ITT games only you have played

ITT games only you have played

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I played it and I couldn't beat fuck huge monster Jerry. The game was pretty simple though: just throw shit until your opponent dies.

>"villains" who did nothing wrong

Jerry is a fucking dickhead. Always hated that fucker.

Here, I bet none of you faggots played this.

Dude. I think I fucking played this. Were you able to play a Rocket League-like minigame?


none of my friends know of this

there are way less episodes where Jerry is in the wrong rather than Tom


>tom and jerry series finale

literally only me

Yea. there was a rocket league minigame in one of the cities. Game was comfy as hell.

I remember playing this Tom and Jerry game at some holiday resort place when I was very little, since they had an N64 in the kids area. The ha,e was crowded though.

My brother got me this for my birthday when I was a kid, I was so disappointed

but he made it up to me next year by getting me MGS1

what happened?

That's bullshit. Tom is just doing his job as a house-cat. Jerry always does some annoying bullshit like drinking Tom's milk, stealing the food in the house and making loud noise.

There's an episode where Jerry steals the food from the palace and Tom gets decapitated at the end of the episode while Jerry laughs.




I want to play this game but I can't find a decent rom dump that runs on my ED64.

I see your Tom and Jerry game and raise you a more obscure one.

There's an episode of Tom and Jerry where both Tom and Jerry get (almost litterly) cucked and the show ends with them sitting on train tracks with a train heading towards them.

A lot of people think it was the last episode of Tom and Jerry. It isnt

Blue Cat Blues ended with them sitting on a train track waiting for the oncoming train.

There were technically episodes after that, but it had an entirely different intro and was basically a different cartoon with the same characters.

>playing this on pc as a small child
>tfw figuring out the controls
>beating the game was one of my biggest accomplishments as a child
Now I'm incapable of doing anything right.

best racer

Tom was fucking based.

Come at me motherfuckers

ToeJam & Earl

Never really see them mentioned here



they both killed themselves


Fuck I love be that game, I still have the box and everything




i bought this game twice with no regrets
absolute shit tho

aynone play this?

It was aight, playing 4 players was fun

I have not played it in forever but hell yeah having four people was the shit

>games only you've played
That would be highly unlikely.

hajime no ippo?

Was there a PS1 version of that? I distinctly remember a 2-player tom and jerry game my family got when we bought our PS2 that was kinda fun


I want to fuck donna

Every thread...


I CANT be the only one.


I always wanted to play that game as a kid

I don't know man I only remember it on gamecube and I know its on ps2 and original xbox

You were lucky to have not played it.

shit nigger i played this. it was ok

I saw this game and I was like it looks weird and did not know If I would have liked it (also I guess you needed an mic to play) But I would play it blind


I played the first one. I just never felt like it was worth mentioning.

who wouldn't?

like 90% of the episodes are about tom just trying to get rid of a pest in his owner's house

>that one episode where jerry basically condemns tom to hell just to be a dick

I fucking hated Tom and Jerry because Tom was clearly the good guy and always got fucked over.


Well that's because you have no friends.

Jesus that pic
it's this one, you roam around the house and put traps, and pick up shit to deplete the other's hp
fuck the robo-cat

oh fuck that's exactly the game I was thinking of

Think about Metal Gear Solid
Remove any type of fighting mechanics
Put in there a soundtrack that goes through funk, DnB and porno music, and make it fit nicely.
Give it a difficulty that works for both children and adults; Doesn't pull your leg too hard but doesn't hold your hand.
And wrap it up with a Warner license, without losing the over-the-top feeling The Twin Snakes remake had.

That is Sheep Raider. Easily a 10/10 from the Playstation overlooked by many.
I cannot encourage you enough to try it if you emulate/ have a console.

Is this game compatable with the dk bongos. I remember hearing it was and was interested in picking it up but never did.

>Doing flip after flip.
>Then a fuckhuge ramp comes up.
>You do a 720° that seemed to take forever.

That game is great to play in short burts.

>Doesn't pull your leg too hard, kids can do it.

Fuck that shit, that game was impossible to beat, solutions were ridiculously complicated, it took me like 6 months to reach level 5


Don't let the kiddy sounding title fool you. Some of the late game levels get brutal.

I have that one. I fucking hated it as a kid.

The simpsons wrestling. Played it with a friend though

You're just a scrub.
It only took me two years and a half at fifteen to finish the game. But at least it was enjoyable for me with the difficulty. It could be hard, but it wasn't as much of a "fuck you" for me to drop it; You could keep trying without losing interest.

But yeah. Fuck laying lettuce for the sheeps.

>tfw you unlock Spike


>Fists of Furry



saw that it was like ten bucks and tried it out
really good game, basically you fight the AI cubes for pellets and you can smash into each other through a grid or use powers
as you progress the maps get a lot bigger and enemies are harder
i enjoyed the shit out of this game

nobody today knows who tom&jerry is anymore

They still make really shitty episodes
The newest series feels like someone watched a couple episodes and went "Okay just use that scream sound bite over and over, that's what the show is about"


Played that too, lad.

Mohawk > Red crest > Braid/Ponytail >>>>>>>>>>>> Shitty spring cut.

played dat one

on emulator but still

I really just want to write a fucking essay on this.

I've got a TV on where I work that's always on Boomerang (CN channel that only shows old cartoon reruns) and I've seen a LOT of Tom & Jerry from ALL eras.

Classic Tom & Jerry always works because they're very careful in how they frame the two main characters. Jerry is shown to be mild mannered and only ever trying to take what he needs to live and not much more. Tom is shown to be a jackass that is willing to shirk his own duty as a house cat to steal from the fridge or torment mice for shits n giggles or whatever. That's why old Tom & Jerry worked so well, you never felt bad for Tom because every episode is a self-contained thing and it sets up Tom as an asshole before throwing shit on him. There are even times when Jerry tries to cut Tom some slack and not take things too far.

Then in the later Tom & Jerry era (esp. T&J Tales) all that goes out the window. We're just expected to root against Tom because he's Tom. Every episode is still a self-contained setting but few ever set up the characters properly. Tom is just a fucking house cat trying to do his job. Jerry is an amazing shitcunt who lies, cheats and steals to get everything for free and never faces consequences. I actually get fucking angry watching some of these episodes because of just how poorly later cartoon writers understand how to construct a basic narrative. That's on top of the humor taking a nosedive too with what I feel is even more nonsensical stretches of cartoon logic that just feel like attempts at random humor ("the chickens shit a jetstream of eggs when they hear music ain't that funny?")

Then in the absolute latest series (T&J Show) they give everyone lots of talking roles and it's not even about Tom & Jerry anymore. Tom & Jerry are a PI detective team, Tom & Jerry go to a fantasy world to fight a wizard, fuck that shit.

also dis game was cool

I did

I think I mained robot cat and lion once I unlocked them

I played that

wish I never did, but I did


Ok, listen to me Sup Forums

This fucker has the creepiest blink animation to ever exist. His eyes would not blink at the same time so he looked like he was all fucked up.

Skip to 1:50 for eye blinking creepiness.


Pretty sure I'm the only person who pre-ordered it, too


This is the first game I rented when I finally got an snes. I was a stupid kid.


Speaking of Frogger games no one played.

>all those branching story/level paths

Are you joking? Or just underage as fuck? ToeJam and Earl is considered a Genesis classic.

Hi Rebel Taxi