What games give the same vibe as this? Any?

What games give the same vibe as this? Any?

Other urls found in this thread:



Max Payne 3

>cgi blood splatter

Instant drop from kino

that one john wu game for 360
someone pls post video

Seriously, what's with everyone's hard-on for this movie? It's average at best as a fast paced action movie and cheesy as all fuck.

Max Payne 3 if you played well enough.

you mean kinoflows? they undoubtedly used those on set why would you drop a lighting brand like that?

>what's with everyone's hard-on for this movie?
The brutality and fast-paced action.

There's a real satisfaction with most of the take-downs.

>Good action
>World building
>Funny dialog at points

Its a well put together movie.

lurk Sup Forums

Pretty Max Payne is the closest thing you will get. There's clones like Stranglehold but they don't hold up.

So yeah but pretty much MP series, maybe GTA in certain scenarios.

>Mary Sue: The Game

they got me on center axis relock

dropping Sup Forums memes in my Sup Forums

fuck off back to your containment board REEEEEEEEEEEE

doom 2016

This is too good to be bait.

Also, was there cgi blood? If so that's definitely a mark against it but it was pretty decent cgi blood.


this is also a good answer

That club scene tho was pure kino.

Shit is dated and does not hold up.

Because the action was top notch and it was very well filmed and produced. It's an instant classic. Was a fucking great movie with very few flaws.


This feels too ironic.
Maybe we just repeat the same over and over again.

Wait, do Sup Forums and Sup Forums actually believe people follow/want to follow their tastes?

That's goddamn hilarious. Also, change the GTX 970 to a MBP, that's the true latest Sup Forums bandwagon.

>Seriously, what's with everyone's hard-on for this movie? It's average at best as a fast paced action movie and cheesy as all fuck.



>That club scene


Is this bait?

>John, while skilled and extremely efficient, gets shot, beat up, and nearly killed multiple times in the film.
>Only survives his rampage because of a friend.

How is that Mary Sue?

>The brutality and fast-paced action.
>There's a real satisfaction with most of the take-downs.

I got bored with the action so fast. It looks like someone playing a shooter video game on easy mode and using auto-aim.

Get the fuck out of here.


Hotline Miami plays very similarly to how the movie feels to watch. The soundtrack doesn't exactly fit perfectly in all spots but there are lots of playlists on Spotify you can use to better match the hard hitting soundtrack of the movie (including songs from the movie itself)



>click Sup Forums
>taylor swift thread
>350 replies
fucking Sup Forums

Why is Keanu Reeves so based?

>characters with a reputation are Mary Sues

Not the puppy!

Guess that makes him a Mary Sue for having a reputation of being a cock hungry faggot.

Splinter Cell Conviction.

They do have some good porn tho. If its only the human versions of them.

>it's a "Sup Forums and Sup Forums still pretend they aren't worse than Sup Forums episode/

>It looks like someone playing a shooter video game on easy mode and using auto-aim.
maybe you just don't like action movies then

It gave me HM vibes so hard. Also reminds me of a level in Hitman: Absolution but that's not a game where you can do anything like that.

First thing I did after watching was look for a game that had some of the components of the fight choreography in the film.
But there really isn't anything except for Max Payne.

Kind of a shame. It's got some great stuff that could translate easily to a mod for some titles that really boils down to
>pistol stances
>shoot-diving/slow mo
>transitions to and from shoulder slung weapon

>Sup Forums advocating for AMD products ever
You've never been there. Stop pretending.

First post is a giant shitpost

What a surprise

>maybe you just don't like action movies then


Max Payne, duh.

I mean Anton in No Country For Old Men was sort of like John Wick. Very brutal, very fast, but was still very clearly human. We the viewer see John getting hurt and messed up, just like we see Anton getting hurt and having to do lots of medical treatment on himself. Of course the people they are fighting don't see the human side and the weakness, so Anton and John have a scary reputation of being almost Terminator like.

>maybe you just don't like action movies then

I like movies where people miss shots. It's more exciting.


>yfw "It was just a fucking dog"

Payday 2

I mean, he's in it

Splinter cell conviction. Shame it didn't had a stronger hand 2 hand component.

And sleeping dogs (somewhat)

It was his best and only friend in a difficult time, man!

It's more realistic for sure, people shoot many shots as covering fire, suppressing fire and in general just missing from panic as well as poor aim.

Both ways can be boring and both ways can be done well. Way of the Gun is a great example of missing done well. I'm sure that new movie coming out, I forgot the title, something like Free For All, will be good and full of missing.

John Wick did quick, clean and aggressive kills really well though.

The game based off Wanted

And there is actually a John Wick game being developed

Shit man I enjoyed The Way of the Gun, but if I remember correctly there are like a total of 3 action scenes in the movie and the rest is fucking shitty people acting like shit. And the first action scene wasn't that great. The last one was amazing though.

Isn't it just a mask?

