What games will let me explore the beautiful yet horrifying deep blue ocean?

What games will let me explore the beautiful yet horrifying deep blue ocean?



The Old Republic

This but the game is horribly unoptimized. For some reason rendering is horrible, you can't go two feet in a seamoth or the handheld propeller thing without it freezing and rendering. I stopped playing because it got out of hand.

Barotrauma lets you explore Europa's Ocean in a submarine.

>tfw no more barotrauma threads on Sup Forums

haven't had any issues. sounds like you have an amd card and are having predictable amd problems.

Horrifying ocean exploration, you say?

GTA V (this gen)

Nvidia 1060 6gb, so no. Not AMD.

Not that guy, but I have a 980 and it was still stuttering a lot and there's a lot of texture/mesh popping. This was like 3 months ago and I haven't played since, but I hear they haven't worked on performance yet.

something else is wrong with your system then, i have a 960 2gb and dont have these issues.

everblue 2

Endless ocean.

weird, like i said have 960 and don't experience issues of that sort

it's unity so there isn't much optimization they can do themselves.

Something to do with the way terrain is done. They're planning on fixing it a bit later.

Apparently they plan on putting everything in, then doing optimization.

Nah, I played it fine a couple months ago, but now it's fucking up a a lot. The thing is I also had a 750ti those months ago. To be honest it's probably some update or something, or what:

>it's unity so there isn't much optimization they can do themselves.

They could if they purchased the source code license.

Frankly, the performance issues and bugs are almost certainly a result of their code, not Unity. I know Sup Forums likes to rain shit on Unity as if they have any clue what they are talking about but the reality is Unity isn't really all that bad.

Abzu is fun for a few hours, but doesn't really capture the scale and majesty that Journey did.

I played it with my gf and we beat it in one sitting. Good "play iwth your gf" game. Not worth the full price, get on sale.

people shit on it because it used to be garbage

its bretty gud now. i wouldn't have imagined something like subnautica could be made with it, but they did it

really, it's a grea ttime to be alive if you wnat to develop games. even RPG maker games can sell big on steam, like Lisa.


The ocean is too big and too dark

You gotta wonder what kinds of cool shit there is down there, obviously not giant beasts but things like old settlements that got swallowed up by rising waters, or old boats that could be hundreds or thousands of years old.

Fuck, even just in my town under a river there's an old neighborhood, they had to flood the entire thing for a dam, and they paved over a graveyard there so that the corpses wouldn't eventually float up

So under a river in an underwater town buried under concrete there's skeletons chilling in their coffins

Shit's weird

Someone post the gif/webm where the camera is just above the water and it moves in just the right way so it becomes undistorted and you can see the sharks face for a moment.

Are there any horror games that take place majority in or around water aside from Cold Fear?

Dude...where do you live?

It's more common than you think in places with dams. Obviously older areas of towns or even entire towns themselves would normally be closer to a lower water level, so sometimes when a new dam would get installed they would either demolish the areas or just flood them. The land would all be purchased from whoever lived there by the company who is building the thing.

Graveyards are very expensive to dig up and relocate all the bodies and coffins, so they would just take the headstones to a new cemetery.