This has been in effect for about 1.5-2 years so you may be beginning to get worn down.
Stay strong friends.
This has been in effect for about 1.5-2 years so you may be beginning to get worn down.
Stay strong friends.
Other urls found in this thread:
Uh you do know that we don't like bad talk about Nintendo around here right?
The best thing that could happen would be for everyone to get fed up with Nintendo, they may actually have some financial pressure to improve then.
>[THINGS] were much better when I was a kid
>Now they're terrible
Fuck off, literally every generation has said this about the generation afterwards.
God why will this thread get so many replies
He's right though. Why do you guys pretend there it's all "rose tinted glasses" when there is an objective, demonstrated difference in quality?
>my nostalgia is better than your nostalgia
Both OoT and WW were good. Zelda only went to shit with TP.
And as someone who started with the original Red and Blue I can confirm that Gen V is objectively the best in the series.
Mideval adventure game featuring castle cities, horseback riding, archery, ancient crypts, dungeons, rich mythology, spirits, magic and challenging battles against pure evil.
Cartoon sailboat riding where literally no enemies are intimidating or unnerving and even Ganon's forms look like a joke from some cartoon.
But, Nintendo games from 98-00 were not anymore challenging, interesting, artfully superior or "deep" compared to 2003+
I know this is just bait but why should I take anything this picture says seriously when there's no meaningful argument given as to why those games are dumbed down from their predecessors?
>my vidya
>cool, high quality, the best vidya of all time for mature adults
>YOUR """"vidya gayms""""
>not cool at ALL, much worse and OBJECTIVELY (note, objectively because it is not an opinion this is fact) SHIT for KIDS
Because everyone loves remembering how good things are instead of trying to find good things in current day.
TP is better than WW though, fuck the sea and it's empty world forcing you to spend 50% of the gametime just riding around
I was born in 1985. Wind Waker was better than OoT. Nice try, though, kiddo.
now you're getting it
user, stop pretending that you can honestly say any of the points are wrong.
Yes, I know, I know, "b-b-bait" and other such attacks on character, but address one of the outlined items if you disagree.
90's kids should objectively kill themselves
Honestly TP gets points just because it didn't go with a lazy art-style.
Say what you want about it aging, but they took the time to make detailed models and textures. The same can't be said about Wind Waker, which seems to be literally just solid colors with cel-lighting ramp on everything.
So this is how a fresh shitposting meme is born.
Add some nice pasta next time user, so we can repost it every day.
>Mideval adventure game featuring castle cities, horseback riding, archery, ancient crypts, dungeons, rich mythology, spirits, magic and challenging battles against pure evil.
>one castle city
>archery, ancient crypts, dungeons, rich mythology, spirits, magic and challenging battles against pure evil
>all in wind waker
>implying that cartoon sailboat riding isnt comfy as fuck and literally the same thing as the horse
3 gen>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>monster rancher>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>gen2
FTFY senpai
Opinion ignored.
When you got no real argument, and you want to look even more retarded
give me one reason why a game having a comfy atmosphere is bad.
Try to present the same argument using another word instead of comfy
protip: you can't
OP Here, this is a perfect example of the active disinfo.
Stay strong and remain aware brothers!
>we don't talk about Nintendo around here
You know why 1998-2000 is looked at so fondly? It's because all those games where the first of their kind. The first 3D zelda? Holy shit! It's hella good, OST/graphics/gamelplay etc. Pokemon mania taking the world by storm! FOR THE FIRST TIME! NOTHING BEATS YOUR FIRST TIME. NOTHING BEATS BEING THERE FIRST WHEN IT ALL HAPPENED. That is the only reason 1998-2000 was so great. Video games in general took a quantum leap in their sophistication. Much hasn't changed besides graphics and now video games are more story driven (movies) and graphics>all. We're just a little jaded is all. VR was supposed to be the next step. But that is still being perfected.
Relaxing. Sailing is relaxing. Enough for you or will you get mad now, kid?
>10/10 nostalg- uhh ATMOSPHERE! yes, this game has objectively good atmosphere, that's what I mean to say...
shut the fuck up and die
Give him one reason why a game having a pleasant and comforting atmosphere is bad.
You can't.
The sailing mechanic in WW and horse in OoT are literally the same fucking thing except one of them can turn easier. Sailing happens to be more relaxing than horse.
Give me one fucking argument against WW that isnt LE CARTOON
protip: ypu probably can but you wont because your fucking gay
>That very great feel when you get to that 90s game on your backlog you always wanted to play without an emulator and it kicks ass just like you thought it would when you first saw it 20-15 years ago.
You spend maybe 2% of your gametime on the horse in OoT
You spend about 40% of your time on the boat in WW
You played it wrong user
>ITT: a whole lotta opinions.
