Tyranny Game

>Campaign is only about 10-14 hours long, depending on what path you choose. (Comparatively, Pillars of Eternity was 30+ hours not including The White March)
>Campaign ends abruptly as fuck, they literally give you powerful weapons/armor then its over, making it painfully apparent the game was cut short or that they plan to rely heavily on DLC to supplement the game
>no option to overthrow Kyros
>forced to listen to characters like Eb talk about how trash all men are
>only viable talent/ability path to take on higher difficulties (Path of the Damned mode) is Mage
>most of the companions are fairly bland and you can typically go through the entirety of their available dialogue the second you get them simply by agreeing with whatever viewpoint they happen to hold to get +loyalty rep.
>many levels/areas are bland or lifeless, making it clear a lot was cut from the game
>unnecessarily verbose dialogue, it often feels like I'm reading a novel, but not a very good one
>itemization/loot fucking sucks until the very end of the game (literally right before the final cutscene drops)
>no romance options

How the fuck did Obsidian fuck up this badly? It isn't a horrible game, but dear god Sup Forums wait for a sale. Don't make the same mistake I did. This game is not worth $45. I'd also wait for all of its DLC to be released before you buy it, as I stated above the game feels very incomplete.

Tyranny Thread, let's discuss Sup Forums.

I guess I was the only dipshit stupid enough to actually buy this game.

What's the deal with the spire puzzles?

>game having an "obsidian" feel now means it's mediocre and bland

It makes sense though, the vast majority of Obsidian developers who worked on games like Knights of the Old Republic 2 and Fallout New Vegas aren't with the company any more.

They are Obsidian in name only.

avellone left to write fucking prey

that should be the only red flag you need

Is there any way to enter stealth after combat has started?

> Go purple during conquest because it feel like the roman empire with elite troupes and red are just lol evil
> Act 1 purple become stupid and red start making pratical choices
> Library red start being stupid again and killing each others because lol random evil

Tyranny is just evil saturday cartoon the game.

I will finish my playthrough because I always finish my game but fuck this sucks.

Agree with almost everythings except >Campaign is only about 10-14 hours long because I'm slow as fuck and only finish act 1 after 10 hours.

idk, I think the writing of the two hordes are really nice and Graven Ashe is top tier, but the game falls victim to its own many paths thing where they cant have big changes along the way because the asset number would go up and up

kotor 2 is the best story in a video game

even liked the rtwp combat in that

>pirate it and count on being able to make a cute girl and experience a good story with decent gameplay

>it has shitty unity graphics, no cute girls, shitty gameplay and cringe inducing story

Fuck, i wan't my 1 hour back

>How the fuck did Obsidian fuck up this badly?
Paradox, can't wait for the next 3000 DLCs

>Not waiting to get best girl Eb

You don't deserve it

>Campaign is only about 10-14 hours long, depending on what path you choose

This is complete bullshit. 12 hours in, haven't been to half the places on the map yet.

all promo art for tyranny fucking sucks ass, that artstyle is awful

>men are on their conquest to suppress women
>only women are stronk and smarts enough to fill key roles and fighting back
>men are incapable of working together to reach a common goal
>men only bring destruction
>nationalism and racism only comes from men
>role reversal: women are mirroring the image of your typical macho and men are your fragile objects

Wait until you see the fucking portraits.

>Obsidianfags are finally realizing Obsidian are a bunch of hacks

You can always replay New Vegas.

Anyone know how to get up there? And how to get into the room on my right with the interact icon?

you invented this narrative yourself, none of that presents itself in the game

Too old

>forced to listen to characters like Eb talk about how trash all men are

Actually you aren't and you can just kill her if you don't go for rebel (why is this path even in the game). What I'm mad about is that you can't kill Kills-In-Shadows when you meet her, even if you provoke a fight. Obsidian can get the hell out with this horseshit.

because that retard rushed only main quests

Why does obsidian trigger autists so hard?

>mens are evul

>3/4 are niggers
>not even a single white man with blonde hair portrait
why the fuck we can even have blonde hair in the first place

So, was the shilling worth it?

>talk with the furry
>somehow leads to a fuck/marry/kill discussion with the rest of my party
>says she'd "mate" with my character

its a good game, with flaws

I guess maybe now people will finally understand. Obsidian has always, ALWAYS made terrible video games.

I don't mean terrible stories. I don't mean terrible characters. Terrible VIDEO GAMES. Their programming skills are the worst in the RPG business. Even Bethesda and BioWare have them beat. They have no concept of timeliness and can never deliver a product on time and within budget. Blaming it on deadlines has always just been an excuse, even with all the time in the world they push out buggy and unfinished products.

Their only true strong suit was in the writing, and with Avellone gone and Sawyer putting more effort into his agenda than his work, the people that made that writing possible have vanished.

