So what do you guys think about this game?
So what do you guys think about this game?
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It's unfinished. I'd play something similar even without the sex.
Fell flat after Fenoxo cheated on his wife and started pandering to degenerates more and more.
Gets repetitive very easily
Would be great if we had actual real romance with qt girls not "I'm a furry with HH tits, also I have a horse cock 16 inches."
It's still good for a quick fap.
It's only fun when you play it by using every consumable you get just to see how fucked up you can become.
Needs more kitsune scenes
Lamia enemy needs to be made a character
like all games
Paladin runs best runs
I tried doing a paladin run
But I ran into Amily
Couldn't resist her when she told me she loved me :_:
I like it
Would be better if it was more monstergirl/boy than furry tho
Kiha a best
it had a real impact on my desire to attempt to make a 3d version of it when it was starting out.
I can't seem to think of a good way to do the morphing between character traits without having to model a shitton of transitional models and slapping them together on a skeleton, but even when I try that in testing, the normals are all fucked up at the seams even with flat shading. So, instead i'm making a non lewd/h-game until my skill gets high enough, or i forget about it.
Are there shark monster girls in it?
the mod adds some.
What are some other games I can play a whore?
There's a mod? gibs me dat
There are two
One breaks Urta and is in very early alpha
Other is ded
There's a skyrim coc mod coming in the future on loverslab.
Just gotta wait user.
Thanks, man.
Make an honest woman of her and spread the faith and her legs by having many righteous children
He cheated on his wife? Werent' they married with a kid?
There's a shark that fucks you and joins your harem and there's a generic shark who lives in the lake. You can get a special giantess scene with her if you're possessed by ghosts.
e621 tags CoC as having vore related stuff in it, but i ain't seen shit. are they just being retarded over there or does it have it?
I think I really need to get high and play it excessively fapping for 4 hours.
Also TiTs is sooo fucking bad.
There's a plant in the second dungeon that vores you I guess
shit fetish desu
it's a shite fetish yeah but i can't help be into what i'm into
Too many furry herms with six foor cocks.
Not enough qt3.14s to tenderly love.
I like starting as a man and turning into a succubus, I guess.
You know what you must do.
It really is terrible. They should have a paragraph or two of sex scenes where your body parts and proportions make a difference instead of reading a 40k word long scene that doesn't change if your dick is the size of a toothpick or your torso.
Combat isn't any better when you can pick shield guy and then just punch dogs on the cow planet for 15k exp each. Much better than playing a shitty class and grinding your way through normal battles worth 100-300 exp.
The only good things are customizable robot girls and all the condom filling stuff you can't find anywhere else.
Normal shark enemy you can become and futa shark with stripes you can ddate / become
Meh, its just a retarded ass setting ruining it all for me.
I don't like all the civilized sex settings, everyone is just whorish - instead of exotic creatures or aliens everyone is just some fucking transanimal with a sob-story or an "alien" thats also just some anthro-animal.
It worked in the fantasy setting of CoC, people fucked up and ended up things they didn't want to - or they were actually exotic fantasy races and such, and the world is a violent sex-addicted shithole, not civlized-humanity controlled space where everyone just happens to be super-fucking easy and ready to fuck.
>Only orc is gay and doesn't really want anything to do with your feMC
Too many dicks.
Not enough fat content.
he is a total bro though.
I really wish we'd have gotten more of the generic fantasy races, with some deviant sexual twist on them maybe.
I'm a faggot and normally orcs get me off but rogar just did not work at all, in this setting, under these circumstances, I really would've preferred getting raped and abused by an orc, instead he is the nicest guy around.
The guy is weird. Totally fine with fucking your biological loli daughters until someone makes a stink about it, but you won' gain a pound unless you're posessed by ghosts and then it poofs away instantly. Even black hair kitsune (the chubby one) was pushing it and he almost didn't have her in the game.
Is it really only 24MB?
Too much overwritten furry shit.
I'm fine with the homosex even though I'm not personally into that, but the furshit overload just killed it for me.
The file is less than 10
>Implying that fat fucks aren't worse than pedos
Its a smut game user.
I swear half the people going in are expecting animated porn scenes and shit.
Rev up your imagination children
I concur.
You can fuck his brains out so I'm perfectly satisfied with him
As with most porn, assume right off the bat the content is okay but the creator is a horrible example of human life.
you can turn her into a little mousy slut
Thats the problem, even if you return with 0 corruption the only way to go now is corrupting her
It wasn't bad, it was just out of place to find the gentle kindness and shit in the most stereotypically rapist race in any fantasy setting like this, after literally everything has already tried to rape me and have succeeded too.
A kind and loving demon would've been less weird somehow.
It takes quite a lot to corrupt her so why would you expect otherwise?
Yoru character shouldn't be so inconsistent.
>Complaining about gay orc
at least you get every other kind of straight relationships you could want
only gay stuff is orc lizard and Jojo
and No, chicks with a dick aren't gay, I don't want tits with my cock.
Truly a shame, not to mention I didn't like rogar for the mentioned reasons, and couldn't like Arian for being a fucking albino lizard, its like the opposite of arousing for me as far as anthro animals can go.
Jojo was atleast fun in all his forms, though mouses aren't really my top pick either.
Kelt should've had a route instead of a bad ending.
This game is fantastic if you are the submissive kind of person
>many bad ends
i really like the feeling of "things getting out of hand so much that you start to enjoy them"
>Not becoming corrupt and turning everyone into your plaything
Wish there were more options to corrupt people in that desert town
Fenoxo's shit is all about endless fucking purple prose. I'm glad I learned Japanese so I don't have to resort to the joke that western porn games represent. Every single time I try one, it's the same old story of far too much filler, nowhere near enough actual ero.
I fucking wish the western scene was better, there are certain fetishes that Japan really doesn't do much with, but the single title every half a decade out of Japan tangentially related to X concept is better than a million unfinished games with X concept as their sole focus.
Indeed, plus almost everything attempts to rape you.
When I played it too much I was almost scared how desensitized it made me to consensual scenes.
i got good memories out of it
memories that left stains in my room, if you know what im saying...
I do not.
>used to throw my cum at the wall cause I didn't care
>Noticed it left fucking stains
>Can't get them out no matter how hard I try
Nah, some games just have some deep core mechanic.
try goo gone ,rubbing alcool or electronic contacts cleaner, but be careful, if you rub too hard it might take off paint
>didn't care
>actually care
I've not played it in about two years, have all the dungeons been finished?
Paint you dumbass.
my save files don't work anymore
Now that you mention it - I also fail to load save files in browsers anymore, fuck knows why.
Still works in the standalone flash thing luckily but did this happen to others too?