It fucking sucks
It fucking sucks
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I think it's vastly improved over the Platinum Demo and I'm very excited to play the full game.
If anything, at least it's progressive.
Like what the fuck am I even playing right now? They took 10+ years to make this? What is this bullshit?
It does yeah.
Better than Platinum demo, but still...
Combat is a mess, camera doesn't know what to do.
Game is filled with void, holy shit. Instead of an actual artistic direction, Squix goes like "hey let's put some barrels and shit in a desert".
Visually it's just a shame.
Invisible walls everywhere.
It's literally another bland open-world about fetch quest again, I can't stand that shit anymore.
should have bought a wiiu for xenoblade
Maybe for Super Mario but I'm not interested in Xeno.
The demo is pretty shit, yes. Better than the last two demos though.
>Bringing up XBX in a FFXV thread
Oh user...
Did they fucking throw everything Nomura did out and only actually start making this piece of shit 2 years ago?
It's like they threw the motifs of Versus XIII over a shitty indie game and called it a day, how disappointing.
It's cool, he's not here.
XBX is not a good game.
I don't give a shit. Let the autistic fags throw a fit.
Pretty much, yes. Full development started in 2012 using a bunch of concept art and music made from 2006 to 2011
Give it time
It's actually a very good numbers based JRPG if you're in to that kinda thing. Made to be played for hundreds of hoursm
Where have you been? This is common knowledge. Tabata (Type 0) is making it.
It looks too realistic for me.
Seriously what the fuck is up with the water reflections and mountain textures. The water flickers really oddly when you move the camera, the reflections noticeably fade out at the edge of the screen and sometimes the character model gets caught in that reflection.
The mountains look like play-doh, MGSV's mountains on PS3 look leagues better.
Noctis' feet don't adhere to the ground (i.e. they clip) a lot, especially in desert terrain.
Sometimes, for one frame, Noctis' character model flickers out of existence.
Seriously what the fuck is up with the Luminous engine and how does it manage to have all of these glitches STILL.
They took 3 years senpai
Needs more enemy spawns, and the game seems to have way too much fucking driving
It's a bug with the reflections
Is it bad that I would EASILY and GLADLY wait another 5 years so that they could polish the engine, polish everything else, include the entire Insomnia invasion (like was originally intended) and make it what Versus XIII was supposed to be?
I agree, yes. The driving, from what I've played and what I've seen, looks to be barely implemented. Bare minimum control and animations. If it were quicker I could get behind it, but I'm probably going to fast travel everywhere in the main game.
My biggest complaint is that the boys never shut the fuck up during battle. Its Xenoblade level bad.
Yes but how the fuck is it not fixed yet. They've had 4 years since Luminous was demo'd to the public, this shit should not be happening.
Just let the fucking obvious turd come out so they can maybe make a good game next.
It's not getting fixed. It's a literal bug in the reflections software they're using. It's always going to be there. It's not that big a deal
Don't be stupid, the game is nearly out. It's not what I expected from playing it but it's not THAT bad. Just mediocre.
Can't speak for the story (don't speak runes) but the gameplay itself is just not my thing.
That's unacceptable. Revamp the engine, implement a different reflection technique, etc. It would take work but it's possible to fix by using something else entirely.
All the problems in the gameplay loop, and you're focusing on the reflections? Get your priorities straight you fucking troll.
Eh? That sound sketchy. You're telling me they threw out all of the gameplay and systems they made over the last 6-7 years before the director change? Seems like a stretch dude.
Both of these games were supposed to be masterworks that changed gaming.
What happened, man...
Your ridiculously high expectations and hype killed them.
There was very little done with the game from 2006-2011. Think of it as extended planning stages. Literally just putting together the characters, story, gameplay concepts, and Shimonura working on some music from those concepts. The game itself didn't exist.
No I'm saying XV was supposed to be a showcase of the Luminous engine and show why SE should use it in future games, and if shit like this isn't fixed then it may already be abandoned. The team that works on the engine is separate from gameplay you dunce, I wasn't even focusing on that.
>It fucking sucks
I read this so many times around this board that I stopped taking it seriously. I honestly do not care whenever someone mentions this.
