No health

>No health
>Enemies keep spawning

>Boss is close to death
>Use up your last resources to finally kill it
>"boss endured"
>"boss regained its health"

>name 10 things that aren't "objective : survive" thread

>clutch with 1hp and clear area
>walk around trying to find health
>accidentally trigger the next area of enemies
>they hit you faster than you can react
>checkpoint is at the previous area

>enemies infinitely spawn until you pass an arbitrary line

>camera stays on you after you die
>enemies still attack your corpse

have you tried running?

>small room level
>there is few invisible enemies who kills you with one hit

>What is Goldeneye 007?

>boss hits you
>1HP left
>shit gets intense
>it was fucking scripted

>camera stays on you after you die
>enemies talk to each other like nothing happened

>Full health and new equipment
>Become cocky as fuck
>End up dying anyway because i was being reckless

>Get ready to make that finishing barrage with your main gun on the boss
>Boss starts charging it's fuck shit up attack
>click to fire
>Stops for stupid fucking reload animation
Anybody who makes 20 or under clip limit needs to fucking develop stage 4 brain tumors and die.

>camera stays on you after you die
>the exact nano second your cpu has processed that your health reaches zero, all guards instantly switch back to patroling mode and animation as if nothing had ever happened

>enemies respawn if you pass an arbitrary line

>screen goes black after you die for a few seconds to load a unique cutscene of you getting destroyed

>enemies keep spawning
>your weaker units get surrounded

>About to die
>Kill all targets in the area
>''New targets have appeared!''

>No enemies
>Health keeps spawning

>camera stays on you after you die
>wild animals devour your corpse

>but it's fair because you spend the game as a wild animal that devours corpses

>open door
>enemy drops from ceiling and start attacking you
fuck that always give me heart attack without fail.

objective: defend your position

>Go inside rooms
>Some shitty mooks spawn
>Pick up items
>Some more mooks spawn
>Go towards exit
>A whole fuck-heap of mooks spawn

>Oh Yeah Life Goes On starts playing

>last room before the final boss
>enemies keeps fucking spawning
>for like 10 minutes
kingdom hearts was fun

>boss is close to death
>you calculated everything to finish him with a good margin of error
>he learns a new super strong move that activates when he's below 10%

>hyped bossfight
>get boss to minimal health
>cutscene where boss escapes
>never encounter boss again

>About to kill an enemy that's right next to my face
>He dodged it!
>Proceeds to kill you in one hit

Fucking Fire Emblem, man.

They come in waves, they don't spawn for specific amount of time silly.

>they proceed to attack everything in sight

>if you don't kill everything before the NPC sees it, they kill you

Obviously, it just took me 10 minutes or so.

>oy lad, like, go out there and defeat whole army, like thousand heartless that stand in our way
>you really fight thousand heartless
shit was great

>get thrown into earlier part
>you went back before arbitary line
>enemies spawn again

you have to click the portal to bring in the reinforcements or they will spawn indefinitely


to be fair almost every nes game is guilty of this because tracking which enemies you killed costs memory which was a luxury back then

Yeah but NG was way more ruthless about it than most. In most other games the enemy had to actually be off-screen where NG would continuously respawn the enemy if their spawn point was anywhere near the edge of the screen.

>this happens
>some soulscuck makes a video explaining why this makes his game the greatest thing ever crafted.

oh yes ninja gaiden was literally designed to be unfair
all dem instadeath pitfalls, good times

>enemies come in waves
>kill one wave
>each wave only has one possible spawn location
>happen to be standing in the middle of the wave 2 spawn

>NPC escort mission
>they move faster than your walk speed but slower than your run speed

>enemies keep spawning until you run out of ammo

>game detects that you have "enough" ammo and removes ammo pickups from the world
thanks Silent Hill

>there's an infinite ammo trick

>game has invisible threshold for healing item and ammo
>when low on ammo but lots of healing items, game intentionally spawns more healing items
>when low on healing items but packed full with ammo, game intentionally spawns more ammo
>when low on both game gives whichever you have more of
>when you have lots of both, game stops giving you supplies and gives you more enemies

If it wasn't Silent Hill or Resident Evil that did this, it was some other survival horror game i played

Homeworld 1/2 had adjustive difficulty, like if you finished last mission with a shiltoad of ships then enemies get more units and become more aggressive.

Enemy Zero?

>Objective: Survive
>No enemies
>Must grow your own food

>Attack has 99.99% chance of hitting
>It misses three times in a row
>Enemy's attack has a negative chance to win
>Hits every time

>pinned down by snipers, infantry and mutants while a hind is shooting hellfire missles at you

im ONE fucking person. god damn CNPP

> laying inna trench
> covered in blood, from both fronts
> only one clip left

fucking Dead Island. There was some fuck you had to escort in the Jungle map that did that. I distinctly remember being stuck in a reload loop where he would charge forwards, aggro several of the big fuckers and die almost instantly.

like escort missions arent bad enough

>get ai subordinates
>the only control you have over them is telling them where to move

>camera stays on you after you die
>wild animals raids your corpse

>game detects you don't have enough ammo and spawns more along the way
>this happens in the hardest difficulty as well

>Boss suddenly stops attacking if you stand under them
>Just chip away at them instead of having to avoid one hit mechanics

>Faggot toss grenades everywhere

Which game?