Dragon Ball

>tfw you won't be able to play ningen exterminator simulatorâ„¢ for a long time

The episode was anticlimactic as fuck

thanks doc

Was basically made to sell XV2 dlc
The 5 minute time limit on blue vegito is probably also to make people shut up about using him to defeat future big bads

>Retcon Potara fusion

Yeah nah, I'm done.
Super is shit.

>their new attempt at mimicking the original dbz superfast fighting
>they literally just sped up the animation

Thanks doc

>goku just suddenly gets stronger than fused Zamasu when he was barely able to hold off against 1 unfused.
>kills half of him???
>oh also you can just have everyone channel their energy into you, no need for a spirit bomb or anything
>earrings only last an hour for some reason now.

fucking GARBAGE

>Was basically made to sell XV2 dlc

>Wish for absolute immortality with the super dragonballs; magical artifacts the size of planets used to summon a godly dragon capable of granting any wish whatsoever
>lol fusion so it doesn't work anymore!

Why are the dragonballs so worthless?

Is Zamasu already defeated?

One half is immortal and the other isn't, it makes sense that it doesn't work nearly as well as it once did.

Why do you think they split up in DBZ user? It was never explained.

>It was never explained

Hold on I thought it was said multiple times that the chemicals and shit inside Buu's body undid the fusion?

it was exactly this

According to the wiki it could have been due to neither of them being Kais.

That was just an assumption. If the weird state of his body was enough to defuse him then it really should have just killed him.

I haven't been keeping up with Super, but when did the supreme kai defuse with kibito? Why did he stay that way until recently but now suddenly vegito only lasts an hour or whatever?

So all it takes to circumvent the wish granted by the Dragon of the gods is to fuse someone with someone else and THEN kill him. That's some shitty "immortality."

maybe, all you saw at the end was Trunks splitting him in half, for all we know that could have just killed half of him and the other half will regenerate making him stronger than ever before.

it would explain all-chan was summoned

>ear rings only last an hour
Wow that's a really big over sight, correct me if I'm wrong but didn't one of the Kai's need to wish for him and kobeato to separate in an earlier episode of super?

How the fuck do you manage to make something worse then GT?

Used the namekian dragonballs.

The next episode preview pretty much confirmed Zamasu is dead considering we're saying bye to future trunks again.

he wished to be unfused, Vegito only lasted like 5 minutes, it pooped itself because SSJB is to strong a form to sustain fusion for very long.

Kais stay fused, they defused because they wished to with the plot-balls.

Potara only lasted as long as it did for the same reason SSJ3 gotenks unfused after like 10 minutes, more energy used = shorter transformation. The limit existing at all was a retcon, but them defusing at all didn't make sense in the buu saga either and was kind of hand-waived by the writers so fuck it whatever dragonball writing I guess.

possibly, he shows up for some reason, maybe to finish him off for good, he is supposed to be embarrassingly strong after all.

We don't know how he died, he could still be an immortal half-zamasu that gets fucked by Zeno because only the creator of everything can kill him.

Immortals can also be beaten by sealing technique like Mafuba,

Immortality =/= unbeatable

it lasts an hour for everyone except for supreme kais

The time limit only applies to non-kais, Zamasu fuses with his gay twin and stays that way with no limits.

>How the fuck do you manage to make something worse then GT

You don't, there is not a single redeemable aspect of GT other than the fact that it has a better artstyle than Super and maybe the OP.

It's confirmed that they destroy his body since it's half mortal, but his immortal spirit lives on and just starts fucking shit up in a cloud of evil God-Ki. Zeno is summoned to fix that mess which is poetic considering Zamasu considered himself some ultimate god with no equal.

No word on what's going to happen with all the illegal time fuckery once All-chan finds out.

Time limit existing wasn't a retcon. There wasn't a "time limit". The potaras gave out because of the massive power that Vegito had.

Black wasn't a Kai, explain that away.

>there is not a single redeemable aspect of GT

I would literally fight you over this statement you faggot.

Wasn't Black Zamasu?

Zamasu inhabiting Goku's body, so not a Kai anymore.

Magic pants.

SSJ4 looks ok on Vegeta, like fucking ass on Goku, and the colour scheme sucks donkey dick.

Good idea bad execution. Especially the way Vegeta got it like what the fuck even .

he still has his soul, which is more important

Zamasu himself was still a kai.


yes, but Black wasn't, so why didn't the fusion fail?

I disagree man, all the SSJ4s look awesome.

Kai + non Kai = Kai permanent fusion rules.

Two mortals means it's temporary.

because Zamasu was a kai.

>bra appears in dbz and is older then pan
>not in super at all
>Vegeta gets cucked for the freeza kill because "hurr durr goku are da stornkist"
>pileaf gets more screen time then both gohan and goten combined
>gohan becomes weaker in a shorter span in super then he does in GT also he becomes a bitch that can't even handle a fucking freeza soldier
>introduces red god form only to throw it under the bus immediately.
>the fights are awful and there's no drama behind them
>jacko being showhorned in for no good reason and giving bulma a random sister for no reason
>trunks mary sue power up bullshit
>20 years of trunks hair being purple gets reconned for absolutely no reason.
>Every villain becomes a joke or a friend or they come back
>uub is nowhere to be seen despite being shown at the end of Z
As stupid as GT was at least it didn't retcon stuff that happened in Z plus god form's are literally just a coat of paint deviant art tier shit super saiyan 4 is dumb but at least there was some creative thought behind it.

The really annoying thing was that the Black/Zamasu arc was actually pretty cool in patches.

As opposed to what? Looping the same five frames of animation over and over again real fast?

