Bolt-action rifle

>Bolt-action rifle
>One of the attachments are extended mags

>being this much of a shit

What's wrong, tho?

What's the problem? Just because video games typically balance out bolt actions as slow loading/firing rate and heavy hitting rifles doesn't mean the magazine capacity can't be increased.

Sure is surprising that an anime poster is fucking retarded.

Aaaaand how is that a problem ? You could argue that the weight is gonna be a lil' bit bigger but apart from that...

>it's the "anime poster posts something retarded" episode

>being wrong and having shit tastes

you´re just sexually frustrated and in closet about liking moes but you dont know how to express this so you get hulk much angry and post something mean :^)

That's an awful lot of projection user.

Everything okay?

>Ejection port is BEHIND the magazine

That works though

>Bolt-action rifle
>One of the attachments is a recoil compensator

>Clip-loading rifle
>can make the magazine bigger, but not the clips

>Clip has 5 rounds
>Reloads 10

you can have extended magazines on bolt action rifles

bolt action rifles like the M24 can take extended magazines theres nothing stopping them

Dumb animeposter.

literally the SKS

>w-woah they figured me out
>call everything projection

so when you were talking about saying retarded shit you were referring to your own comments exclusively? that´s your logic :^)

You still didn't answer the question.

Is this topic uncomfortable?

you didn´t answer my question so i wont answer yours. switch your diapers and git gud at baiting

I asked first. You sound upset.