I've had this game for 12 years, Sup Forums - and in those 12 years, I've said nothing but terrible things about it. Before I sell it for $13.83, I ask you this:
I've been unable to make the last boss in the Rainbow Butterfly Wood appear for over a decade. Is that any indication of whether or not I will enjoy (or even be able to complete) the later sections of the game?
I've had this game for 12 years, Sup Forums - and in those 12 years, I've said nothing but terrible things about it...
You mean do other bosses require exceedingly simple puzzles to beat? Rest of the game is very nice, I cannot believe you missed Balance Valley and the ocean world. Actually you may hate Balance Valley because it's comprised of 4 main platforms that you have to keep level with one another.
Are you implying the "puzzle" for RBW is easy or obvious in any way?
if you like the dungeon crawling and meta bulding, its for you, otherwise take a large knife and ram it into your chest you degenerate
are you implying it's difficult?
This is what happens when casuals start playing games.
>I couldn't make the boss of Rainbow Butterfly woods appear
In what way? Were you simply unable to call the boss to the arena? Did you make the giant flower sprout at least? If not, that means you missed a few crucial steps. It's okay, the game doesn't explain it very well, as it uses a really poorly done mechanic in-game. In particular, you need two ingredients: a seed, and some dew. Did you get that?
Yes, do you know the orders of the color of the rainbow? The boss is entirely a gimmick based around something you learned as a child.
Funny thing user, you don't even need to know that. THERE'S A RAINBOW IN THE BACKGROUND OF THE FIGHT.
Maybe you should tell us on what part you are exactly stuck on. Because I can't tell if it's the boss of actually getting the seed to make the boss appear. You do know you need to build up the village to revive Jurak right?
>I've said nothing but terrible things about it
Why, OP? It's one of the best games from that generation.
>could never get past the boss of the shipwreck in Dark Cloud 1
La Saia? Goro is your friend in that fight.
I've yet to make him even appear. I have not built the village and I have yet to revive Jurak. Does the rest of the game require me to do side shit like this to advance?
>12 years, I've said nothing but terrible things about it
I have never been so upset on Sup Forums
dark cloud 2 is the single best game that has ever been created. I hate you
user, georama is the entire focus of the game outside the dungeons. It is the only way to progress.
So you've ignored one of the major gameplay mechanics and you're wondering why you can't progress?
You stupid fuck
And honestly, it's one of the most fun.
At least try geosphere (golf minigame) before selling it
>Are you I have to engage in an activity that is the only reason anyone even cares about the game?
Wow. Literally sell it to someone who can actually enjoy it and then right after you've shipped it well packed, kill yourself.
Pretty sure you can beat her by just spamming her with bombs too
I got past the first georama city with the tree but once it got to the next place it got too complicated and I stopped playing it.
>in those 12 years, I've said nothing but terrible things about it
>I've been unable to make the last boss in the Rainbow Butterfly Wood appear for over a decade.
Holy fuck you're a complete retard. Sell the game to someone with enough braincells to solve trivial puzzles.
>At least try geosphere (golf minigame) before selling it
People like that? I always thought it was the worst thing about the game.
I'm pretty sure it would only make OP sell his game even quicker
idk, I liked it