Most games you guys and gals said that sucked actually turned out to be some of my favorites.
I can't wait for this game to finally come out.
The Luminous engine isnt handling everything you moron. The lighting and reflections engines are completely separate.
Well at this rate I'm starting to think the game won't even look good either on consoles or PC, no matter how many years we can wait.
>in a desert
> desert
Is there any proof of this? Not that I don't believe you but it just seems highly illogical for nothing to be done on the game over all of that time.
I can understand troubled development where the game had to be restarted or revamped. That's happened to many high profile titles like Resident Evil 4 and Revengance. But we had a few other trailers here and there showing gameplay definitely and interviews suggesting that real work was being done on the game.
It's not like Nomura was working on FF13 the entire time and the sequels to those games had such a quick dev time since they were made from unused assets from the first one. And it's not like SE was putting out a fuckton of games that would mean their manpower was being cannibalized.
It's not a bug, it's an optimization. They're shaving off FPS drops doing that. This is how bad the engine is.
>going to fast travel everywhere in the main game.
Enjoy those 2 minute long loading screens.
That is how you spell desert
Look in to the development of the game on its Wikipedia page bud, it's the most digestible and straight forward account of the games troubled develoment.
>2 minute long load screen
>5 minutes of boredom waiting for the car to take me there
Guess which I'm picking
Understand all. Thanks for the heads up.
This game has been the weirdest looking Frankenstein's monster of a game for so long, both stylistically and gameplay-wise. Is it literally just the Final Fantasy name that is making people defend it?
You got it buddy
Someone glitch the fucking demo, and went to Duscae.
>Is there any proof of this?
Not really. There's a lot of conjecture and Square Enix excuses but not once has Nomura opened up and talked about the game even though initially it was his literal baby. He has expressed slight anger though, but of course he's not allowed to actually talk about it, or about anything.
>tabata (Type 0)
More like Tabata (3rd Birthday)
I dunno it's just a little weird.
Personally, I think a lot of the criticism of the game's style is a little bloated. I'm more concerned that a lot of the gameplay seems to be thrown in haphazardly. The driving, pinball and fishing in particular I kinda wish they'd just focus on the main journey and making it a hell of a game instead half making those gameplay systems knowing most gamers wouldn't use them in their current state.
>expecting FF games to be good
It's not 1999 anymore fuckboys
Suddenly it seems apparent why the demo was so fucking huge
>Is it literally just the Final Fantasy name that is making people defend it?
Yes definitely. The old Versus fans, shit on it and old school FF fans mostly don't give a fuck and are just going to buy it out of tradition(the game will be met the "the fuck?" memes).
Jesus, Gladio has arms like fucking barrels.
I dont think the game would have such a venomous defense force if it weren't for the name. FFXV-Kun in particular just blows my mind. I've never seen anyone like that in all my years on Sup Forums.
Balrog confirmed.
I think his jacket is like 2 sizes too big lol.
He's dedicated I'll give him that
>No interest in versus 13 or 15 at all
>Download the demo since I had nothing better to do with no expectations
>Have fun
I'm a 6 year old lurker and this is my first post ever. You can't know this before its out. Goodbye
And you're right. Look at the reception of Resonance of Fate as an example. Flashy game with 'fashionable' characters. Nobody could care less about the game even though it was probably decent. If FFXV was just "XV" it would be a laughing stock, a spectacle of gay fashion.
Since the driving is auto pilot, I just walk away or do something on the computer.
I just think this will be a game where I don't do any side content because travel is so tedious. You better get some chocobos pretty fucking fast, or call people to drop off chocobos for you, or let you warp around in exploration aswell as combat.
I feel if I could mash Triangle to get around I would be annoyed to run 500 meters, then 300, then another 200, only to go back the whole 1km back to the start to turn in a quest
All the better for holding you up against the wall while he fucks you
user, please. I can only get so turned on.
how dare you
More power to you buddy
Read this. The part about Chocobos is hilarious.
Christ I ain't going through all that shit.
