>Emulation of the entire NES library has been freely available for years
>People will still pay online scalpers inflated prices for the Mini NES that is objectively inferior in every way
Emulation of the entire NES library has been freely available for years
Other urls found in this thread:
I know this is going to sound crazy, but sometimes there are really popular toys that come out around Christmas time
What did he mean by this?
emulation is piracy and hurts game devs
buying the nintedo classic is kegitimate and support game devs
cwcki is giving me a bad gateway error
is he finally kill?
For like a week now.
I would've thought he'd like Pence on the basis they're both Bible Belt nutcases.
But if the Cwciki dies, where will all those trannies and autists flock to?
Right here bubba
>Trannies flocking to cwcki
>mfw have the entire SNES and GBA libraries complied on my Raspberry Pi
>now doing NES and maybe PS1 tomorrow
Feels fucking good
Been playing great games all day
As well as playing completely crazy garbage games that I've never heard of/never would have actually bought
Just have a look at the forums. It's full of crazies.
People can't find roms as easily. Plus it's conceptually easier to plug in a box, and not have to jack around with configs and files and apps. Turn on the power and its a nintendo instead download this and that and viruses and porn ads. You know I don't want some people to have beyourxfriend and chaturbate pop up on the screen.
The CWCki forums are full of people who are basically just CWC themselves, only very marginally more self-aware. Hell, not just even the CWCki forums, even back on the old PVCC forums, the vast majority of Chris' trolls were barely any better than he was himself.
Clyde/Vivian Gee/"Shigeru Miyamoto" was just some spergy Chinese shut-in kid with rich parents. Writes for p4rgaming now. Supposedly he got his life together and was working as a mechanical engineer, but that was debunked a while back.
Alec Benson Leary (Who was also "Jackie") is a borderline destitute paraplegic (Lost his parents and sustained his disability in a car accident as a kid) who lives with his aunt and legitimately loathes Chris on the basis he can walk.
Marvin/Canine is an alcoholic manlet shut-in (Again) whose claim to fame in life is being an expert on Chris. Literally spends all day every day on the CWCki forums and the IRC.
Liquid has mad self-esteem issues stemming from his cancer-ridden arm and is trapped in an unhappy marriage with that fat bitch Kacey (Who, again, is a total scumbag as a person), who walks all over him.
The guy who runs the CWCki forums, Null, is a well-documented nutjob and pedo. He has an ED page that documents some of his antics, so check there.
They're the ones I remember, I'm sure all the other freakshows involved with Chris have got some kind of story behind them.
It's about the presentation. No one wants to huddle around their computer and configure an emulator.
Are there any games where I can witness the catastrophic fallout of my awful life choices?
Fable 1-3.
The thing that I've always loved about CWC is that ultimately we as humans aren't really too far from him. I'd be we can all think of a time that we never really knew what the fuck we were thinking, the only difference is that we think back on it with regret.
I think ultimately, the think that draws people to CWC is that he is human, and he bears it to the internet to see. Yeah he is an egotisical piece of shit, but honestly, so are most people.
Not anymore.
Chris is a tomgirl now and supports Hillary because she is a woman and he thinks that will score him lesbians who want a piece of his infected pierced taint.
>not knowing about troll kayfabe
Oh, you sweet summer child........................
Isn't this illegal now that Trump is the president elect? Can't you be put in jail for wishing death or uttering threats against the president?
Nah, most of those faggots absolutely hated each other and used to bring their personal shit on /cwc/ all the time back when Chris was relevant.
Hell, the only reason we know about Liquid and Kacey's unhappy marriage is because his own fucking brother doxxed him on /cow/ when they had a falling out.
emulation has so much fud perpetrated by idiots its hilarious.
>uttering threats
yeah, if they're credible
>wishing death
nah, maybe in north korea bro
Maybe it's less about playing the games ad-hoc and more about owning a physical piece of your childhood that functions with modern technology
I don't think praying for someone's death is the same as a death threat.
If Chris was making the claim that he was going to kill Donald with his Megatron pistol, it would qualify.
Praying for anything is like the opposite of a threat.
what ever happened to Megan?
they don't have to be "credible".
Prison Architect
Not this time, Chris.
She got her shit together and is now happily married with a kid on the way. She said she keeps an eye on Chris' antics every now and then, but is happy to just forget that whole chapter of her life for the most part.
>She said she keeps an eye on Chris' antics every now and then
for real? perhaps she is learning from Chris just so her child doesn't end up like him
Yeah, one of the CWCki spergs managed to find her and asked her about it.
Supposedly Chris knows and is immensely butthurt about it (As you'd expect), but I don't know whether or not he's gone bananas on social media about it or not.
Chris has never really understood or cared about anything beyond the childish realm of his own life and shit like video games, transformers and MLP. The only reason he ever "hated" gays is because he probably thought that's just what you're supposed to do.
Now Bob is dead and he's been exposed to too much sexual deviancy on the internet so that particular part of his persona has been overwritten.
maybe all these years of virgin rage led him to the path of deviancy
chris cursed her with the lego curse ya meha
she'll neve rbe the same again
>the basic idea of official merchandise and novelty has existed for decades
>you still don't fucking get it
I bet you feel so smart
Real talk for a sec, what's gonna happen to Chris when Barb dies?
he's gonna get a bunch of donations and wait for life to just blow over
He becomes a ward of the state, since he's in no condition to look after himself.
Dead or the much more likely option is that the state will eventually get involved and throw him into a mental home.
>Spazkid is just back to doing porn after he fucked up his chances to grow
It's a sad fucking story as a fellow animator
Witcher 3
hes legally retarded, cut him some slack
He hates gays because they are men, and Chris, for the most part, has always hated men. In the case of homosexuals, he was taught from an early age that a conspiracy of homosexual teachers are what got him thrown out of school.