>10-12 hours in and not even halfway or only on Act 1

Are you niggas literally just AFKing and cooking food mid-game? Are you taking a break to watch television? Do you have dyslexia and struggle to speed-read?

How the fuck are you taking so long? It really isn't that long of a game.

Even my friend who is autistically slow/methodical when it comes to these games finished his campaign in 18 hours.

At least they're not Bethesda.


Dungeon Siege III was OK from technical standpoint. That said, I agree with you.

>enable reputation in dialogues
>be a fuckind dick to everyone
>get a better bonuses
is there any point in being a good cuckboy?

>Attempt to install game
>Have to install 2012 C++ because the 2013 one that comes with it makes it not run
How do you even manage to do that?


Fucking this.

I tried so hard to make a white, blond-haired, blue-eyed male and it is impossible to make a decent looking one.

The facial structures all look African even when playing with lighter skin. There are only like 2-3 avatar portraits of white men and you can't actually design your character to look like them, at best they look like shitty imitations.

The caucasian avatars are basically
>White Male Mage with retard grin
>White Male Mage with goatee you can't actually get in character creation
>White Male Warrior with numale haircut and beard
>White Male Warrior with helmet on and shield up so you can't actually see anything but the eyes
>White Male Rogue looking randomly up at nothing while holding a bow

You're not wrong. That being said, I've only just started Tyranny and it seems like it could be pretty good if they continue to follow through with the concept thus far.

My main question is, to anyone really, where & how do they fuck it all up?

So there's no option to use custom portraits? Fucking Baldur's Gate had it already, Jesus.

The whole thread points to the opposite, user

No neutral option in the last part of act 1, you have to choose between retarded lawfags or the edgy kids, killed my roleplaying experience

Not really, Disfavored are somewhat okay with you licking their boots but even then they prefer you be forward, up-front, and call them on their shit when necessary.

Scarlet Chorus fucking hate anyone who isn't balls-to-the-wall aggressive, forward, and bitter.

I haven't tried Venedian Guard yet because I'm not a faggot.

But user, you're playing as the bad guys. Why would you be white?

>14000 people are enjoying Tyranny right now

what did they mean by this

Why don't you stop being a racist misogynist?

where can I pirate the game?

does it really matter at all? i cant even think off the top of my head what my portrait is, there are plenty of actual reasons to whine about the game but you choose portraits?

weird priorities man

You can choose to go neutral, but they won't accept it. That's fine. People won't always go with someone's else idea, no matter how eloquent that person might be. Conviction is a motherfucker.

The word you're looking for is nitpicking

The farther you get in the game, the less choices you'll have. The game gets reduced down to a simple
>pick A or B
many times in the mid/late game because Obsidian didn't want to have to put in more work.

The very beginning of the game gives you a good impression, but the longer you play, the more obvious it is that the game is very shallow.

Also, as stated multiple times already, the game ends VERY abruptly. The end credits just start rolling mid-conversation at a point where they imply there is still much more to do.

There is, user is just retarded


But srsly tho just incompetence. I even think there's a fucking name filter too

fucking shame cuz by all rights I should like this and PoE but PoE I couldn't get into and this I dunno man

fucking loved BG series and Icewind Dale. Feels bad.

It's more that whatever you choose alienates the fuck out of either Graven "muh family" Ashe or Voices of Autism making playing an impartial judge (what you're meant to fucking be) impossible

I donĀ“t play sjw games

shit like this is why I voted for Trump

It seems just as bland and mediocre as pillars of eternity were
Same shit different day


Wow, what a great game.

can't divide my healing potion stacks.
what's the key combination for it?
plz send help.

You can use custom portraits

Tunon > rest of archons

>How the fuck did Obsidian fuck up this badly?
B-team. None of the big boys that make Obsidian great had any serious influence on Tyranny, they were working on other projects.

>no romance options
So your that faggot that kept spamming the pic of sawyer with the JUST hair. I will never understand this argument, if you want to play a waifu simulator, play a waifu simulator. There has never been a rpg romance that wasn't a cringe inducing mess.

Should I try PoE if I didn't like this game?

That game just seemed so uninteresting to me.

I think it is ALT + mouse drag to split a stack

It's a completely fucking retarded choice given that they attack at the same time no matter what and the real vanguard is you.

>only viable talent/ability path to take on higher difficulties (Path of the Damned mode) is Mage
This is blatantly untrue. This game is easy as fuck on Path of the Damned no matter which side you pick as long as you don't stat yourself like a moron.

>Try left click
>Do it 3 times and they get all of them
This is fucking infuriating

Is this your first time reading a thread on Sup Forums about a game that just released?

>not wanting a waifu to impregnate
>not wanting loli archer support

I didn't think the romance in Baldur's Gate were that bad, but okay user, if you want to be polarizing as fuck, you can go right ahead.

