What is your personal GOTY? This is literally the best game I've played the entire year. Better than nigger dogs 2, better than titanfail 2. So what's yours?
What is your personal GOTY? This is literally the best game I've played the entire year. Better than nigger dogs 2...
Stop shilling your porn.
stop showing off your small white dick
Is that porn?
It looks like porn.
Gives me the porn vibe.
Is it out?
It's a furry shota game with porn scenes.
The porn's just the cherry on top. There's a fairly competent game here.
Nice JoJo reference
Has anything changed in the new demo? Did anything get added?
You're going to get banned, Harmarist.
it's an alright """NES-inspired""" game with bosses that are more difficult than they have any right to be
they have no concept of a difficulty curve, the first boss in the fucking DEMO is harder than the second one
Someone's triggered.
Look, advertise your game some other way. These threads just come off as /trash/ spam rather then an actual product itself. You could get some fans if you weren't driving them off with cancerous shit like this
Literally Furbait
The movement and jumping is horribly stiff.
Also the enemys that shoot the little pellets just suck
cease and desist at once
>it's a shill your shitty furfag porn game on Sup Forums episode
It doesn't work with x360ce and there's this weird pause when walking off a ledge but it seemed fine from what I got from the demo. It controls great besides that, but I keep getting fucked by those grandpas that teleport everywhere taking potshots at you because they're always in small ass hallways making it hard to dodge.
This is furry porn isn't it?
Buried bone lol I'd like to bury my bone if u know what I mean lol
You know Trump hates anime right?
make protag female and i'm sold
>I have never played la mulana or maze of galious
My GOTY is a tie between pic related and Odin Sphere Leifthrasir.
someone post the judgement scenes
what are you, gay?
>no option to play as shota sobek or shota horus
dog furs are the worse furs
>not fag
>The movement and jumping is horribly stiff.
It's an MSX style platformer. I know what they're going for.
Honestly. I found both of them to be very easy, but that might be because I already fought them in the first demo.
The first boss is just spam your semen projectiles to win. He was much harder in the first demo where he had more health. In said demo you could also not jump through the moving platform, making it much harder to get on it.
The second boss was easy as well because you can literally just tank the hits and whittle him down if you found the defense upgrade.
i'm straight and i like pussi
i know it's insane
Yiff in hell furfag.
Go post in someplace where you degenerates don't bother other people.
Dev shilled it earlier today, so i downloaded to check it after half almost a year, and interface became a little bit better, plus he added some characters with annoying writing. Oh, also i think there is a teleport to the checkpoint item, which is handy. Other than that, it's still the same generic crap with terrific controls.
Totally not worth playing for 60 seconds of pixelated gay furry cub porn.
What, did you play the whole game?
theres only the demos out I thought
Wow really, next you'll tell me Aidan Gillen doesn't like people approaching him at the pub going "BANE?"
Doesn't anyone have the scene from the new boss?
Same faggers
does the game itself have any porn? I'm assuming the animations from e621 are external extras
it has