If you can't talk about them without acting like an autistic child, please feel free to not post.
>TP is better than WW though,
Hardly. At least Wind Waker was original and didn't try to ape the game that caught lightning in a bottle.
Those 'details' looked like ass then. Mix them with the designs and you have an absolutely horrid looking art style. Wind Waker's visuals aged well and still look great to this day.
I'm 25 for the record. Majora's Mask is my favorite title, followed by Zelda II and then Wind Waker.
The field is traversable without the horse and acts in the first half as a pacer for action/puzzle segments. In the adult half earning the horse marks the player's advancement both in story (growing up) as well as shortening travel and introducing new minigames to further challenge and reward. All as optional growth and content.
The sailing is a storytelling device masking load times. It marks no progress. Gives no advancement. It is overly long for the sake of a one note impression intended for the world that overstays its welcome the second time you set sail for an island.
Triforce hunting sucks ass
Too much emphasis on the boat and all that it includes likes treasure map bullshit and whatnot
Many of the dungeons had forced escorts
Started the trend of stupid QTE stuff in Zelda series
Many of the minigames were total shit, like the sink boats and auction house
Tingle just sold maps in MM, in WW he's forced as fuck and even more annoying
Gen 2 wasnt very good. It has one of the coolest boss fights ever with Red but it's improvements in every other aspect were very minor. Being able to play through the entire Kanto region doesn't make the game any better. It just makes it longer.
who's this semen demon
>Gen V is objectively the best in the series.
>completely forgetable cities
>completely forgetable legendaries
>N is the only interesting NPC in the whole god damn game
>pseudo 3d attempt before actual 3d felt forced, clunky and awful at all times
>least memorable pokedex with only 3 standout pokemon out of hundreds
There are so many things wrong with bw/2 that I dont cant even. Only extremely retarded faggots could ever think they were the best games.
Platinum was best, followed by gen 2.
You sound like one of those fags that thinks a gritty realistic Zelda would be cool.
Not only was the parrying system not a QTE, you could actually miss your mark or get hit while doing it.
>i was born after 1998: the post
>you played it wrong
weakest argument possible general?
That's what disappointed me so much in gen 3, it was amazing to go back to the first games areas for me while playing, and the extra content just made it more fun
Playing gen 3 I got dissapointed when I realized that there wasn't a second region and the game felt much more shorter
I was born in 1993.
Platinum is the best Pokemon game.
pokemon has never been challenging
Are you just extremely retarded? You know theres an item you can get that vastly increases your boat speed in WW right?
>only 3 standout pokemon out of hundreds
Which three? I need to know just how shit your taste is.
>Press A when button lights on screen
Yeah, technically not a QTE, but I don't know a better wording for it
Either way, felt like a downgrade from the swordplay of MM and OoT
>Platinum is the best Pokemon game.
>best pokedex by far
>best antagonst, literally wants to distort space and timee
>best legendaries
>best Champion
>best story
>distortion world was fucking awesome
The entire game just felt so epic. You literally go to another dimension to fight/capture the pokemon who controls gravity not anti matter you retards, girantina was always the lord of gravity
Isn't gravity and anti-matter more or less the same thing?
Zorua, Oshwot, and meloetta
>You know theres an item you can get that vastly increases your boat speed in WW right?
user I wouldn't be proud of the fact that you navigated the seas by slowly drifting while holding R until after the Tower of the Gods when you finally figured out how to use the sail.
Pretty embarassing for you.
>ignore everyone's opinions
wew lad, gee, that was tough
It's not required to beat an enemy. In fact, Wind Waker's combat has yet to be topped. It's way more versatile with its movements and control and freedom. You can take on a lot of enemies with your entire arsenal. The only thing that needed improving on was the enemy AI on what you used (They react to your bombs when they get hit by an explosion. More stuff like that with arrows or your boomerang could be neat).
Not even remotely similar user. Pls tell me this is bait and you arent actually this retarded. Do you even know what gravity is?
If Girantina was the lord of antimatter then any time ANY matter touched him at all it would simply dissappear, INCLUDING other pokemon.
The reason space and time are so fucked in the distotion world is because gravity literally has the ability to DISTORT space and time
>Wind Waker babies actually thinking that shitty linear dungeons with no challenge, lack of any substantial side content and easy as fuck bosses are somehow offset enough by a nice looking artstyle to qualify this piece of shit game for "best in the series" status.
There's a lot of nostalgia-clouded opinions I can let slide. I don't even give a shit about people thinking Baby's First FPS is a classic. But Wind Waker dick-sucking is without a doubt the worst thing when it comes to video game nostalgia.