Dump the images, TL;DR, or fuck right off lad
just tell me
fast travel function to skip areas
chocobos don't carry over into new regions
Is it better or worse than 13?
s3 DOT postimg DOT org/60s5boi4j/EDGE_Magazine_Issue_300_FINAL_FANTASY_XV_by_Nu.jpg
Well that's really pissed in the cereal.
I guess we wait to see if other publications pick up on the same criticisms.
well ok. i'll just get a new one in the new region?
and this is supposed to be a bad thing. i actually like the fact that stuff doesn't carry over in regions. it makes each region seem much more "new". as if you jumped into another game. not to mention that it actually makes sense since you don't own stuff like chocobos
lazy fuck
Yeah why couldn't you just call in another chocobo for when you hit the next area?
I don't give a shit about leveling it up, changing its fucking feather colors. Just need to to make travel less shit because the demo was really fucking awful outside of combat of which there was little of
Not every region has them. I guess it's like FF12 but worse? I can't exactly remember how chocobos worked in 10 and 12.
But either way this is an open world game so you should have them at litereally all times.
>I like running for kilometers with literally nothing to do
They won't come if the area doesn't support it.
..that it?
Any more criticism or just that the game itself is a bit of a clusterfuck of identity?
There's more.
>Well that's really pissed in the cereal.
>I guess we wait to see if other publications pick up on the same criticisms.
> Anonymous 11/13/16(Sun)00:41:54 No.357539407 ▶
>well ok. i'll just get a new one in the new region?
> Anonymous 11/13/16(Sun)00:42:45 No.357539458 ▶
>and this is supposed to be a bad thing. i actually like the fact that stuff doesn't carry over in regions. it makes each region seem much more "new". as if you jumped into another game. not to mention that it actually makes sense since you don't own stuff like chocobos
> Anonymous 11/13/16(Sun)00:43:42 No.357539523 ▶
>File: EDGE_Magazine_Issue_300_F(...).jpg (2.24 MB, 1224x1632)
>lazy fuck
> Anonymous 11/13/16(Sun)00:43:56 No.357539543 ▶
> (You)
>Yeah why couldn't you just call in another chocobo
yeah i agree. Also i feel like the travelling in the demo felt bad because there wasn't a lot to do. like you could run 2 km and only encounter maybe two battles.
>>Well that's really pissed in the cereal. >I guess we wait to see if other publications pick up on the same criticisms.>>>> Anonymous 11/13/16(Sun)00:41:54 No.357539407 ▶>>well ok. i'll just get a new one in the new region?>>>> Anonymous 11/13/16(Sun)00:42:45 No.357539458 ▶>>and this is supposed to be a bad thing. i actually like the fact that stuff doesn't carry over in regions. it makes each region seem much more "new". as if you jumped into another game. not to mention that it actually makes sense since you don't own stuff like chocobos>>>> Anonymous 11/13/16(Sun)00:43:42 No.357539523 ▶>File: EDGE_Magazine_Issue_300_F(...).jpg (2.24 MB, 1224x1632)>>lazy fuck>>>> Anonymous 11/13/16(Sun)00:43:56 No.357539543 ▶> (You)>>>Yeah why couldn't you just call in another chocoboyeah i agree. Also i feel like the travelling in the demo felt bad because there wasn't a lot to do. like you could run 2 km and only encounter maybe two battles.
yeah and who says that there aren't different means to travel in different regions. plus you can always use the regalia to get around, put up some ff 7 soundtracks and just enjoy the game
>who says that there aren't different means to travel in different regions
square enix. there are only the three open world areas too then it goes linear(you'll only be walking).
The car only travels on roads.
Were you dropped on the head?
>Look for more info on this game
>FFXV fan trolls attacking the author because he dared criticise aspects of it
I really hate the Final Fantasy fanbase.
I dont think the game would have such a venomous shitposting force if it weren't for the name. Anti-Kun in particular just blows my mind. I've never seen anyone like that in all my years on Sup Forums.
>Were you dropped on the head?
in yo mama's cunt
It looks like FFXIV 1.0
then why the fuck are you on a FF thread
The threads here were funny, autists were unironically pretending that review was positive rather than leaning to negative. Trying to turn every negative into something it wasn't, what a joke.