Count me in, numbskulls. What are some examples of characters who join your party for no good reason?
Count me in, numbskulls. What are some examples of characters who join your party for no good reason?
FE is full of them, Geitz, Karel, Calill, Largo.
>implying FUCK SHINRA isn't a good enough reason for Cid
>Not @#£$ SHINRA
the entire cast of Chrono Cross
Every Skyrim follower.
Especially Faendal. Gets hooked up with a girl just to get dragged away for free archery training.
Yuffie had a great reason but it's strange how reluctant she was. Is she a tsundere thief or something?
cait sith had his reason but he stayed after the betrayal too.hmm. thinking out loud is obnoxious isnt it
Cid was really underwritten. There are a few moments in the story where he gets to shine, and the Huge Materia quest shows that he has a completely different worldview than the rest of the cast. He doesn't believe in all the "Will of the Planet" mumbo-jumbo and believes that science will carry humanity forward. But he ends up irrelevant at the end of the day.
The entire cast of LISA
>tfw still haven't seen remake Cid
Don't care about the tits, furfaggotry or edge, jst show me based Cid.
Sure she had plenty of reason later on, but what basically happened is that she was moving buncha trees for people she doesn't know and she agreed to help to party to sneak into the castle cause she couldn't give less of a fuck and tagged along with them because party needed to go to her hometown too.
Final Fantasy V's own main character had no particular reason to be there, and only stuck around for the fun of it, and because he was guilted into it by a giant chicken.
That part in the forest? She was being tsundere yes. "i'm leaving! Really! ....ok wait hold up!' since they didn't seem to give two fucks if she came along or not and then realizing this and 'giving in' to assist them, while plotting her masterful plot.
Until you make him learn Highwind anyway.
>oh ho ho ho you cheated with a coin?
>oh ho ho ho I guess I'll join you then!
>Take my airship!
Who are you kidding, he wanted that hot royal ass. Men have been doing stupid shit over women since time immemorial.
Sorry to disagree with you user but there were a number of really good reasons. 3 of them in fact.
90% of the playable characters here
Gogo in FFVI. Pretty sure he doesn't say a word he just joins
I don't know if it's ever explained why she stays with the party. You'd think she would want to gtfo after being kidnapped with you...
>implying he needed a better reason than to adventure around the world for fun and glory with two hot babes a bad ass grandpa and then another member of his harem
And that's why Bartz is the best FF protagonist to this day.
He talks but it's something like
>man i been taking a shit here for ages time to see outside world
The majority of the cast in Final Fantasy 6.
In Saga Frontier, I think there were some characters that joined you without ever saying anything. You wouldn't even know they joined you till you checked your menu.
So basically Ronfar from Eternal blue?
This, Suikoden and the onion from BoF3.
That feel when characters still join you after you hit the limit and you can't use them.
So is Cid still gonna be a wife abuser?
To be fair she never really gets a chance, that section of the game wi Balio and Sunder is really breakneck. She's also clearly a good person and was at least somewhat invested in helping you escape, and it's not too long after you get caught again so she doesn't have much chance to leave.
Karel in FE7? He joins becsuse you've got a strong group and he's looking for a good fight.
Xenoblade Chronicles has a few that join for flimsy story reasons
The fact you have to so their arc when you meet them soured me on them. Especially Riki
Thats wrong. He knew he had outlived his usefulness to the empire, and that he was going to be on their list soon enough. He joined out of self preservation.
The more important issue is why some characters stay with you when their five seconds of story are clearly over with and they have no more relevance in the plot whatsoever.
Looking at you, Freya and Agrias.
Wasn't that just because Celes reminded him of his dead girlfriend?
they all want to protect their homes/races from the mechonis.
>not realizing Riki doesn't join you, you join Riki
That would be Locke.
yes 15's Cid is going to beat her wife all the time.