Pillars of Eternity is pretty bland to be honest, there are a select few character stories that are interesting in it but I had a really hard time getting enveloped into the world itself.

If you want a good crpg I'd go with the Shadowrun series (Returns, Dragonfall, Hong Kong).

I've tried running 2012 C++ and it still doesn't work, anyone knows how to get past the unexpected error issue?

I'm at the at blade graveyard at te moment and till now its a fun game.
Earlier obsidian games were better but still its a 7/10.
Also unfavoured are fucking based.

Alt plus click, my man.

No. I thought the avatarfagging was a dead giveaway

You have a very short memory span, then.

The fact that they basically gave the game zero marketing would suggest they knew they had a substandard product on their hands, but not so bad that they needed to avoid releasing it entirely as to not damage the brand.

I want to yiff kills in shadow the hedgehog

>t. Someone who has never actually done Path of the Damned and Trial of Iron

18 quickness, 16 wits, 10 finess, 8-8-8 mage. Max lore & have 32 athletics from the start - that way, starting char has all three dialogue/interaction skills so they can all progress. Because, say, without the Subterfuge you're missing some key spell elements (the frostfire being the most impactful one).

Lightning & Frost are the main DD tools - you can start with whichever the school (huge Lore compensates for the lack of skill - train it on every level in the Chorus camp), but these two are the heavy duty workers.

In terms of talents - I go up the magic tree for the extra lore & spell slots and in the leadership tree for spell slots for the entire squad. BTW, always go for double the same school at the character creation - that way, you're getting a free talent, that matters a lot. Getting an extra spell sigil matters nothing - they're sold for spare change.

Other useful tips - gain fear & loyalty with companions rapidly so you can use their special abilities. Barik's ones are incredible and it's difficult to get Lantry (aka your second caster) without them.

Everyone in the party can cast so everyone needs to cast - just put them through some lore training & they're fine. Sure, Verse & Barik will never cast those heavy spells, but they can heal & buff themselves just fine.

Lantry may seem like a support caster, but actually you need to turn him into another nuker - just give him the frost & lightning spells. Basically, you & Lantry just AoE the living hell out of foes while Barik & Verse try to hold their attention for long.

That's for the mages. Non-mages... ATM, they seem to suck pretty hard on PoTD. Maybe archers can do good because of the generous amount of damage over time they have, but rest seems pretty mediocre. Making a support char (tank/healer/whatever) also doesn't seem to be a good plan as your companions are not that good at dealing damage.

Dragonfall was boring as fuck though user.
Returns was pretty fun however.

>Campaign ends abruptly as fuck
No! Not from Obsidian! This is literally impossible.

And you must be new

Eh, to each their own I guess but Disfavored feel like a shitty Roman Legion and the Scarlet Chorus feel like shitty Gauls.

The thing about these games is they had a pre-established setting.
Same thing with BG, NWN etc.
Obsidian can NOT for its own sake write and create their own world and lore, every time they try it reads like a leftist 14-year old SJW is trying to lead an RPG campaign in her own special snowflake system.

Maybe FNV was just a sparkle of genius not recreatable but the people who are working for obs right now and people should stop to give a fuck about a company on life support?



No play a good game.

>forced to listen to characters like Eb talk about how trash all men are
You literally have the option to cunt-punt her off a giant tower

Two handed shit is a fucking wrecking ball once you get some talents in might rolling, Sunder and Thrust can be made to deal 2 or 3 debilitation's and with a healer you can just rape the enemy away. Javelins are your worst enemy though

>He says while avatar-fagging with tumblr pictures and being surprised at Sup Forums for being negative about a game

>Dragonfall was boring as fuck though user.

Still better than PoE and Tyranny though, so take from that what you will.

The big question here is will obsididrones learn from this? The answer is no, of course fucking not, they're obsididrones.

Like what?

I don't like cyberpunk nor steampunk.

Is Divinity a good game? Does it have a cool story?

I don't know man they felt like a close knit elite infantry with a caring leader.
The chorus was shit in so many levels though.
I understand that tey are the embodiment of chaotic evil but still.

>All the people shitposting about rape leading up to the game's release
>There actually is rape everywhere
Wow... Extremely problematic.

So delicious

NV stood on the shoulders of giants as a FO3 mod, nothing more.

I agree about PoE but tyranny is fun still though, I like the setting and premise the most of the game.

In all honesty, I think romance isn't all that bad, it was just unnecessarily hyper-emphasized by Bioware, and Obsidian KNOWS they can't write a proper relationship for fuck because they have hacks on the team as well, so they pussy out because they're afraid of criticism.

>they felt like a close knit elite infantry with a caring leader.
They felt like a bunch of patrofilic weirdos to me

>>no option to overthrow Kyros
the fuck's the point

>can't write romance for shit
I don't see the problem