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Snes for better colors and music, gba for non cuckold script
GBA is better in every way but music but the music is still good enough that it doesn't matter
I prefer the GBA
What's with all the "WHICH VERSION OF 6 IS BEST??" threads lately?
Everyday, huh?
this game is so good, and celes is top tier waifu
I think the best version is not playable legally. I heard about a rom mod or some shit for the GBA that unfucks the music (by lifting it from SNES I guess), and also maybe does some shit about the colors and censors here and there, but my memory is fuzzy. Anyway, if I ever wanted to replay FF6, I made a mental note to try and track down this version. Try googling it, maybe something comes up.
Patched GBA rom.
There's patches for the GBA version if you're willing to use those, then the only problem is the tight screen.
The steam version :^)
Currently going through it on the SNES using the Brave New World mod. It's pretty great so far.
6 is really bad, who cares?
Melodramatic, convoluted plot that takes itself a lot more seriously than at least 4 of the previous games.
Boring battle system, relics and specific mechanics might be interesting if you got to keep your party consistent for more than an hour.
Worst opening gameplay-wise in the entire series, here's some magitek that makes every hit a kill, a town you can't do jack shit in and a 2 minute explanation on how to kill a boss.
Then shortly after a bad "minigame" with some RotJ wookie tier moogles for more one hit battles then eventually a world map with precisely 1 location available, if you don't count a cave you can't enter yet anyway
I know some of the early games had similar flaws but so much regressed in 6, I just cannot understand the praise.
Dude chill the fuck out. If you think 6 is bad, then I fail to understand what you like in the previous games, because if you hold those to the same standards, those are also "bad". Maybe your problem is that 6 gets more praise than you favorite one.
Just be yourself.
Can somebody upload an already patched version?
I have a GBA emulator on my iPad. Can download it right away.
if you are so rich that you can afford an ipad, then you are rich enough to buy a hacked gba
One faggot wants to play the game and hasn't decided which version yet, I assume.
SNES all day erry day
>born in 1999
Shit. It seems like my emu is malfunctioning. Doesn't display the screen correctly and crashes when I try to open emu's menu.
Found neither emu and it runs fantastic!
I thank you a bunch!
snes, if you don't like ted woolsey then youre a little bitch with little bitch didck
holy shit is that Lelouche?
Now that Snes9x has MSU-1 support, is this the definitive way to play FF6?
>SNES version
>FF6 Relocalization Project
>Dancing Mad - FF6 Audio Replacement in OSV mode
woolsey is cool and all, but come on, you have to lie to yourself if you think the SNES version script of his is perfect
an ideal version would be to fix his fuckups and generally keep his terminology ("magitek" is fucking genious for example). idk how the gba version script is, I never played it
Does this include the GBA extras as well? Because if it doesn't, then shouldn't be called the definitive version.
Why not PS1?
The PS1 version is the same as the SNES version except much worse. The loading time for simply entering the menu is mind blowingly frustrating, and for me personally it makes the game unplayable.
Can confirm, my first time playing was the ps1 version and I played with the framerate unlocked just to bypass the awful load times
Are the extras really worth the downgrade? It's mostly post-game stuff anyway.
No, that's Zero :^).
GBA romhacks restore what was downgraded so I'm not sure what you are talking about.
With the GBA version, we end up with the same quality as the SNES version and some more stuff added later.
Uncensored Woolsey
>If you think 6 is bad, then I fail to understand what you like in the previous games
That's because you don't know what to look for. VI only looks like it's a deeper game than what came before it because it has more content, but in reality it's a huge regression in boss, encounter, equipment, and skill design compared to the game immediately before it. Even compared to the games before FFV, FFVI's flaws are debilitaing to the point where FFIV has more interesting and fun gameplay despite having mechanics that are an order of magnitude less complex than VI's, and god help you if I get to compare the utter boredom I felt playing VI to the tense dungeon crawls that FFI and III had every other dungeon.
>Worst opening gameplay-wise in the entire series, here's some magitek that makes every hit a kill, a town you can't do jack shit in and a 2 minute explanation on how to kill a boss.
Don't you talk shit about my opening gameplayfu.
Awful Fantasy is so fucking terrible.
Why do you make this thread every day? Do you get off on flamewars?
Luckily, Sup Forums is starting to form the correct consensus that the SNES version is better so these threads can get over with quickly now.
It's impossible to romhack a GBA emulator into playing SNES quality music and having SNES resolution, retard. The music still sounds like shit with the "patch".
Isn't the romhack just replacing the GBA music with SNES music? I don't know about the quality, never heard people complaining about this aside from you now.
And 256x224 vs 240x160, does it really fucking matter?
SNES. Anyone that says otherwise is an idiot.
>b-but muh patches
If you're bringing that shit into it, the SNES version has many more and better patches to use.
SNES with the balance mod called Brave New World
The perfect version FF6 is the GBA version with issues fixed via pathces because it has additional content not present in the SNES version.
But you are free to prove me wrong and tell me what advantages have a patched SNES version over a patched GBA version. If you can't do that, you are the idiot.
Not even a contest, especially when the GBA version introduces new bugs not present in the original.
The quality still takes a noticeable hit. It sounds muddled and there's static noise. The sounds while partially restored get sometimes cut off. Also, the MSU-1 patch makes the music even higher quality than the original SNES version.
What am I looking for here? That's just a list of a bunch of mods. What are the advantages of a patched SNES version over a patched GBA version? Does the SNES version have a mod that includes GBA content? Why would anybody chose SNES over GBA, if GBA has the same quality with more stuff?
>if GBA has the same quality
That's the issue. It's not the same quality even with the patches.
trips fo ledouche!
>Why would anybody chose SNES over GBA, if GBA has the same quality with more stuff?
Because it doesn't.
Runic Forever, Sword Tech Ready Stance, and Overkill 32,000 alone put the SNES version head and shoulders above the GBA release.
Try actually looking over that list of mods. FF6 is full of stupid shit, and most of it can be easily fixed with the SNES version. This doesn't hold true for the GBA version.
VI can't be the worst one, because IX exists.
Gba with the patch that fixes the colors and injects the snes music
Your mistake is assuming that the extra GBA content is worth anything.
SNES. You should always play the original hardware version.
It's pretty much that. It uses woosley's "Magitek" "Megalixir" instead of "Last elixir", "Terra" and "Sabin" instead of "Tina" and "Mash" (although you can just rename them) and general names he picked.
gba looks like shit and the music is awful but the translation is supposedly better
its a shame the pc version doesnt use the snes sprites and the gba translation
>never heard people complaining about this aside from you now.
People literally complain about this every single time the romhack is brought up. It's the sole reason people recommend the SNES version. The sound is unbearably bad on GBA, patched or not.