>1994 baby convinces himself everything was better when when was an autistic toddler
Nearly everyone thinks life was better when you were a kid. You were innocent and didn't realize how shitty life can be. Jesus kid, how dense can you be?
This. I can't believe there's anyone that thinks OoT was too for that matter.
TP in 2006, when the Xbox 360 was around, already looked dated as fuck
>he doesnt know about the sail you can get from the auction
You have no idea what im talking about do you?
FTFY senpai
>Wind Waker babies
>im an old bitter grapes pathetic virgin and i think my opinion is valid
What bait.
>completely forgettable cities
The cities are just fine.
>completely forgettable legendaries
Genies all over the fucking metagame, forgetting ANY legendary, they are in the fucking game cover.
>N is the only interesting NPC in the whole god damn game
Cheren and Bianca are fine too.
>pseudo 3d attempt before actual 3d felt forced, clunky and awful at all times
What a fucking complaining bitch you have to be in order to be bothered by that?
>least memorable pokedex with only 3 standout pokemon out of hundreds
Gen V had a fuckton of good pokemons.
You suffer a severe case of shit taste m8 my condolences.
Isn't that only in HD
someone go one more
You must realize how painfully obvious it was you were trying to make me buy the "swift sail" was in the original and how absurd that was from the start right?
You need a lot of practice.
It is, figured it was a fix because they knew they fucked up
It's amazing how you can't actually refute any of the arguments against Wind Waker and are only capable of either making baseless accusations against people or trying to shift the argument onto another game.
Do you have any real arguments?
you know what i could use as a synonym for that?
fucking boring
>The cities are just fine.
Without googling a single one name three
>Genies all over the fucking metagame
You have 3 pokemon that basically look the same, are boring as fuck and are just repainted versions of the same thing. The only thing people know about them is because they are op in the metagame. Otherwise they would have been forgotten a LONG time ago. Having op stats doesnt make a pokemon interesting
>Cheren and Bianca are fine too.
oh god you really are underage arent you? You think those are good npc's even for pokemon? Jesus christ what a cuck
>What a fucking complaining bitch you have to be in order to be bothered by that?
Im pretty sure im not the only one who thought this when the games sold so poorly
> fuckton of good pokemons.
>case of shit taste
Im so sorry not all of us were born in 1998 and only just recently had our balls drop user.
BL/2 are quite literally 100x worse in every aspect when compared to Platinum
>Someone saved my screengrab
I prefer left kingler.
>he didnt play the hd remake
what are you a poorfag
>complain about game
>they fix it in the hd remake
Holy shit could you be any more of a crybaby cuck?
> against Wind Waker
name anything that wasnt fixed in the hd remake
Of all the things you listed under OoT and MM the only one TWW doesn't contain is horseback riding. (And "challenging" battles, but no Zelda has that).
While I am personally more fond of the more grounded style of OoT, MM, and TP, I respect how confidently Nintendo executed TWW's direction and even built the core of the story around it, with Ganondorf representing the fanbase's clinging to the past.
I didn't think Tomb Raider would kick ass, I was just interested in it because I'd heard lots of good things about it.
>mfw I played it for the first time around a month ago.
What a fucking incredible game.
So what you're saying is, that the original WW is flawed?
OoT and MM still masterpieces without needing remakes
>WW is flawed
the only problem i had with it was the boat going to fast, which was fixed
>OoT and MM still masterpieces without needing remakes
Is this a joke or are you really so new that you never played them. Holy shit do you want a list of each all together or separately.
There are so many plotholes and broken mechanics i dont know where to start.
Adding onto your argument, MM's remake actually made things worse.
OoT's arguably made things worse but that's a seperate argument hinging mainly on people's preference for the art direction.
>to fast
too slow*
I honestly prefer the right's style more but I don't dislike either.
Le shrug.
We were talking about the original game though
>unironically using the word cuck
>being this triggered for being told that you have shit taste
>Liking platinum
>Being this delusional
Found the underage.
Boardgames would have made more sense. Plus, Jeopardy! didn't air until the 60's.
>There are so many plotholes and broken mechanics i dont know where to start.
If there's so many problems you should have no problem getting started.
I mean, plenty of people in this thread have had no problem listing the various flaws in Wind Waker.
Why can't you do the same?
user please.
All the 3D Zelda games are garbage.
And it's impossible to casualize either of these franchises.
I like both and r/s/e is not any more or less cartoony that g/s/c
>genwunner this bootybothered
nigger pls gen wun is by far the worst gen with the most bugs and the worst dex
There are more bugs in gen 1 than all other gens combined. That is how terrible the game is
>bugs are actually a feature
If you make this argument you pretty much admit the game is shit
None of the 2D Zeldas were great either.
He never mention Gen 1.
The argument they were having was Gen V vs Platinum.
No but they're at least not complete trash.