Someone gets mad at you in a video game

>someone gets mad at you in a video game
>reply with "It's just a game, bro :^)"
>they always sperg out or go quiet
Is this the ultimate comeback?

>Id rather be bad at video games than mad at video games

I'm not even bad at video games, but it always sets people off.

a comeback is a counter and an escalation
saying "it's just a game" is trying to diffuse the situation

it's more like running away than it is like winning

Except that you do win

Sure, if you completely change the definition of win. Of course that sounds like something you would do.

>and you're just an ass, bro.

I always say "stay mad" and butthurt usually ensues.

This is good.

Yupiel-sama no Geboku by nanashi


But the point of the OP is that saying "Its just a game" is being said disingenuously in order to make people mad and or make them realize they're acting like children by getting angry.

The best comeback is: go back to league of legends/doTa 2

>that doujin

I don't generally interact with people online unless I have to. I don't respond to hate mail and I don't send it.

Who was the author again? I just remember some numbers

This hentai is fucking terrible
Stop posting it.

>Someone gets mad and blows up in chat over nothing
>Call a votekick and type "bye bye shitter"
>____ has left the room (Votekicked)

What's wrong user?
Too smug for you?

If someone is already mad at you, it doesn't matter what you say. Those two outcomes will still be the most likely.

kys yourself

It doesn't defuse situations, it shuts them down entirely by being a statement where you lose if you reply to it, and you still lose, but less so, if you don't.

The art is terrible. Girl looks retarded. Smug is forced as fuck.
This one is much better

The art is terrible. Girl looks retarded. Smug feels forced as fuck.
This one is much better

>forced smig
Wew, you just unleashed a new weapon in the memetic warfare.

The art is terrible. Girl looks retarded. Smug feels forced as fuck.
This one is much better

The best comeback is to say nothing and keep doing whatever it is you were doing that made them mad in the first place

How the hell did you fuck that up?

The art is terrible. Girl looks retarded. Smug feels forced as fuck.
This one is much better

What does this even mean?



Fuck off gookmoot let me post delicious smug.

>someone gets mad at you in a video game

>puprosely not specifying what for
it's not even a comeback.
If team sees complain as legit, you're just shitter saiyng "leave me alone!"
If they don't, he lost argument before you even answered

there's something wrong with site lately, happened to me too.

gookmoot turns the servers to shit at night to panic people into Sup Forums death and sell passes

yea I'm saving this

im on phone mind upload a screen? so it will look better

im on phone mind upload a screen? so it will look better

>hehe my copy paste reply totally wins all my interwebs arguments hehe XD

>that one guy that keeps typing during a match instead of playing
>argues that others are bad
>"This team is such shit!"
>[butthurt has left the game]
>go on to win the match without them

Every, time.

>it's just a game
Only said exclusively by shitters, I dont bother replying to people who say that because they already outed themselves as a shitter.

it's not a doujin

You sound mad as fuck that you get shot down with copypasted replies

user, it's a lost battle

Hi Virra

The numbers were a seven, a four and another seven
It's up to you to figure out the order.

The art is terrible. Girl looks retarded. Smug feels forced as fuck.
This one is much better

>get good at video game
>everyone starts to accuse you of cheating

>playing mercy
>miss someone when i do a team rez
>calls me a useless slut
>dick gets hard
h-help how do i stop being like this

I think your penis is broken, that's not supposed to happen

How can I fix my broken penis? Or is it no use?

>posting cropped porn without any sources
Stop that

but it gets hard when i rub it too?

>not having read all lolidom porn already
Cum on step it up

cut it off and leave it to your friendly neighbors to impregnate white women.

ah cutting it off doesn't seem like it would help at all..


Not that guy, but I recommend using a vibrating dildo while you play, wired so that it goes off at maximum intensity whenever you do something wrong in a game. For maximum effect, dress up in slutty cosplay



Putting the guy in the mad mood is already winning, telling him "its just game" is savouring this victory.
