>want to replay HF1
>remember this part
>want to replay HF1
>remember this part
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It's fun though.
I bet you hate Xen too you fucking faggot.
This is just a meme at this point. What was so unenjoyable about it? You've got tons of fun weapons by that point.
Xen was fucking shit. Shut up fag.
>Half Fife 1
t.babby who can't into long jump module
Just noclip through it. Or just don't play it.
I can long jump my asshole all over the place, it was still fucking shit and it looked like shit too.
Buttblasted faggots like you who are shit at vidya are hilarious.
Fucking retard
Nice meme opinion, sonny. Did you go to the Youtube comments section to acquire it?
Gargle my balls.
>want to play HF one again
>remember the part with the tentacle monster with the talons
>tfw stuck for a week
>give up
Did you play this version?
What's wrong with On A Rail? Vehicle segments interspersed with portions where you could get off and do small engagements. Both the first and second games did a great job of this. Valve stuffs some really effective worldbuilding into these segments.
> weapons cache by the elevator
> abandoned house with the seaside graves
HF has the most satisfying sound ever
the crowbar tong tong tong againts anything
I always did like Gordon's Lambda nipple suit.
>Crouch when you walk
>throw grenades to distract it
The way sounds go through an environment filter is cool.
>enter vent
>suddenly resonance can be heard
>enter huge room
>no more echo
Such simple things are not even there in todays vidya.
on a rail was a lot better than people say. it was one of the first parts where you got to see the soldiers fighting the aliens and you just stumble upon them and shit. it gave you a sense that there was more going on than just what you were doing
>go underwater
>that gurgling sounds
I prefer the sound of the crowbar against breakable surfaces. Knowing you've opened the path has never been so satisfying.
Reminder that nobody would remember Half Life today if it wasn't for Counter Strike
This. Monster in-fighting is one of my favorite things in games.
>that part on synergy
most of the server dies in the first few seconds
this part and the driving part of HL2 were my favourite parts of the series desu
>ladders/elevators in sven
On A Rail wasn't bad at all.
I've played Half-Life mods far more frustrating than anything in the main game. To the point where the main game is toddler mode.
How is Xen hard?
>no idea what to do next for the tentacle monster in Opposing force blocking a door
>manage to surf on it and make it to the blocked exit without doing the puzzle
Why are you asking 3 anons who don't think so?
>no idea what to do
>two side paths blatantly opened for you
>two lights in a control room
Gee what could they possibly want?
What do you lads think of Black Mesa?
I recently played through the early access version, and I gotta say I enjoyed it a hell of a lot more than when I played it after it had just come out. Not sure if I enjoy it more than the original though, I'm still playing through Half Life 1 again.
I didn't say Xen was a hard level you mongoloid
I really enjoyed it. Looking forward to Xen.
On my first playthrough the marines were frustrating. It was like the margin of error was extremely low and their accuracy was extremely high. But I played through it a second time and didn't have nearly as hard of a time. Just got good, I guess.
The end where you have to defend the teleporter from xen masters is still annoying, however.
Well, they all insult the guy claiming that he can't beat Xen when he didn't mention anything about the difficulty. Why else would you all bring up difficulty?
They shouldn't be getting paid for a fan project. You make something like this out of homage, they don't own the ideas they are making high-res versions of.
Valve is too kind to tell them no. Or else let it fly simply because they can't be bothered to make games anymore.
How long until they release Xen? Its literally been like 2 years, this is turning into DayZ standalone bullshit
I dunno, it definitely feels like the AI got a total overhaul since the first release.
In the original release I got totally brickwalled on that section right before Surface Tension (I think). The part after you save three scientists and shut off the surgical device. The fight that happens afterwards was borderline impossible for me on hard because I would always die before I could do anything meaningful.
Going through that a second time a few weeks ago felt like a totally different experience. Still hard, but it didn't feel like the game was just curb stomping me. Plus I didn't have to play peek-a-boo with every single marine in the game.
High Five 1
It's been at least four years
>can't beat Xen
Nobody said this though...?
>one of the most fun levels
what's the problem? You a casual?
Yeah, that was fucking awful.
on a rail isnt hard, i dont understand. i guess its a little long but thats about it.
Oh wait, sorry miss read your post.
I found the freeware release to be really poor.
On the one hand I liked a lot of the things they did to add to the humanity of the game, the new lines and interactions are pretty good. On the other hand, this means that in the interest of being more "realistic", all of the lines are read in very dull, monotone voice. The original readings are much more exciting.
Level design is crippled for most of the game because they didn't think through a lot of the changes.
Obligatory "hitscan enemies are broken" line, unless they've changed that in later versions.
> that one part of On A Rail that requires you to do a crouchjump
> I never knew that crouchjumps let you jump higher until that
> was stuck for fucking hours
Thx for triggering me OP
Half-Life sucks my tiny cock, prove me wrong.
On the other hand, don't, because I'm going to bed it's 4:50 AM here.
Just look at all the salt google.com
People want it, and valve isn't going to make it. Valve might as well be subsidising it to the team. I don't see anything wrong with people getting paid for providing a sevice, even if they're just updating an old game.
If memory serves, they give you a bunch of satchel charges in this section, one of my favorite weapons. Using your own momentum to huck one into a room and gib everything is great fun.
My biggest regrets about HL2 is the discontinuation of Satchels as a weapon.
