Lisa is better than Undertale meme

>Lisa is better than Undertale meme

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Lisa is easily the best jrpg from the last 10 years

Lisa the painful was actually fun, unlike undermeme

But fun is completely subjective while objectively, in Undertale, you are given actual choices versus the illusion of choice constantly displayed throughout the game. Therefore, Undertale is a game where the things you actually do (or the way you play the game) has more of an effect than Lisa, making it more of a game. Therefore, if you like Lisa over Undertale, you like nongames over games.

Sup Forums BTFO

Do I have to pay for either of them? And are either of them even worth not paying to play in the first place?

>3 ips

So by your logic, the walking dead is more of a game than Spec Ops The Line.

They are completely different games with completely different messages, themes, gameplay, everything.

Not comparable at all imo. The Earthbound elements in Undertale are kind of superficial details at best (big friendly text, simplistic art, child's journey etc).

Meanwhile when you play Lisa, you distinctly feel that similar sensation that EB gave you, where you want to explore and gather allies and confront whatever has poisoned your world, and present your perspective to it.

Which is funny, because naturally anyone who played both games can tell you that this is one of the few scenarios that play out completely linearly, and not one of the few scenes where the choice will actually fuck you up later in LISA. Meanwhile in Undertale, the biggest choice you make in the game is generally in the first area, and everything else just defaults you to a neutral ending later.

In short, both games fail to deliver an extravagant amount of expectations. What a surprise.

The only choices in Undertale that matter is if you decide to spare everyone or kill everyone.


>30 companions
>Level design with actual secrets
>Russian Roulette
>Every time you want to rest
Lisa isn't about a kickstarter gimmick; binary choices but bloated with a dozen endings that collectively preach some tumblr retrospective video game philosophy shit.

Lisa is a fun little rpg with level design that isn't complete shit, combat that mostly isn't tedious filler, a bitchin soundtrack and a gut-wrenching absurdist story whose lack of gross narrative choice serves a dramatic purpose.

choices do not determine how much of a game something is, otherwise Give Yourself Goosebumps is the best video game of all time. Player agency is how you determine how good a game is. A game that railroads you or where your only interactions are occasional choices are why am I even bothering replying to a complete shitposter, here's the response you were looking for:

Is this a JoJo reference?

But atleast every individual choice inbetween has an actual outcome in the neutral ending.

Can you even reach the actual water bucket?

>collectively preach some tumblr retrospective video game philosophy shit.

how is LISA not doing the same thing? Just look at the OP

parody is still preaching

you're wrong faggot, what makes a game a game is challenge. Also Lisa has multiple ending.

>making it more of a game.
Fucking top b8 m8 look at them (You)s

No, he blocks the way. inb4: this isn't an rpg if you can't choose to have gay sex with olan

>Illusion of Choice doesn't conflict with player agency

I preferred the gameplay of undertale, but as an RPG lisa has a lot more complexity because there is partner choice and such. I also liked LISA's story more. The whole meta thing undertale did was neat, but in the end it all accounted for either an edgy grimdark deviantartbait story or just your kinda average hopeful ending.
LISA's story was neat because the characters were almost all terrible people, and it made things seem bleak. You root for them at times but then they do terrible things that make you pause and think about your actions. The scene where Brad beats one of his best friends near to death because he MIGHT know where Buddy is was a pretty big turning point.

I kinda have problems with the two other LISA things though. LISA the First was kinda generic and it's story was really dull. It's imagery was very overt and it really didn't go anywhere, you pretty much figure it out in the first few minutes. And the Joyful has some really good character development on Rando, Brad, and Razzo, but I feel the new characters were kinda lame, we never figured out enough about Lando, and we never saw a more natural progression of Buddy going from innocent-ish girl to asshole murdering machine.

Basically I think the Painful is better than Undertale, but the other two are behind it. Also I am gonna be honest they both have great OST's but I prefer some of the weird songs LISA goes for. Stuff like is pretty neato.

Because the purpose of that NPC's entire existence is a setup for a punchline that happens two hours later. That's it.

>No, he blocks the way.
Then the game is garbage, because it shows you the water bucket but its unreachable, so any subsequent runthrough you would know its impossible to follow the correct path.

Do the different LISA games have any connecting parts? Like do I need to play them in order?

You can reach the water bucket after the gas bucket, but the kids are already burnt to a crisp by the time you get down.

post developer meltdown

It really doesn't. I can 'choose' from multiple dialogue paths that only add flavor like in your typical pokemon game and I'd still have more agency, and thus, more of a game, than something like The Walking Dead which has actual meaningful choices.

