Aw shit nigs
But wait one second
Did you know pangolins walk on two feet? Check it out:
Aw shit nigs
Other urls found in this thread:
Get in here you nerds. Help fight the green menace.
we /blue/ now?
version mismatch/map transfer fail
what do?
Shit I just disconnected by accident
try again
I swear to you bros, this game is the real BF1. You can build trenches and die in no man's land.
>server is either misconfigured or full
which one, anons
Did you download the client in the OP?
I thought Build and Shoot would work. Thanks user
Why 0.54 instead of the current version?
so copied it in my browser but it wont work
0.54 is before the game added a bunch of dumb shit like airstrikes etc. etc.
New server with a fresh map because OP is a faggot
>This map
Thank you.
>Server connection failed
Is it full?
How do I lower the mouse sensitivity? I can't aim when mouse sens is set to fucking max
Sorry, I fixed it.
New server is now aos://1300521865
join up friends
>AoS is almost 6 years old
Where did the time go?
i paint updated this because it's very out of date. any suggestions?
why don't you fags just mod some minecraft and play that? It would be better in every way.
Fix the plethora of grammar mistakes.
We don't need no book lernin here.
Too much effort.
When you install it, how do you find servers?
paste aos://1300521865 into your browser's address bar
just wait for them to show up in threads like this
we're pretty much the only people who play .54
See, the only thing that shows up is this thread right here
Using chrome, have any ideas what to do instead?
try IE or edge
Open your run window (windows key+R) and paste it there instead.
need blue tan porn
did the server crash? game froze and i get an error when i try rejoining
pretty fun game but only two weapons feels a bit dull
also there should be a way to modify mouse sensitivity
This game should've had transport helicopters and rocket launchers with a max ammo count of 1 rocket for killstreak rewards along with the mortars.
Is the second weapon even usefull?
never happened. that's pyspades you're thinking of
>server connection failed: it's either full or misconfigured
wat do anons?
dunno, @OP is not responding
I wanna play this dank game
Wait for a working server.
i want to blue tan porn instead,give it to me please
My laptop can run it. Can a consolefag play with you guys?
If that fails, open up cmd and CD to your AoS folder, then type
client.exe aos://*the numbers*
Don't trust this link, Deuces
I was just on the server about 60 seconds ago, why is everyone saying it doesn't work?
because it doesn't work
also, check my trips
I am there RIGHT now.
This one: aos://3608235848
Thanks user, it works
Everything full then?
oh shit niggas, ive been waiting for this
I have never played this game, is it just minecraft with guns?
Sorta kinda
is this from that CCC comic guy?
Is the server full?
can't get anything to work
send halp
copy-paste aos://3608235848 in your browser
That should work
>tfw you once spent 45 minutes building nothing but roads
>tfw getting 2 other randoms to build bridges between blue hardpoints in the mountains
What are other games where being a combat engineer is fun
Digger best lad
are there more lewd comics?
Someone post latest server since it's says it's full
If youre using chrome copypaste the aos:// link and then click the dropdown selection that's below the search one.
I don't think aos://3608235848 is full.
it's not working
paste it where?
what dropdown selection?
search bar in browser
this is what happens when I do that
Put in search bar, don't press enter, there will be two links that appear in a dropdown menu, click the second link
thank you, that was confusing the heck out of me
Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
why did the server reset
Why isn't /aosg/ a thing?
because there was no interest in this until a week ago
and interest usually dies after a couple weeks and doesn't come back for months/years
what happened last week?