A complete lack of actual parenting or real consequences forming a mindset of repugnant narcissism coupled with a disability that already makes understanding social mores difficult led him to the path of deviancy.
But in a sense, yes, years of rejection and an inability to understand why he is rejected has led him to the severe delusional belief that by becoming a woman, he will have a better chance of scoring with women.
Absolutely every single thing Chris says or believes is for the singular purpose of getting Chris what he wants, because that is all that matters to him.
I knew about most of them besides Alec, which is a sad but pathetic story, but was curious about the supposed trannies. For reasons.
You mean like in the Sopranos where they threw Corado Junior into the nuthouse?
>Hell, the only reason we know about Liquid and Kacey's unhappy marriage is because his own fucking brother doxxed him on /cow/ when they had a falling out.
If he gets thrown into a mental home, will we ever get an update from him? Or, is Barb's death how the story ends?
Not an argument.
>Hell, the only reason we know about Liquid and Kacey's unhappy marriage is because his own fucking brother doxxed him on /cow/ when they had a falling out.
wait what!?
It would just be a matter of time until one of Chris's obsessive followers would get a job as a orderly just so they post updates on Chris.
The best case (in terms of actually attempting to improve Chris' condition) is if the people tasked with treating Chris are aware of his online activity. Even the most mediocre and disinterested of therapists will recognize that his use of the internet has worsened his mental state considerably, and will heavily restrict if not completely prohibit his use of it.
If his therapist and/or caretakers are marginally attractive women, Chris will increasingly harass and obsess over them. I find it very likely he will act that way until those tasked with taking care of him will simply redirect him to a male therapist and male caretakers. At first Chris will act passive-aggressively, and make life difficult until he attempts to harm one of them (and completely fails, since his physical health is very poor), and his caretakers will take a much firmer stance on his behavior, putting Chris in a situation he has never truly experienced - actual consequences for his behavior, possibly painful consequences. He will probably withdraw deep into himself after that point, severely afraid of everything around him, and fall into a deep depression.
The little spark of hope is that Chris somehow manages to eventually realize his black and white delusional narcissism isn't going to work.
The only thing I've ever hoped for Chris is for him to be capable of empathy. It is clear he has never experienced that ever in his life.
that looks like a woman that would be a victim by a 1980s serial killer
You don't need a Master's to Google "[insert game title here] ROM"
Appropriate, because Chris looks like a 1980s serial killer.
his porn looks like shit like Shadman's LOL
Does he have anything to do with Spaszzkid, the musician? I really like his music open.spotify.com
>huddle around computers and configure emulators
You'd be doing it wrong, especially for nes
> a/cwc/ post about a guy's relations with his wife
Is this even remotely confirmed? Are you just choosing to believe any piece of unvarifiable gossip from an alleged source who admits to have malice towards the guy? Come on now.
And I also hope that the Game and Hobby Place in Charlottesvilleā¦ BURNS TO THE GROUND! ALONG WITH MICHAEL SNYDER!
>tfw you see people freaking the fuck out over unboxing and playing the mini nes thing and you wonder if they are aware that you can emulate every single nes game for free instead of paying $60 for only 30 of them
dear jesus why
In the past I had tried explaining to a co-worker that you can just emulate and play the gen 1 Pokemon games , but he wasn't interested at all. I realize it's cause when they said "Man, I really wish I could play red version again, I was thinking of buying it online for $X" that is was rhetorical and they didn't actually mean it, but still, it's a bit annoying.
I really wanna look into this, can the picture do n64?
Best NES controller?
I feel like CWC would have said something if he actually realized what was happening.
Some games, yes. Look up performance vids.
I think it's also kind of mandatory that you overclock (and thus cool) your Pi if you're planning on playing a lot of N64 on it too.
Emulators do not have Nintendo's polish and charm. The NES Classic does.
Is this bait
Go through the /cow/ archive to about early 2014, he posted shit that made it quite obvious who he was, even being quite open about it when pressed.
Has something happened to the CWCiki?
it just gives me 502 bad gateway.
>The little spark of hope is that Chris somehow manages to eventually realize his black and white delusional narcissism isn't going to work.
that'll be the day
I'm not saying it wasn't posted, I'm saying none of it sounds even remotely verifiable.
They're not paying for the opportunity to replay the games, they're paying for the cute little device that's trendy right now. How autistic are you?
>I don't think praying for someone's death is the same as a death threat.
Then is this a death threat?
he still hates gay men
it's okay when liberals do it
That could be interpreted as a death threat, yes.
Of course, Chris could easily get away with another slap on the wrist.
let's see how long will they get away with it
I think people there were inclined to believe it due to lots of what his brother was saying about their interactions apparently matching up with shit that the pair of them had done and said back in the PVCC's IRC channel way back when. Most of those freaks are still around, and if nothing, they're good at cataloguing and remembering shit.
What did he mean by this?
Realistically---he'll default on the mortgage (sooner than later depending on if Barb has a life insurance policy or 401k/403b cash we do not know of), become homeless and eventual end up in a state run halfway house.
Alternatively, he could run off to NYC to find Cole (his half-brother) but that seems like a long shot given Cole's hatred for Barb/Bob and his own--likely--shaky finances as a little known internet film critic
It's never been the most reliable site. I don't keep up with the CWCki user drama anymore--it's not 2008 anymore, user--but I'd assume it is coming back soon.
It's probably archived in the Wayback Machine or other tools on the net if you need your fix.
It's nice to know that your mom telling you "bullies bully you because they hate themselves" has some truth to it.
Did you not see twitter after Obama got elected?
most people, including nes mini are technological illiterates