Don't need to play Lisa the First. Gotta play Painful before Joyful though.
All you need to know about the First is that Lisa is Brad's sister and their father sexually and physically abused her. Thats all that game is about.

LISA the Walking Simulator just gives you some insight that Lisa had a hard life. Lisa The Painful is the beginning of Brad's Story. Lisa the Joyful happens directly after the end of Painful, so I would say yes, play in order.

>Walking dead choices mean anything

It's hard to decide which OST I prefer.
However I think it's probably LISA. It has some real emotional tracks. is a personal favorite and the way breaks down near the end and turns into Lisa's theme only to fix itself is pretty neat.

it's still mildly more meaningful than pokemon's dialogue 'choices'.

They were both entertaining.
I liked Lisa better because it didn't have straight up homestuck humor and didn't take itself as seriously.

Who you kill or spare in any genocide run changes the ending. Playing through Pacifist after doing a Genocide Run has a unique ending. Hell, Flowey will even berate the player if you go through all of Pacifist and then kill Asgore, accusing you of wasting everyone's time.

He also has commentary during the intro if you killed Toriel and then started a new game. There were lots of clever little flags. Almost every character name in the entire game can be entered into Name Entry with a unique response and some even affecting the run directly.

Even Frisk's internal monologue will turn into Chara's if you play violently.

What are you talking about? Lisa has a few meta jokes, but they're just that and mostly serve the narrative as subtext, not metatext.
>This balloon saved just saved your life
It's not really a joke about the fact that it has a collider or that players will suicide just to attempt it on first seeing a cliff-face. It's an absurdist joke and allegory for Brad's place in the world. In Lisa, the balloon would turn around with a troll face and spout some memes.

Lisa's message is about masculinity, not "omg hav u ever noticed games r violent?!"

Anyone else think Yado is the worst character?

Okay, thank you.

So don't bother with this one then?

Well Lisa took itself seriously when it came to the overall plot. However the character interaction and dialogue is a lot more silly than homestuck got.
It's a nice contrast. How the characters who joke around and say stupid shit 15 minutes earlier can get into some horrible shit.

>any opinion other than mine is a meme

Don't play the joyful, though. It's a revision of a lot of what makes the painful great.

You can if you want, but it aint necessary. The story is a lot more simple and isn't entirely necessary to understand the others. It lets you hear some familiar music for the other games though.

>meme is better than meme meme

>game developed by a literal cuck
>better than anything

I like the idea of him, but he was done very poorly.
He needed more character development. Almost everyone in Lisa are terrible people but they have reasons that make some tidbit of sense why they are terrible.
Brad is both filled with rage and guilty over the death of his sister, which was partially his fault. Buddy had been ogled and abused pretty much the whole game, and was locked in a basement for most of her life, Buzzo loved Lisa and wanted to punish Brad and the world for letting her die.
But Yado had nothing, he was just a dick with a trumpet. He needed some reason.

Two different games for two different audiences.

LISA is much more niche, while Undertale appeals to a wider audience.

I'll just play Joyful then.

Thanks again fellas.

Whichever one you played first is the better one

No the painful.
Also I disagree, I would play the Joyful after the painful, but understand the only characters who got good story in it are ones who are barely in it. Almost everything else feels uneeded.

The Joyful is pure retard, Yado wasn't a character. He was just a recurring joke: that the background music has some environmental basis.
>B-But what if he was following the player and was the b-b-big bad guy
He was just a continuing joke, just like the radio's that flip bgm, or the fact that the body builders are the source of their area's music and the radio within flips that.

But I played undertale first and like Lisa better.

Oh yeah, I meant painful.
I must've been thinking of Joyful while typing Painful, I do that kind of thing all the time.

I liked the story for Buzzo, Brad, and Brando in Joyful. Shame all the rest of it really didn't matter at all. Like the only parts of the story that matter were the start, the end (which was kinda shitty) and Brando dying RIP you pure soul.

I love them both but I think Undertale is at least more accessible than Lisa.

Not even in a git gud sense but how Lisa's structured like a metroidvania but there's no map or any real direction at all. Pick a hole, go through a cave, travel a stretch of land fighting enemies, fuck I've already been here, go back, repeat. Put some signs up for christ sake.

Now please tell me why I'm wrong and its supposed to be annoyingly vague and tedious.

>lisa is the best japanse RPG

I believe that was the joke, friend.
He is claiming Lisa did their formula better than them.

then ur a fricken weirdo


Friendly reminder that if you purchase LISA you're supporting a self-hating SJW who has explicitly said his future games will have SJW themes out the ass.

It blows my mind you can somehow still beat the game with both arms cut off. i had to let him have the nipple the second time because i couldn't suspend my disbelief that he could get anything done with no arms.

