>preprendered cutscenes look worse than in-game graphics
Preprendered cutscenes look worse than in-game graphics
Human revolution?
yes, and witcher 3 and kotor 1
literally why does this happen
delete this
>Resident Evil 4 on PS2
Its hard to remember Nintendo had the best graphics at one point
>final battle about to start in Witcher 3
>fucking 720p video of the game being played on PS4
Resident Evil 5
Is that on PC too?
Stopped reading there. I didn't come here to watch a movie.
Definitely. It's jarring as fuck.
not him, but i just beat the game last night and yes, that is indeed the case
>Prerendered cutscenes look great
>Most of the game is told through stilted scenes involving chibis
happens in BF1 I swear the cut scenes are 720p at least they felt like it while I was playing the campaign in 4k
>you can pause during cutscenes.
Wish more games do this.
this. most games started doing it for a while too, then it became rare again, wtf.
>doorbell rings
>welp looks like you're missing this cutscene, tough shit kiddo :^)
>play mortal kombat 9 on pc
>cutscenes are prendered and super compressed
>Look like complete ass compared to the game
That was really annoying
if they do, i also wish they'd tell you the key to do it and which one will skip the damm thing
ok, but why does this even happen? is it just to save space? if it is, does it really save more space than just having the cutscenes play out in-game?
there is a big difference between rastered rendering and ray traced rendering
but somewhere along the pipeline they forgot people have really big TVs and monitors and even if something is raytraced if its stuffed in a tiny res and then upscaled it will look like shit in comparison to the in game cutscenes.
>Don't know if you can pause it or not
>Weigh the pros and cons if you should try pressing start
>the button you end up pressing skips the whole cutscene
Capcom is pretty notorious for this
RE2. Not that the game itself looks fantastic, being on the PS1, but Claire's ponytail literally looks like shit and Leon's face is all kinds of messed up in those cutscenes.
Transformers Devastation on the 360 was like that.
I thought it was neat.
Alan Wake.
You're a faggot
>cutscene uses the same engine as the game itself
i don't think this type of language is particularly helpful
there are movies for this, overwatch and league of legends did it right
Chibi art needs to die.
Bravely Default