>>Science Team? You think he was responsible, sabotage maybe?
>Maybe. All I know for sure is he's been KILLING MY BUDDIES.
>>Oh, he'll pay. HE WILL DEFINITELY PAY...
>Obligatory "hitscan enemies are broken" line, unless they've changed that in later versions.
They did for the most part. Your other criticisms are still valid though.
>not knowing you can duck jump and bunny hop through that whole section without taking a hit
Sorry, it's difficult to drop them very far from yourself.
well they spent like 8 years not getting paid if that's good enough for you
What changes occured? Is it finally possible to clear the lobby fight without getting shredded?
Never played it.
What mods should I use? Everyone says not to use cinematic but I've no idea why.
>I've no idea why
because it's sucks in every way there's nothing good about it
if you have so bad taste that you don't agree with the above you'll still not want to use it because of the alyx model
You're confusing Half-Fife 1 and 2. Cinematic mod is for HF2.
You don't need mods for 1. But you can opt for the high-res Blue Shift graphics mod if you want.
And this is why I still have no idea. Nobody says anything more than it sucks.
To be honest I've played a few minutes into to half life vanilla and wasn't impressed what with the opening tutorial being a complete drag, its felt more like an engine show case so far. So I was looking to get the most out of it to give it another shot.
>those fucking marines in the freeware version
OP as fuck
xen was trash compared to the precedent set by everything leading up to it
it wouldn't have been out of place in most shooters of the day but in half life it was an annoying regression in the climax of the game
Play vanilla. Don't be a graphics whore. Cinematic mod changes the feel way too much. The characters are arbitrarily changed to be literally different people (Alyx is Adriana Lima for some reason), the atmosphere of areas is completely changed: a whole plane is crashed in the middle of nowhere because FUCK IT, and ferns are literally growing on everything when the earth was supposed to be ravaged and desolate. You can't just make everything green when it actively goes against the lore.
Cinematic Mod is a mod for Half Life 2, not 1. It is famous solely for being absolutely awful. Also for the fact that it gives one of the characters a fully modeled vaginal canal.
You're in a tutorial zone, of course it feels like a showcase. You are literally being showcased the rules of the game. Stick with it dufus.
How far in do I need to get before it gets good? Its been slow as fuck so far.
Ah sorry I mixed them up.
The Cinematic Mod has multiple versions, and it comes with alternate skins for the characters. Kawaii Desu Breen is not the default, nor is Midriff Tranny Alyx. Once upon a time, believe it or not, the Cinematic Mod was actually considered pretty cool and a neat visual upgrade to the game, and the extra character skins were just for fun or different tastes. I think that was before it got ruined by ferns and bridges.
I wouldn't have minded more use of the Long Jump
Almost immediately. Just tough out the tutorials and once you meet Alyx the pace quickens.
Also I think there are some minor changes to some levels. Also Surface Tension got a huge update and is much longer than it was originally.
Was using that as an example. Its feeling like Bioshock (got fairly far into that but fuck its boring) all over again where the game wants me to know how clever it is.
The only questionable part of Xen is the factory area, which springs respawning enemies on the player for no reason. On the highest difficulty it can give you some real trouble due to the number of Vortigaunts.
>it gives one of the characters a fully modeled vaginal canal.
Didn't you just say you only played the tutorial? As in you haven't actually started the game?
HL2 was an astonishing accomplishment back in the day. Yes there are a few physics puzzles that are a bit of a drag, but just go with it. Know that people were really impressed back then and maybe you'll understand why it was there.
Half Life 2: Update is the only mod you should use because it only marginally updates the visuals while still keeping the overall aesthetic.
>respawning enemies
I am 100% positive you are misremembering.
No I was saying I wasn't that far in and commented on boring the tutorial was, not that I was still on it.
I think Quake ruined me. If it feels like an FPS I feel like I need to be moving at the speed of car. Think its me not the game.
The Half Life series isn't anything like Quake. If you went in expecting the same kind of experience, I can understand why you think it's boring.
Playing Half Life with a Quake mindset is definitely a mistake. HL tries to do plot and make you care about characters, if only just a little. Try to be patient if it locks you in a room to listen to people talk. The first game does it even less, so you should be playing that first.
Maybe 1 will ease you into 2 more.
Anyone that hates Xen is a retarded numale that cannot into airstrafing and longjumping.
Learn to bunnyhop then. Goldsource movement has a much higher skill ceiling.
I'm fairly certain the Controllers respawn. The area would be a lot more manageable if you could progress slowly, but instead you feel pressured to rush through the area and not waste ammo.
The mod version was aright, had it flaws
Steam version improved a lot on those flaws a fuckton and it's amazing now plus bonus points for adding the rest of ST back in.
One of the only mods I'll ever be happy giving money to, they deserve it for sticking with the project for so long.
They said the other week they hope for it be in game in 2017.
I liked On A Rail alright and my favorite part of Halflife 2 is the boat section. Never got the backlash people had about certain areas in the games, they have pretty consistent quality.
hmmmmm, you know, I thought I was certain, but maybe I'm wrong after all. too lazy to play through Xen and test it
I don't like Interloper in any case. It's just kind of an annoying environment.
I thought the difficulty of this level was fine, but it seemed pretty long and confusing.
Everything about it was shit and the graphics sucked anyway because it just looks like HL2.
>want to replay marathon
>remember the levels with no pattern buffers