I liked Joyful, personally. It felt a lot more tense than Painful because of the increased difficulty, scarce supplies, and the fact that you don't have party members. Gave it a more genuine post-apocalyptic feel that I didn't really get in Painful, since I thought it was way too easy.
It also had some seriously bitchin', weird fucking tunes.


Careful posting that is a bannable offense

Yeah it's OST and gameplay was kickass, I just didn't like the story that much.

>this song appeared in an AT&T commercial

I do not understand, why would you hate your own race? Or why you would even give a shit what race anyone is?

Why should I care.
If he wants to give a message then I will listen. If he tells it poorly or overdoes it then it will be shitty, but I will at least give him a chance.
I aint afraid of opinions.
Also doesn't make Lisa bad.

What the fuck? I thought he's some kind of Aryan masculine half-god.

>Difficulty drops after mid game
>Altered story: Rando was more Jagi/Raoh in painful, Brad was over protective not psychopathic, Lisa wanted to save the world from what little she knew

>want to finish game with every companion
>get to Buckets

god knows how many fucking save trips between the damn crow and the Russian Roulette parlor. And the last guy takes two fucking shots. and for all the potential party members lost to get Bucket, he is garbage and not even worth it

I like you, user. This dude knows how to enjoy video games.

You're so cool user

Orson Scott Card and Frank Herbert are/were both homophobes, but I still hold their books in high regard. As long as Austin doesn't preach SJW shit in his next game, I don't really care what he believes. It sure doesn't invalidate LISA if nothing else.

ding isn't a pro musicman so he generally samples, atat just happened to use the same sample

>As long as Austin doesn't preach SJW shit in his next game

I know I'm pretty great right.

I Enjoyed both.
Op is just bating and needs to off himself.

when the fuck did this happen, wasn't he working on a game called racist ninjas or some shit?

mikenemonic is a boss in Lisa
Wow I haven't heard from that guy in a long ass time. I used to watch him before he got all pewdiepie crazy.

I'm mostly surprised that he's suddenly surprised that the personality he was giving off is suddenly misunderstood after he quickly turns into a passive aggressive whiner with an inferiority complex, suddenly claiming all of his fans are white supremacists after he shits out tweets harder than a single fifty year old woman posts Wage Gap theories on Facebook.

I'll still give his game a go, even if I disagree with how he's handling his egotistic meltdown.

Man don't forget buzzo. Tragic villain bullshit.

Right after Trump got elected. Immediately after in fact.

Still can't pull that sample and Summer Love without having thought of it, though. That's my problem.

>tfw everyone kept hyping up the mike/satan fight saying it was complete bullshit hard-as-fuck and how all my dudes would die
>finally get to do it, tense as fuck
>kill him without taking even a single tick of damage because of lucky RNG rolls with my patented stun+pissed combo
I'm both happy and disappointed.

Well they already implied he was doing it because of tragedy. "You deserve much more for what you did to her" and such.
I think making him have some tragic reason is better than him just sorta doing it. Kinda wish he didn't apologize for torturing Brad, seemed out of character. Motherfucker was vindictive against Brad, no reason to start feeling bad about him.

He was until he lost his dad.

I'm not american. Could you explain me why all these people are so butthurted? Why the foreign media is openly pro-Hillary?

Wat, that baloon was there because some asshole reviewer accidently jumped off the cliff and then complained he got a game over for it so w2d put that shit in to make fun of him

I'm not American, and neither is he

No challenge in undertale. Story was good though.


Everyone's angle/debil playthroughs are the same but the neutral phonecall is pretty well tailored to your decisions and much more personal

I know this is Kojimbolb levels of conspiracy theory, but what if Austin made all those tweets to tie story of the game, which heavily satirizes any points he made to throw players off guard?
I know I'm probably wrong and he's just gone off the deep end, but you never know

>his dad helped him not fall into the influence of liberals
RIP Brad.
I just hope the game keeps political views away.

>I just hope the game keeps political views away.

You're completely right

what is

A Trump presidency with a Republic house and senate majority, with seats in the Supreme Court being planned for even more republic candidates, means that whatever bill gets thrown in is literally alive or dead as soon as it's written. Trump's whole deal was to pull back on foreign relations in favor of homeland, which is pissing off migrants and basically every country that was depending on Hillary's presidential support in the future.

tl;dr: people didn't get their way

It's not popular, therefore its better.

He's been in the closet this whole time, no one goes that off the deep end. He was always normalfag with his opinions, it just drove him that way



Most of his fans are tumblr shitters tho. It's just an edgier undertale

>no challenge in undertale
I played and enjoyed both, but genocide Undyne & Sans were harder than anything in both Painful & Joyful combined.

>ever difficult