ITT: Things you can't discuss on Sup Forums

ITT: Things you can't discuss on Sup Forums

Other urls found in this thread: Temple theme Ocarina

video games


Gale of Darkness
Yoshi games
Super Mario 64
Tomba 2

I wonder what Yoshi's boots smell like.

Dragons, beast races, Bowser, anything that will be disrupted by deviantart autism fetishists.

I can't discuss that here

is her game coming out at all? does any one care?


The newest expansion to Age of Empires 2.

Anubis and the Buried Bone

Sup Forums is just LOL threads and porn dumps

define her game, because afterlife empire has been out forever


PS4 pro
(thank god)

oh fuck. i wasnt following gg since 2014. i like how her first game was a generic looking strategy game that looks like it came straight of facebook.


Hunger Games, even though they have vidya characters
Exodia/sumoning that one Subway picture with Spyro
Good boy points/doing it for free/tendies
More than three threads of the same game if it's not new before being directed to /vg/
4 am/Stu threads

Don't forget bazinga mom and rolling

You can not have these colors together. Ever.

nor these.

>Tomba 2

>Gales of Darkness
This one stings the most. The game is pretty good and underrated imo.

Thanks doc.

Anything that isn't the same off topic drawthread and filename threads.


just a tiny dose.

You can, it's just that nobody tries to.

A daily dose

I would really prefer if you stopped posting

I would really prefer if you would be quiet.


me too haha
do you think he wears socks? haha

>can't discuss Yoshi
>can't discuss Sonic
>can't discuss Pokemon
>can barely discuss Animal Crossing

And furries are still wondering why people hate them so much.

to clear things up
dunno. I'd like an answer too.
some autist or shitposter once asked what Yoshi's eggs smell like, also feet
Homestuck autists, tumblr latched onto it, and normies ruined it for any anons that still cared
>Super Mario 64
Pannenkoek videos, QPUs, half-presses, parallel universes, 12 hours in water and TJ "Henry" Yoshi
>Tomba 2
Speedrunner rudely rebukes a fellow speedrunner during an event.

Sup Forums has been discussing Undertale a lot in the past week or so, actually


But yes you are correct

Final Fantasy XV. Every single thread immeditely goes to shit. Too much autism on this board.

>a bunch of things that aren't video games
And nothing of value was lost.

see image

Fighting games

You can discuss Yoshi.

You just can't discuss Yoshi in a way that doesn't make the mods mad.

Not only was it shilled here for fucking months, but then it was shown how glitchy it was, with people falling through the map and character models colliding. And then they announced that everything past chapter 2 will not be open world.


Meanwhile, console-tan tuesday and winter ball shit is slowly approaching post limit.

Never ever/Bloodborne, sorry it's not the original

Pokemon XD

I"ve been looking for that for MONTHS

>he doesn't discuss about his waifu

is it that simple lol? surprised people don't latch on to U R MR GAY more then.

fucking dark souls.
Unless you're jerking off about how bloodborne and demon souls are the best thing ever made.

You can't discuss Super Smash Bros. and it's relation to the FGC without some prick saying Smash players shit in pools or some other nonsence.


>complaining that a AAA game is buggy on release

What's a gets?

You're right, but for the wrong reason. You can't discuss them without autists complaining about how you can't criticize the names.

Don't forget about the Nioh webm shitposter

LISA as of late since the developer's a numale now.

>fucking dark souls.
You have /vg/ /dsg/ for that
>Unless you're jerking off about how bloodborne and demon souls are the best thing ever made.
That's not discussion, it's blatant shitposting.

E-celebs and LPers, though it's a grey area on paper, Jannies and Mods enforce though it were against the rules. They're not wrong, but at the same time those subjects aren't entirely removed from Sup Forumsideogames.



by that logic why discuss any game with a general?

Man, I don't know how the fuck a guy who likes Hulk Hogan and WRASSLIN' can be such a fucking pussy.
But he sure found a way.

is that guy a shill or is he just autism incarnate

Most of those are just memes you retard.
The rest either has it's own board or isn't even video games anyway.

Not every game has a huge fanbase on Sup Forums


>ITT: things you can't discuss on Sup Forums
I'm still technically right.

literally any game

Sup Forums only shitposts, no discussion occurs for more than one or two posts before it turns into shitposting or console wars.

Fuck off normie

I hope you're baiting

but why

I hope you are too

funnily enough I've had good discussions regarding certain vidya in threads that're either totally unrelated, or are shitposting threads to begin with.

The trick is to ignore the screechers and just keep talking about the vidya you want, as long as you got someone else to discuss vidya with, you win

Because it's popular

was Sup Forums better or worse with doubles?

>he doesn't know


What makes Yoshi so fuckable?

This isn't what Sup Forums is like at all.

no, because Sup Forums felt betrayed when mojang switched to reddit


Animal boys or girls
New games
Old games
Real people
Fake people
Buying games
Pirating games

Only porn can be discussed here.


I sort of miss it but you have to admit that shit got out of hand.
If one asshole didn't like your otherwise okay thread, it could be derailed into hell by a single post with dubs+bateman.jpeg and there were swarms of memelords monitoring seemingly every single thread just to join in on the fun.

Getting doubles has no real impact on the quality of a thread; At worst it's the the same as the retards that overreact for the screen cap. What the mods probably wanted to stamp out were threads were the OP was to get dubs, making Sup Forums a sfw Sup Forums. I guess it worked, no dubs but shitposting has gotten subtler and more involved.

Because hes cute?

I remember liking the music in this temple... how does it go again? Temple theme Ocarina

Why did Nintendo have to ruin Yoshi so fucking hard?

He literally has one good game and it's 20 years old.

haha newfag

Lurk more faggo.


fug lol.

if you could have a pet yoshi, which one would you choose?


the one on the right wants it more

>No one mentioned Age of empires 2: The African Kingdoms HD edition expansiion