprised if gunlances got yet another nerf(like using all your shells at once is an auto overheat) then removed for monster hunter 5

>tfw CB is getting nerfed EVEN FURTHER in XX
Is this what it feels like GLers? I'm sorry for everything I've said to you.

You can't even beat Kushy or Kirin?

>Using GL

Donut steel/10

anyone wanna help me complete my HR7 shit?

doing prowler stuff then might hunt some deviants

>swimming will never be fix and come back

I blame everyone.

I just want best monster to return.

I can beat those two no problem. White Fatalis is the only elder dragon I can't beat on my own.

I might help you in 20 mins



why would you want water battles when they need to focus on the regular game itself

Deep into 4U and been using GS exclusively.

Primarily used LS and Lance for 3U.

What weapon is really good and fun to use that's not the IG?

Read that wrong, woops.

>tfw can't get through any fight without carting at least once and using half of my potions


Ailu Drink Shop


>are you a homo
>he literally got fucked in the ass by a nigger
What a faggot. Also you are too for talking shit about GL I bet you use GS or DB or something equally faggy.

stop over-extending yourself

Spamming attacks, getting greedy with damage, and being impatient is a curse that most beginners have to overcome with these games.

If you expect it to play like Dark Souls you're going to be very frustrated.

Thanks fåm

most people who play monster hunter have played every single one and put thousands of hours into the game and getting good. It takes time

Not that user, but did you just talk shit about my weaponfu? I'll wrek your shit in m8.

>Gets raped by a nigger
>Called a faggot

You hurt his feels user.

I just want a MH5 with all of the good Gen 3 and Gen 4 monsters, along with Gen 4 movements and improved underwater battles.

Wait how does monster hunter NOT play like dark souls? >Spamming attacks, getting greedy with damage, and being impatient are all things that kill new dark souls players

>that shell rapidfire
Noice. Isn't Brave Style just Adept Style 2.0 though? I can't get into Adept at all, I'm just not fond of these exact-moment button press playstyles.