Is there any truth in this

Is there any truth in this

>Marvel Ultimate Alliance?!?! Really


if you did this to even a gamer girl she'd probably reluctantly accept while her brain is telling her "I'll never let this guy fuck me"

because lets be honest if there's a real girl gamer out there, she probably plays a guy and doesn't bring attention to her gender

why is Donald Duck about to spray ejaculate all over her face with a delirious expression

>Our relationship is an Marvel Ultimate Alliance
What did (s)he mean by this

Does this mean I should start hitting on guys because one day, eventually, one will be a man (Female)?

>I will always let you DualShock me

>I promise I will always let you controller me.

What did she mean by that?

That's unbelievably cringy, if they actually play video games. On the other hand, this looks more like the work of a caring (non-gamer) girlfriend that wanted to appease her boyfriend without knowing any better. And in that case, it's fucking adorable.

>ill let you control me
>im in BURNOUT paradise

Jesus fuck, i never get used to this image

>I will always let you DualShock 4 Wireless Controller for PlayStation 4 - Jet Black me

not sure what you're saying but traps are far more selfish, neurotic and shitty humans than biological women

only a vocal minority of faggots spam the trap meme. the real trap is when you turn 30 and kill yourself

>I'll let you control me

thats fucked up mann

>only way

Jesus christ the younger generation is doomed

>I'll let you DualShock®3 Wireless Controller me

>Jesus christ the younger generation is doomed
-Every generation since the dawn of mankind

t. gen-Z

Sounds dirty

>people identify as "gamers"

t. Gen Y

damn right kiddo

>ask a gamer out
I'll take "things that never happen" for 300, Alex.

>all those shitty IPs
No, fuck off.

i'm so lonely