>hating on SSJ4

Don't tell me you actually think SSJ god/B is good?

>Vegito has magic clothes
>this is ok
>Gogeta has magic clothes
>this is ok
>but apparently it's not ok when SSJ4 does it

>20 years of trunks hair being purple gets reconned for absolutely no reason.

What if he was ALWAYS SSB.

those rules are not stated anywhere

>You hate thing so you like thing

No. SSJ4 was bad in 1996 and does not fucking change that you deflecting vagina.

>Zamasu made the exact same mistake as Trunks and went for bulk


Kais can perma fuse with other beings. An exemple would be the elder kai that fused with some random old witch.

Then he'd never have had to time travel to beat the androids and cell gets denied.

he didn't deserve what he got

I hope U6 Zamassu is ok

fucking ningens

He wore the time ring which only Kais can do. It's almost like a gods soul is more important than his body

makes sense, I forgot about that

>fusion of 2 people
>fusion of 2 people
>one's just a transformation

Yes it isn't because they never learned any ability to change their clothes at will.


Why do people still watch this trash? It's like Sailor Moon Crystal levels of terrible.

And why would Toriyama give his okay? Does he desperately need money?

Whatever happened to the cool dude Kai that hosted the tourney goku was in the otherworld?

I guess he's the kai that time forgot.

But it was purple in Z.

Nigga rules don't apply to Dragon Ball. Remember Toriyama forgets shit all the time.

We're now almost 70 episodes in, and Goku STILL hasn't won a fight yet. I'm not counting Winnie the Pooh, or his sparring match with Zamasu.


If you could do that what wouldyou make people wear?

So magic clothes are ok when two people are involved but one person doing it is preposterous?

The movie recaps shouldn't count honestly. I don't know why they bothered.

I don't think that was canon

Trunks confirmed for super sayian rose.


Its not in the manga but its still got Goku v Pikkon, the best filler fight of all time.


he is not dead, he just lost his body. He's still immortal after all. Zeno incoming to finish him off.

>tfw no Zamasu that switched bodies with Monaka after watching him win the tournament on Kamitube

there's literally a line of exposition about it right before they use the potara

But even the Gods/Kais are mortals seeing as how Buu was able to kill a bunch of them. Also why didn't Beerus or the stronger gods intervene when Buu was killing them?

>no pikkon at all in super fighting in the god torny
fuck everything

That's not how that works you could do see though clothing though.

Supposed spoilers are saying that while Zamasu's body and mind were obliterated, he still exists in some capacity as a weird gaseous cloud thing hovering over the skies of Trunks' timeline, so that have to call Zeno to clean it up.

cut in half in this week's episode by trunks using his sword infused with spirit bomb
we dont know if this is the end or is he going to regenerate or some shit

wait for the damn manga faggots

Toyotaro and Toriyama will fix this shit that Toei has done.

Reminder Kibito Shin only unfused with the dragon balls so the readers know that is what vegetto will use to not look like an asspull.

Two people combining to get a new set of clothes or a combination of their styles of clothes makes more sense then the same entity transforming into a new pair of pants

Absolute immortality? No, that might have actually been useful. Instead he asked for his specific body to be immortal. So if you lose half of that to a fusion with some other asshole who made a far weirder wish....

That whole section was weird as fuck to begin with.

>buu literally has an ecosystem inside of him even though he's basically sentient gum
>buu absorbed everyone else without issue, but whatever retarded energy shield kept vegito safe
>vegito then immediately breaks back into goku and vegeta
>original kai that made buu become fat buu just isn't there and only fat buu

Beerus confirmed lazy fuck who sleeps for years at a time. Meanwhile is brother is just a fat glutton.

If I ever plan on rewatching this series, I'm just watching BoG, RoF, and then jumping into the tournament arc.

Vegetto wasn't half dead back in DBZ

That's not what mortal means.

Anyway Beerus didn't do anything because the gods of destruction are linked to the supreme kais, when one does the other dies. I think that's why old kai was locked in the sword to begin with.

who's the other half of Beerus? The Kai that if killed Beerus dies as well?

What's with those fucking gay ear piercings?

Where did Dragon Ball go so wrong?

is this Sup Forums?

at the end of the cell games buu is where they started getting really stupid.

I mean really, fighting fucking gumball?

Sup Forums has always had Dragon Ball threads.

Toriyama never wanted them to stay fused back in DB. (Which is why goku and vegeta destroy 2 SETS OF POTARA EARRINGS after unfusing)

Toriyama made potara permanent, so he made them unfuse while in buu due to his magic air shit (goku mentioned they could fuse when they get out, and again got cocky his SSJ3 could beat kid buu since he was weaker than super buu) so the asspull isn't as stupid as
>lol but no ningen actually have time limit

Potara earrings itself were rare, you couldn't actually make them which is why Kaioshin and kibito shin got shocked when they destroyed it.

this pretty much confirms Trunks killed him for good

except if this is true
but that would be lame lol

Apparently Beerus was sleeping and Whis didn't give a fuck. Also, does anyone notice Buu's backstory is pretty much the same as Beerus? Wakes up, destroys shit, goes to sleep forever, wakes up, destroys shit.

Yeah because people stay dead in dragonball

Oh wait.

>buu literally has an ecosystem inside of him even though he's basically sentient gum
That was an anime thing. In the manga they just walk for a bit and find the others.
>buu absorbed everyone else without issue, but whatever retarded energy shield kept vegito safe
Why not? If Buu's matter doesn't touch them, they won't be absorbed.

Evderything else doesn't make sense though.

Woah fuck I actually thought I was on Sup Forums

villains do. Freezer is an exception.

Thanks, doc.