>>yfw "It was just a fucking dog"

I didn't like John Wick. He wasn't very reasonable. He easily could have made a deal instead of just acting like an animal.

This. It was shit. People treat it like its high art or something but it's just another insanely cheesy action flick. Don't get me wrong - I can enjoy some good action, but I'd much rather watch, say, The Raid.

He says in Russian something like "go fuck yourself" but subtitles changed that for some reason.

The Raid was also cheesy, not as much as John Wick, but it was a silly movie. The Raid is amazing, don't get me wrong, it is my favorite action movie, but John Wick is right up there in terms of awesome quality. I don't know how you can like one and think the other is bad and silly.

Fallout 4 is pretty good at the whole player character is an unstoppable killing machine thing, plus with high charisma you can do the whole "put down your guns, give me your money, and go away" thing which is pretty reminiscent of the way everyone is afraid/respectful of Wick

No, whole character

His dog was already dead so I don't see the point in making any deals. His actions were justified.

He's a heister that got added as a cross-promotion thing.

>He wasn't very reasonable. He easily could have made a deal instead of just acting like an animal.

To be fair though, the context was pretty harsh. Dude lost his wife to cancer, had his house invaded and robbed by a punk teenager, and his dog was killed by the son of the man he personally put in power. Granted, he might have gone a little far by toying with the kid at the club, but otherwise he was in too deep after the first hit squad to back down. There really wasn't a way to de-escalate the situation that wouldn't have potentially ended with John dead.

well Sup Forums is populated by 90% 14 year old girls
like Sup Forums is mostly 12 year old kids who's first game was cowadoody

John Wick is literally Max Payne 1+2.

so what the FUCK do you think would "play like it"?

That was my point. I'm saying I like silly action films, but I don't think John Wick deserves to be held up as an exemplary film in the genre. I think that the raid is a better film in almost every regard.

John Wick is like Wanted tier for me. It's really silly and I guess that makes it kinda fun, but it doesn't really have anything to set it apart from other action flicks and Reeves is a TERRIBLE actor.

Grieving people, especially a lifelong murderer, aren't usually very reasonable. He directed all his depression and anger towards revenge.

If some asshole broke into my house, jumped me, beat me up, killed my dead wife's dog, then stole my sweet car, I'd want him dead too.

>guy who killed people for a living
>not very reasonable

no fucking shit you dumb motherfucker

The man had just lost the only things he had left that mattered.

Viggo's only chance was to let John beat the fuck out of the kid and HOPE he didn't kill him, but Viggo decided to send a hit squad instead.

>John Wick is literally Max Payne 1+2.


Max Payne is literally John Woo films. John Wick is not a John Woo film.

>OP was clearly commenting on the quality of the movie.

you don't seem to understand, John Wick follows a near exact plot layout of Max Payne, just adlib the characters names and its the same fucking plot.

even has final boss Russian that MC put into power years ago.

God tier movie desu
John Wick 2 hype

That's baffling to me. Wanted being on par with John Wick. John Wick does just about everything right barring a few things imo. I think it has a lot that sets it apart from other action movies and that is John Wick's skill being cartoony but realistic in a way. It wasn't a sloppy spam fest where the only reason he lived was because the bad guys were horribly retarded and missing a bunch. He just straight up domed people too fast for them to react. John Wick even had a rival character who beat him two out of three fights.

I think the worst offense that John Wick had was that there were some scenes where John had too much plot armor, but that is a given in almost every action movie. Outside of that, it stood out with its gunplay and close combat fighting. There was a real sense of struggle and rolling around like idiots, which is how real fighting works. It's sloppy looking. Not to mention the whole movie had a very unique, almost comic book like feel to it, and a sense of curiosity about how the John Wick crime world works and all the things that happened off screen prior to the movie.

>yfw the last scene with Perkins

I liked that she was solid in close combat and was hitting his wound a lot.

The only part about her I hated was that she got Freeman. He deserved a better death.

>mfw realizing whats about to happen to her

For a character with such little screen time i felt it when he died

You are just cherry picking similarities from the two games and the film, not exactly a hard thing to do considering the action genre is not really all that imaginative, and ignoring all the differences. Even if the plots were exactly the same, which they aren't, the action styles are vastly different.

hotline miami

The actor is just so likable.

The gun play was really well done.

Underhell has GOAT gunplay.


I think Reeves would be significantly better if he had more than one voice. Not only is it bad, but it's always the same.

Splinter Cell: Coviction

The game is pretty shit, but this scene with the music is great.

considering the writer admitted to it, I guess I can draw those similarities.

because i'm fucking right.

>What games give the same vibe as this? Any?
Max Payne is literally John Wick: The Videogame(s). The plots are eerily similar at times.

It's the /k/ movie.

My jam son

This game would have been amazing with proper cqc animations

>character is more skilled and less useless than you
>"waah mary sue!"

Link it anyway